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Everything posted by martinist

  1. got these out of Argos for under £10
  2. So i've been using that nintendo badge arcade thing. The claw grabber type game where the pink rabbit won't stop asking you for money. It's kinda fun but the game is pretty dead. Atleast I haven't spent a single penny on it yet. I've also been playing Picross 3D round 2 every night for a month or so now. After it's done I'll look through my 3DS backlog and see what else there is. Puzzle and Dragon maybe? I've also go those two Project X Zone games that I haven't even touched so I might try them next. Dragon Quest 7 and 8....those are going to take a while. I started playing DQ7, got a fair ways through it and put it down. I'm afraid if I load up the save again I wouldn't know where I was or what I was doing at the time.
  3. @Glen-i Always in for MK8. Not joining the SMK League, last online game I played there was like a slideshow.
  4. Parodius. Go buy it. SNES Parodius atleast. PS1 Parodius is kinda expensive...
  6. Old man got obliterated by a train in Dumfries last night.
  7. I haven't played Splatoon 2 in a good while. I always liked doing the horde mode. It was only avalible at certian times on certian days though >_>
  8. Oh look. A new band to get into...thanks.
  9. I stopped palying this game because of the arts chaining and blade combo system. Got back into it once I understood the battle system better. I tried to do chain attacks way too early and it wouldn't let me. You get a prompt about chain attacks at the start of one of the boss fights I think.
  10. Rex's voice actor can't scream realisticly at all...Just watch the scene at the start where he bursts out of the ship with Pyra. Perhaps this with give you a good idea...
  11. One of us, one of us. Gooble gobble, gooble gobble.
  12. Is it March yet?
  13. Well that was fun. Would be nice if this was a regular thing.
  14. I'm back. If you're playing a round after this then i'm in
  15. gotta go.
  16. I'll be back if you're still going after midnight...i'll finnish this round though
  17. I'm really bad at this...
  18. Gotta go at 11:30pm
  19. god damn it....
  20. That was close...
  21. forgewt it. I got it
  22. and the room code is? EDIT wait am i supposed to be watching the stream? address please?
  23. I started drinking...obviously not going to make it EDIT gimmie the adress and a code and i'll try anyway
  24. This sounds like fun. I'm kinda busy in the morening though so anytime in the afternoon is fine with me.
  25. DOOM 2016 Nightmare 100% and Metal Gear Solid 3 European Extreem Foxhound Rank. I'll probably take a glance at the rest of the runs through youtube.
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