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Everything posted by martinist

  1. I got confused >_<
  2. Here I am still waiting for Aladdin.
  3. Doggo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=899TkRpLQ3E&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsgD3lXwSkM&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UI0wKZ40pnY&feature=youtu.be
  4. I need to stop drinking. I don't actually have the dog yet, those pictures were from the woman shes buying the dog from. I've got a few short video clips that I need to find out how to post later.
  5. I'm too drunkb Also it's a girl you sexist pig!
  6. OK so I now have a dog I guess....
  7. Geez, everyone is kinda late tonight...🤔
  8. There's a pretty bad thunder storm here. Power might go out so I might not show up or I might disconnect in the middle of it.
  9. God it's teddy all over again...
  10. It actually has the European box art for all the games. That's a nice touch.
  11. Whoever used that boo at the end of the last lap on rainbow road....fuck you.
  12. My mothers been begging for a dog and a woman she works with dog just had puppies. So she's thinking about taking one. Think the breeds called a sprigador. spanial / labradore cross breed. I'll post pictues when she picks it up in a few weeks.
  13. Well thats probably the worst I've done all season....
  14. I've got a meeting at 7:30pm tonight. Not sure how long it will last but i'm guessing it will go on past 8:00pm. If I'm not there then just start without me.
  15. So i just bought £100 iro s os oso so worth of boozx. I need them s for cocktails. anyway! 4 mojitos and 2 whisky sours layter!
  16. Hi rare semi-sober post here for me. So i'm on my 3rd Mojito and I just realised that I've demolished a 3rd of a bottle of Bacardi in about an hour and a half. How can Mojito's get you so fucked up? I'm really feeling it! It's Reyn time!
  17. Ah, was wondering why it happened to everyone.
  18. Nice, shame about the comm errors in the first races of the 1st and 2nd GPs
  19. A 2nd a 1st and a 3rd. Good night for me.
  20. I was up untill 4am on Sunday watching this. I suppose the guy was into kids, he acted kinda wierd as an adult with all the Peter Pan stuff and being around all those kids. I guess he was into kis and going by what was said in that documentary they make it pretty obvious. Then again Hitler killed a lot of people but the guy painted some damn fine art. When I'm saying is the guy may have been raping kids but he still made good music. Not to take away the seriousness of what he may have done.
  21. I'll watch Captian Marvel when Marvel comes out with their Phase 3 Part 2 box set. Going by the reviews and the oppinions here I think this is going to be the worst of the bunch. Looking forward to seeing that AntMan sequal though. The first one was pretty fun. The things Brie Larson has been saying just makes me hate this movie without even watching it to be honnest. She seems kinda left wing femminist to me and the whole thing about "all the bad reviews are from white men" Shut up Brie Larson you tool! I'll watch it, sure. But i'm not expecting much from this film. I'm expecting it to not be as exciting as the ones before it and hope they pull themselves out of this dive with the next movie.
  22. Whiskey Sour om nom nom
  23. I laso have a replay of the Big Blue finish i'll put up later.
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