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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Bought some more MS points with the Christmas money i had, so decided to make a purchase of Undead Nightmare. Cheaper than getting the disk copy, but taking a while to download (1.53gb!!!!).
  2. Came back from town (waste of time, only got 1/2 of what i was looking for) Picked up from Town Last copy as well, lucky me. And it was the special edition one as well Internet Purchases And 2100 XBL Points
  3. You will enjoy them all, i promise you that my friend. Well done on such a purchase
  4. I see no reason to leave this open either.
  5. I make resolutions, and never seem to keep to them. I'll just try and get a missus and a job, that will be all.
  6. Wow. Rez writing in a different colour.
  7. Well, whats new then. The BBC get complaints about Clarkson after nearly every Top Gear ep. I did see the special, it happened to be repeated last night (also on I-Player). Did you hear James's head hit the floor, jeez that was a lot of blood and i sure as hell felt it.
  8. Also worth mentioning, set the console to 16:9 ratio. The cables are great, definitly makes the picture quality on a HD-TV more clearer. It is noticable as Emasher has said, and well worth the pennies spent on them. I have a set of them myself, it makes Galaxy II even more beautiful to look at.
  9. I'll be picking this up (hopefully) on Wednesday, so i am up for multiplayer matches anytime after that really. In similar news, i did crack Assassins Creed II on Christmas Day (after 2 1/2 weeks play, in readyness for Brotherhood (of which i didn't get)). Thats at 100% as well (everything collected, discovered etc)
  10. I recommend buying the Blu-ray first, then the TV. You can do it either way.
  11. That would be great to see, the original updated like BK and Tooie were on XBLA. The multi-player on the Live and Reloaded version is no-where near as good as it was on the N64, so you have picked up a gem there my friend. CBFD is one of them games that is under-rated on so many levels.
  12. I'll be saving for the potential Summer meet, so probably won't be down London way. Unless something strange occurs and i happen to be that way.
  13. Boy that First Defence stuff works. I feel great, no cold (so far). The bottle says it may temporally cause more snot to form and temporary stinging, it is a sign the stuff works. Only draw-back so far, is that you tend to sneeze within 5 minutes of taking it. On a similar note, all my mates seemed to be ill yesterday. So i was out with no-one to chat to.
  14. I'm thinking of sale shopping early next week, just got to see if my mate(s) are ok and no longer ill
  15. Nothing special at all, actually got nothing worth mentioning except £250. Still, had stuff to open. And i got mild indigestion. I'll be using the money to get the stuff i was after, being Brotherhood and the new Clarkson stuff.
  16. I have no clue at the moment, havn't opened a single thing. And won't be until around 4pm. Parents decided to wait until everyone gets here, which is fair enough. I doubt i'll get anything i asked for, which will mean sale shopping to get the stuff i asked for.
  17. Have a fantastic Christmas everyone.
  18. I could be havin a lonely time out at christmas. All mates are either out or have flu or a cold.
  19. Best not sell the trees. I love walking through forests.
  20. Another use found, which is good.
  21. DLC to me should be worth the points it is priced at. Fable III is a game where some of the DLC is not worth it, because i believe some of it was ripped from the game and sold to us at extra cost. Dye pack anyone, 80 points. Yes it is cheap, but they should have been in-game. 260 points for 1 costume is a rip as well. But on the flip side, i have downloaded some excellent DLC. GTA IV expansion packs (Lost and Damned and Ballard of Gay Tony) were well worth the points, gave me 15 hours of extra gaming per-pack and had their own multi-player modes. Red Dead Redemption had some great DLC as well, especially the free-roam add-on pack. Oblivion has good stuff as well
  22. I may have to pick some of this stuff up, both parents have a cold and so do some of my mates. I don't particulary want a cold.
  23. If you stick to the motorway and main roads, it should be fine.
  24. Some snaps from my area It's pretty bad, but at least the main roads are open. Which is good.
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