I don't have many plans for 2011. The ones i do have, i intend to maintain. Which are
Slim-up a bit more. I did well last year, losing just over 1 1/2 stone and 2 inches off the waist. My intentions are to keep this up, eat healthier and hopefully i will be happier with myself.
Get a job, and keep it longer than 6 months. Ok, the 6 month thing may not be broken for a while because of how damaged this country is. But i do intend to get a job, save some money up and have a purpose once more.
Become more sociable. I don't talk to a great deal of people, and the ones who i do talk to i don't talk to often (except parents and a few mates, thats about it). I hope to be more sociable and grow in confidence when talking to peeps.
Thats about it really, i don't plan a lot otherwise i forget about 1/2 of what i plan.