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Everything posted by martinist

  1. So I played Code Veronica X, then 0, then 1. I got half way through 2 and sold my Gamecube. I've tried playing 4 but I just can't. Same with 6 and 7, it's just not the same.
  2. I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you!!!
  3. I might not be able to make it this week. August 8th is my dad's birthday so I might be out. I'll send you the team choice anyway though, just incase I end up turning up for it.
  4. Oh look, games I don't already own! yeay!
  5. Sold my PS2 stuff a long time ago. Rebuilding my collection with the games I remember having at the time.
  6. It was raining here untill 2pm....then it got realyl hot >_>
  7. Nothing on tonight? Looks like I'm off to play poker then...
  8. I also bought this...I feel no shame.
  9. Why can't I stop playing this game!? It's that stupid rocket pass thing, it just keeps giving me things....
  10. The Bye Bye Man on Netflix. For a horror movie with kills there was no blood whatsoever. people getting hit by cars and trains, thrown down stairs, shot, stabbed. Absolutly no blood, really dissapointed me. Basicly it was half hour of setup and an hour or so of jump scares.
  11. I live in the middle of nowhere and even I have atleast 10mbps. I've had one multiplayer round and was playing at 1 frame per second for me. It sucked.
  12. So I downloaded Rocket League after a hell of a long time not playing it. I also did the unthinkable and bought preamium and loot box keys. I feel dirty, unwashed! Fun game though...
  13. I really need to come in here more often
  14. Coin runners and baloon battle? I'm screwed.
  15. Oh yeah I heard about that when they came back. Might have been a power surge or something lol
  16. Treehouse just had a brain fart a while ago. I like their little "I am error" thing when they're having technical difficulties.
  17. Quote for the new page
  18. Can I stick a costume on or do I have to use the default racing suit?
  19. All The Anime put out a mystery bundle for £40 Thought I might as well
  20. Where's my Aladdin! thats all I want! Would be nice to get sonic 3 too, even if they have to change the music.
  21. I've got a lot of highlights i haven't posted from a few weeks ago. Might put them up sometime
  22. Another comms error GP2 race 1
  23. Comms error GP2 race 1
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