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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I took my shoes off, and walked down in the socks. Feet were fookin freezin after mind. I suppose the heat from my feet allowed the ice to melt a bit as well.
  2. I make every effort to get into work, and only if i can't make it in then i don't go in. Believe me, there is nothing better than going to work. I did once have to buy more socks just to get to work once, because i could make it to Chepstow (where i worked) but not down the hill in my shoes. It was practically an ice-rink, so the socks gave me the grip needed to get down. I still reckon the kids should work back the time they are spending off school. You gotta do it with work, unless you take a holiday. It's a fair system i think, take the 1/2 term holiday away or something.
  3. All i can think about whilst looking at MadDog's desktop pic is this Audio
  4. Want the news We may get some snow tonight, not much though. Then the forecast says rain as it seems to be warming up over the weekend.
  5. I see what i need to do, will fix it tomorrow. Camera wasn't even mine in my hand.
  6. I see, i have to take a picture of the screen of the 1st camera that is taking a snap of the mirror. Think i got it too far away.
  7. Latest, lets see if this works or not A photo of a camera that's taking a photo of a picture of a mirror - 40 points Old Total = 260 points Points = 40 points New Total = 300 points
  8. Councils do really annoy the feck out of me. Cardiff is pretty clear, according to my Dad. They have at least cleared the snow off all main roads and pavements (well, gritted them anyway), the M4 is open and flowing and all that. Which is nice. If the Council says they are prepared for the snow, then be prepared for the snow. Get out there and grit the roads, clear the snow and get the towns open again. It is nearly Christmas and there are places in the UK that cannot go out and shop, because of the snow. Where i am, there is no snow on the ground. Newport is relatively clear (ain't been to town for a while) and Cardiff is functional. There may be some snow over-night, but all the forecasters are saying it is warming up a bit with rain over the weekend.
  9. Fable III patch is out, perhaps it could fix your issues. It fixed mine, Jasper talks again. Only problem is he is talking non-stop with all actions i've done since he went silent.

  10. If anyone texts me with all this "shortened slang", i never return a text. If people chat on MSN or FB Chat in the same manner, or with really shortened words and/or slang then i don't talk back to them at all. I appreciate to be spoken to in true English, none of this slang-chat. I know people who only speak like this, and i don't like it. Chavvy is how i call it.
  11. Decided to give the Bioshock 2 multi-player a shot earlier. It's not too bad.
  12. "I'm sorry my dear, but i'm gay."
  13. Ah, you know me. Always try things differently.
  14. Updated A before and after photo - You watching Comedy Rainbow (visible) = 20 points Before After Doing something you have been avoiding - 20 points (Job Searching) "MySpace, I miss you!"- Do an air-side corner pose, hiding half of your face (make of that what you will) - 10 points Total = 50 points Total Before = 210 points New Total = 260 points
  15. Any glass that can hold a pint (568ml) is a pint glass.
  16. To go with the I.D. I think they lost the phone as well.
  17. Snowed last night, but it is like the stuff EEVIL has. It's patchy, like it has melted. Probably because it rained a bit proberly. I think where i live only gets it bad when the rest of Britain can't move.
  18. You know the mulit-bish(ings), would a pic of Captain Planet surfice for the Earth, Wind, Fire and Ice?.
  19. Putting stickers on DVD's. Hey, at least you can ful-fill the £7 BISH.
  20. Empire is quite possibly the best Star Wars movie made. A great director. R.I.P
  21. Anything above 2cm in the UK is a "Crisis".
  22. Apparantly, we are due some light snow over-night and into tomorrow morning. Sleet at some point as well, then warming up (According to Met Office)
  23. According to the Met Office, there is rain heading north. As it heads north, the colder places are getting snow. But the artic cold is moving back end of the week, bringing rain and normal temperatures in the south for a bit. I'm en-clined to believe them, as what they've said will happen has happened.
  24. For those interested, Airplane! is available for only £2.99 on Amazon.
  25. That would be an exceptional idea that.
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