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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Snow came back, have about 3 inches outside (i think). Looks beautiful i think, pictures to follow.
  2. Where i used to work, they didn't care too much about me getting home. Only about those who drove (i got public transport in and out, and they didn't use the main roads on routes). Probably why i was near last to leave, and if i failed to show up i was cut wages no matter what the weather was. Which was harsh.
  3. I check the Met Office site, it says light snow showers and thats what we got. But, it said yesterday that today would be cold and dry and Saturday would get some snow. They were wrong when i woke up this morning.
  4. Snowing again, but its like the stuff Paj is on about. It doesn't look real, but you can call it snow. Down here, snow never comes to much. We only seem to get couple of inches, Cardiff has got 6 inches so i think we might get 3 (if that)
  5. I have no clue where this snow came from (ok, it was a dusting). Weather reports across several huge sites said South East Wales would get away with snow until Saturday, then there was a 50% chance of getting it (showers). They lied. Oh well, i don't mind the snow at all. I just don't want it turning to ice making it impassible.
  6. Not doing well so far this season, first win occured only on Tuesday. It be funny, this season is named "A New World Order". And i get a message in Xpert from some dude called Nikos asking me to join the nWo.
  7. What near-naked asians running around, and thats a classic!!.
  8. Sorry, but Twilight Princess being better than Mario Galaxy. Thats a damn lie to be fair. Still, its a Gamefaqs survey. I find collonic irrigation much more entertaining and worth-while than a Gamefaq survey
  9. I now have a mental image of that, thanks for that. :weep:
  10. Well, they sang your requests Moogle so i should say they'd have no issues singing "Ace of Spades"
  11. X-Box 360 Bioshock II Just started playing it now, after months of leaving it on the shelf. Well i say playing it, more like just the multi-player. Which is a good one if you ask me. Prince of Persia - Forgotten Sands Ubisoft went back to the Sands of Time era, and made a game which is shorter than the original Sands of Time title. It took me just over 6 hours to beat, which isn't worth the £30 i spent on the game. Honestly, it felt like Ubisoft were more into making Brotherhood (which i havn't played) and used a small proportion of the team to make this. People say it isn't a film game, they are correct. I recommend playing the Wii version, because it is different and more enjoyable. Not that this title isn't enjoyable, i did like it. It just didn't feel right. My thoughts (with spoilers)
  12. If you love repetitive titles, then Prototype is the game for you. Marvel as you repeat the same style mission again and again. Marvel as you decapitate people over and over. It is good for the first 30 minutes, then it is a rinse and repeat title.
  13. I only really gave a monkeys last year, when people in the local bet the X-Factor would get a Christmas Number 1 whilst i bet Rage would get it. I had a couple of free pints, which was nice.
  14. If you say so
  15. If the auto-play was still on, page 3 was the pinnacle of ear-bleeding. If you want a feeling of it, click play on the first video and again on a different one.
  16. Autoplay is off, i sense a disturbance.
  17. Aww, i was going to post that. Damn you for beating me to it.
  18. Oh god. My ears are bleeding.
  19. Who knows, i'm still trying to get to grips with the understanding of this thread myself.
  20. Ken.....neth Clarke
  21. Allow me to introduce you to the 2009 Christmas Number 1, Diageo
  22. No way, if thats real then i don't know.
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