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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I suppose the worst thing today for me, is that i feel i am coming down with a bug or something. Got the feeling of body temperature rising, hence why i am feeling colder in a warm room than i did yesterday. I hate bugs/viruses/colds.
  2. I hate people who do this, really ignorant indeed. I've been invited out with mates, only for some of them to keep going on FB and Twitter and consistently texting/calling others. We were buying rounds, so when it was my turn they were ignoring me with their phones as such so i just bought my own. Not my fault if they don't want to respond to me asking what they would like to drink.
  3. I havn't really thought about what i would like for Christmas this year. But i do know that i would like AC Brotherhood Clarkson - Italian Job DVD World According to Clarkson Vol 4 Havn't thought about anything else though, but i am sure there may be other things added to the list. Probably the usual socks as such.
  4. So from what i am reading, you want Nintendo to take Zelda in the same direction as Lionhead have done with Fable?. If it is done correctly, of which i know Nintendo wouldn't fault us with the bugs and glitches Lionhead have become famous for, then Zelda could well be returned to it's former glory. All that exploration, being able to climb every hill you see, explore every cave you find and visit every town in the distance.
  5. Birthday wishes to all, have a great one.
  6. Yes, you still need to transfer licenses. I had to with some XBLA games and DLC, some of which i had been unable to play for a year or so because i changed HDD with the kit, and the licenses didn't transfer over.
  7. You will have to do the USB stuff separatly, the Transfer kit only does HDD to HDD. It transfers some licenses over, but not all. You will have to go on the XBox site and transfer them over manually. Only trouble is, you can only transfer 30 over at a time. And only once per year, so choose wisely which 30 you want.
  8. Who would do such a thing??.
  9. The Dungeons/Temples started off pretty well, there were no real issues with the first 1/2 of them. It was the second half that started to let me down, and so did one or two bosses. And one or two of the weapons you recieved from the Temples/Dungeons as well, they seemed to have a "one use only". They didn't have much of a use outside of the particular Temple you got them from anyway.
  10. Ah cheese. A favourite of mine, be it melted or not. As i like so many different cheese's, i can only name a few of my favourites. Which include Blue Stilton, Edam, Red Leicester, Mature Cheddar, Brie and Smoked.
  11. No Rez, do not go there. You cannot compare it to Airplane. Airplane and BAM are in two different leagues, of which i shall present them here Airplane League Has such classics as these BAM League It has stuff in, including these See, a difference in humour there.
  12. Nintendo peaked with Zelda greatness with Ocarina of Time, and nearly beat it with Majoras Mask. But since then in my opinion now, Zelda games have not been up-to scratch or as good as before. I feel the series has been going down-hill since Majoras Mask. Wind Waker to get sales, came bundled for a limited time with Ocarina of Time!!. The game (WW) itself was short and people didn't like the excessive boat travelling. I'm not one to judge the DS Zelda games, as i havn't played them but still. Twilight Princess, which is the latest Home Console Zelda started off pretty good. It had an atmosphere and a feeling to it, similar to that i felt with Ocarina of Time. But as the game progressed, i felt less attached to the game. It felt like it was missing stuff, and only from playing more of the game did i feel and find out what it was missing. It was missing the atmosphere and depth that it had at the start. The woods leading to the first Temple, they felt empty. The path leading to Hyrule Field, that felt like it should have had something there. I know it had the oil bloke, but it needed something else there. But, once i got to Hyrule Field i realised that this field was simply a baron, empty area which served only as the route to Kakariko, Castle Town, Lake Hylia and Zora's Domain. There should have been a town here to amuse me, something as a break from the long tedious journey between towns. The Shadow battles felt like they were "tacked" on to the game, you could see them coming from a mile away and they came at the most in-conveniant time. I could go on with Kakariko, Zoras Domain, Goron Village and Castle Town feeling like there should have been more contained within, more stuff unlocked as you progressed through the game. Kakariko needed life, Castle Town needed a soul. Goron Village and Zora's Domain were missing mini-games and side-quests, like they had in Ocarina and Majoras Mask. And don't get me started on Gerudo Desert, that could have been so much more. At least they had the Fishing around Zora's River, that was great. That part felt like it had been worked on, like it had life to it and wasn't tacked on. Don't get me wrong, Twilight Princess is a good game. It was just lacking a lot of stuff to make it even better. More mini-games, side-quests and more of a atmosphere/soul to the game. If it had the stuff in, it would have crushed Ocarina as the best Zelda game. @ James McGeachy. The initial town was Ordon Village. And i agree with you, Zelda games need to take the Majoras Mask route when coming with stuff to do. Clock Town was rammed of stuff to do, enough to keep you occupied for a few hours. So did the rest of Termina.
  13. Russia, un-surprising really. Putin wasn't present, so i guess he was told before-hand. Hope they do a good job with the tournament, could be a good one if done right. Qatar. Surprising really. Was kind of expecting Australia to get it, but not a money-grabbing country like Qatar. Expect the most heavily prepped security, look how near they are to Iran and Iraq. And how small is the country, surely a co-hosting with Saudi would be better. I'm expecting the 2026 to go to....................... ZIMBABWE!!.
  14. Where would you like me to put it. If i can't move it, would you like to be in an air-tight capsule provided free of charge.
  15. Thought you all may be interested to know. I am now the legal owner of the Earth's Atmosphere and the Orbit around it. Which means i can charge you for breathing MY air. And, i get to charge all them peeps who own satellites orbiting the Earth as well. And, my mate legally owns everything 5 miles down below the Earth's crust. Which means, he is legally obligated to charge for us all to live on the crust.
  16. Can't say i blame ya, i would have done the same thing myself.
  17. This year, to save me from tears I'll give it someone special.......... special Sorry, couldn't help it Personally, i don't give to homeless or beggars. How do i know they won't spent it on booze, instead of what they asked it for in the first place. I don't even give money to them peeps asking for "change to make a call" or "change for the bus to get home". I was pestered throughout town once by a guy, who wanted change for the bus. He wouldn't leave me or my mate alone until we gave him £2. Think he got arrested by a passing Police officer, can't remember.
  18. You can download it, but the file will be huge (300mb min). Nice border they used.
  19. Other countries can cope with the snow, and don't shut down when it falls from the sky. Why does Britain shut down??. Yes, we are not used to it compared to countries like Germany, Canada, America and Russia. I reckon we ought to balls-up and get the country moving, in any sort of weather. And looking at the video above, that lady who fell on the ice looked like she was jogging down the hill.
  20. I dare a government to do this. Sue her for Solar Eclypses as well while we are at it, and for making it too bright to stare at.
  21. Oh dear. Sounds like crap to me. No-one can legally claim owner-ship. Now then, how will she claim royalties for sun usage. And in the case of owner-ship, i legally own Space. Not the planets themselves, the space in-between. Including all asteroids, meteors and comets.
  22. I took my shoes off, and walked down in the socks. Feet were fookin freezin after mind. I suppose the heat from my feet allowed the ice to melt a bit as well.
  23. I make every effort to get into work, and only if i can't make it in then i don't go in. Believe me, there is nothing better than going to work. I did once have to buy more socks just to get to work once, because i could make it to Chepstow (where i worked) but not down the hill in my shoes. It was practically an ice-rink, so the socks gave me the grip needed to get down. I still reckon the kids should work back the time they are spending off school. You gotta do it with work, unless you take a holiday. It's a fair system i think, take the 1/2 term holiday away or something.
  24. All i can think about whilst looking at MadDog's desktop pic is this Audio
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