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Everything posted by martinist

  1. Tanimura never appears again in the franchise. They changed his face from the PS3 game since the guy it was modeled after was accused of using drugs or something. The guy retired from acting after that I think and they never include the character ever again. He gets replaced in Yakuza 5 by an ex-baseball player or something.
  2. 8:00pm on the 8th of December? If they don't announce Yakuza 8 then they missed a huge oppertunity.
  3. Reached number 1 in the company rankings last night. I now have more money than I know what to do with besides upgrade the forge and sticking the rest in the bank.
  4. Got mine in yesterday. I spent a good ten minutes just looking at the box. Then an hour or so of playing ball. I got around to giving mario 1 and 2 a shot eventually. I also like when the clock ticks over to an o'clock and he starts hitting a coin block however many times.
  5. Business management unlocks as part of the main story. You cant miss it. Also I'd suggest changing ichibans job to demolitionist at lest for a level or two as there is a character skill that you acquire that let's you break down walls in the open world. There is a dungeon a little later where I didn't have this skill and it gated me from some optional paths in there. You wont lose the skill after you acquire it if you change jobs again.
  6. I almost screwed up the business management when I started, it seemed really confusing with all the green and red numbers but I have a handle on it now. Only hire the employees you need to staff your establishments, you'll be wasting money if you just hire someone without assigning them to a business otherwise.
  7. I used to play alot of Hustle Kings, Sometimes I'd just waste time just knocking balls around but it had a pretty extensive career mode. I think I have this on Steam but I'd love to give it a shot on the switch. It was really graphicly impressive at the time on the PC, would like to see what it looks like when it's ported.
  8. No email at all. I only found out when I went to check my order and it had a paragraph above saying to pay by the 31st or the order will be given to someone else. Guess it's my fault for not checking regularly.
  9. Well i'm fucked. ShopTo gave my order away. I was supposed to pay for it by the 31st of October which they only informed me about when I went to check my order today. I'll pick one up next year I guess.
  10. Kinda forgot about my DBS collection order from Zavvi. Should have been here over a week ago. Taking way too long to dispatch so I ended up canceling and ordering from Amazon.
  11. ShopTo delivers early again. Wasn't expecting this untill Monday at the earliest I know what I'm playing for the rest of the month.
  12. Apparently ShopTo have changed the state of my PS5 pre-order from "Dispatching after release" to "Confirmed for day one" Sent a ticket to confirm, would be nice to actually get it on release after that debacle they put me through.
  13. Had to cancel the dinner since they called and said they had to close untill further notice. Guess I'll use the money for christmas presants or something.
  14. Got volume 1 of Chansaw Man in this morning. I kinda just bought it since I was recomended it but it is actually kind of fun so far. Might considder picking up the rest of it when the other volumes are released.
  15. I was afraid of spreading my time between Like a Dragon and Cyberpunk. Looks like I'll be playing Yakuza untill Cyberpunk comes out.
  16. So every single Chinese in Dumfries is closed on a Tuesday. >_< Ended up getting a pizza and a box of wine. Rebooked the dinner for the 6th of November. best birthday ever.
  17. The battry in my New 3DS has died and it refuses to charge. I guess it's finally decided to give up.
  18. I've heard alot of bad things about this movie. It just made me want to watch it more.
  19. So it's my birthday on Tuesday and I booked a table at a nice Italian place saying they were going to be open on the 27th but now they've closed for an extra week and won't open again untill November so I guess I'll just get a fucking chinese and a couple bottles of wine or something.
  20. of course....I'm counting down untill Guy Fawkes night.
  21. New trailer and release date for the last Evangelion rebuild movie.
  22. Pretty much. Most difficult part was probably the Hot Coco relic. The rest was pretty standard.
  23. All 3 Crash Bandicoot games platinumed.
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