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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Getting paid to think of CR ideas??. Best be worth it*. (*Note: Probably will be anyway)
  2. No, just no.
  3. Didn't they say there was new Dwarf occuring this year. Now, they say next year. I sense it won't be occuring at all. And this is coming from a Dwarf fan.
  4. Birthday wishes me ol mucker.

  5. Happy Birthday Dyson, have a great one. Oh wait, wrong Dyson. There we go, better. Have a good day dude.
  6. Everyone has their opinion on things. I think the film is great, having read the book as well.
  7. I have a 2 disc version of the movie. Disk 1 is the release version, the 2nd disc is the alternative ending with the movie. The one they wanted to release, but didn't. That is the one i watch. Basically, i have 2 versions of the movie. And, i prefer the alternative ending.
  8. Of course. But, i've learned my lesson by stopping first, then texting with maybe the occassional shuffle.
  9. Have a look in your inbox/message area. I'm down to the lowers this year, needed a win in the last game in order to have any chance of remaining up.
  10. Probably more. Most UK chip shops sell chip-butties, of which i like.
  11. I recall a Wendy's in Newport, before it turned into a Wimpy then into a Rugby store. I don't really eat often in chain restaurants, but when i do i always try and go to Pizza Hut. Because that seems to be the only chain restaurant around the area.
  12. Nice little tatoo there.
  13. Welcome to the forums, always nice to see new members. By new, i mean new. And nice to have a new female member as well, we don't get many new females. Anyway, see you around and hopefully for a long time as well.
  14. I forgot this site existed, don't ask me how i forgot. Excellent!!!
  15. I'm not doing great this season, compared to last season and the season before. I keep forgetting to set tactics as well, don't know why.
  16. Well, well, well. Comedy Rainbow 9 definetly lives up to being, and i quote "the most offensive episode of Comedy Rainbow". Now then, you may be thinking where is the Jimbob breakdown. Don't fret or worry no more, because i'm going to give my thoughts a different way, via Youtube. Here ya go, enjoy!!!
  17. It was random, and it happened to be around some old peoples bungalows as well. I get random threats every so often, and the Police do nothing even after i give them a description. @martinist Sorry to hear about that martinist. Thoughts are with you at this time.
  18. Happy Birthday Tellyn, have a great day. Thought you were older, but hey. I learn new things everyday. Make the most of this final teenage year.
  19. I think we all love Rez................. in our own little ways.
  20. BT won't update the lines around here for Fibre Optic, but apparantly in June the BB speed is raising to 17mb/s minimum. Currently, we get 8mb (at max).
  21. Nearly got beat up whilst taking the dog for a walk earlier, i hate living where i do.
  22. From one fellow Welshman to another, i wish you a very Happy Birthday. Enjoy!!!
  23. There is one thing i hate with Mario Galaxy II, and it is one of the reasons i stopped playing it. Spring Mario, oh thou i detest you. I just can't get him to bounce in the right place(s).
  24. Could have been (yeah, twas a joke) I'm not alone then.
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