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Everything posted by Jimbob
Reading more on Mokongs link, they had plans to make "Forever Red" a larger ep. Even bringing in Zords for a huge battle, which would have made things more "wtf".
I happened to look into that "Once a Ranger" ep just to confirm what i thought, and it was Adam portraying the Black Ranger. The coin and morpha was damaged/broken as well (damage is visable). As for that short explanation of how all the Rangers can re-exist, sorry i don't buy it. Because if it were true, then everything that occured in the past (grids being destroyed, Zordon being wiped/killed, coins being crushed, powers being transferred) would have never happened.
Just about anything is better than CSI: Intent
Some people join to only chat about games, others join to partake in the General areas. No-one can make the members partake in General, if they don't want to visit general then they don't have to really.
It's like the board has 2 groups. The ones who hang in the General Boards and the ones who hang in the Gaming Boards. With some members of each crossing over to each of the other board groups.
I mostly hang around in the General Board, with the occasional visit to the Other Console board. I do visit the Wii boards and Retro Boards as well, but not often. I do go in the Playground from time to time as well. Most visits are when i am involved in a game, other than that i don't go in there.
I do recall Adam's powers still working, as i saw that episode. Think the droid in that ep said something about the grid was broken and the coin (if used) could kill the user. Sorry, i have a habit of doing this.
Something they never explained, which never made sense at all is this. How can previous Rangers still have Morphas (or what-ever they are called), thought they had to give them up once they left being a Ranger. Plus, i know "Forever Red" was a 10th Anniversary ep and all that, so it doesn't explain how Jason manages to keep his Morpha and Coin. Last i checked, it was given to Rocky. Plus the Dino coins were destroyed and so was the old Morphing grid (up-to Ninja, and them coins were crushed in that transition series). Zordon was wiped out/killed, so none of the old coins (if they still existed) would ever work again. Sorry to dampen the Nostalgia mood. Anyway, back to the question in hand. I havn't got 1 favourite Ranger, it has always been 2. The Green/White Ranger (Tommy) and the Red Ranger (Jason (didn't much like Rocky's incarnation)). Both had cool Zords, excellent weapons and delivered a great story/plot each. We all know of the Red vs Green Ranger battle, and the story of how Tommy got the Green Ranger powers and all that. But another great ep i remember is this one.
Nice beat. Never heard of the artist before, but it's a pretty decent song. And my eyes are open to new music even more now. 7.5/10 I'll post what i'm currently listening to
Anything is better than CSI: Deadly Intent.
I've used PlayUSA in the past, it offers fair prices for the DVD's. About the same as buying them in this country. It's reliable, about 1 week delivery depending on postage.
Excellent work Goafer, many kudos to yourself for the work.
Too true, that kid began the complete end of Power Rangers. And the complete end occured when they finally wiped out Zordon.
I know, i don't know why they used the name "Gold Ranger". I suppose they couldn't use Black Ranger, as their was already one. Still, he was used from 1/2 into the Zeo era to the end of it. Ratings sucked i guess. I recall they bought back the actor who played "Adam" in the Thunder/Ninja/Zeo era to one of the later eras to train a Ranger who didn't want to be one. Even used the old Morpha and coin to transform into the "classic" Black Ranger. Is now a good time to say i kept ALL of my Zords. Sold the rest.
I do recall Jason returning in later series, lets see if i can find something. Yes, here we go Around the Zeo era, and finally got the better Ranger powers this time around. I only found out that this was based on a Japanese show, and the footage was stock over-dubbed with the US voices for the series we all know and love. Looking at the Disney version, i'm sorry. It looks cack and once again proves that this modern era has ruined all our favourite TV shows. I had quite a number of Power Ranger toys, listed below. Original Megazord Dragon Zord Red Dragon Zord Trojan Megazord Falconzord White Tigerzord Red Ranger Blue Ranger Black Ranger Green Ranger White Rangers Black and Red Ranger Bikes (w/t Side-cars) All Power coins (minus the Morpha) That Blue thing (looked like a Monkey, one of Rita's Goons)
I know, i didn't quite get the movie either. They seemed to base it on the Ninja era, before it occured on the TV series. Can't quite remember the movie(s) myself, having not seen them for years. Still, and i'll keep saying this. PR turned cack(er) when they got rid of all the original ones, basically when they decided to go to the Turbo era really.
R.I.P Rabbit. Sorry to hear about this Murr, love Rabbits myself. Yours reaches a 9 on the cute-ness level. Probably was a fox, it is surprising what they are capable of doing. But if it were a person who did this, then they need to be taught a lesson big-style. I've had 2 rabbits in the past, one was stolen (by the person who sold us the rabbit believe it or not. Turned out they were cheats, and they would sell the rabbits to innocent people, get the name and address of the "new" owners then wait a few weeks and steal it/them back. Then re-sell to more people, thus making plenty of money). Other died of natural causes, which was sad but we knew it was coming.
I'm not holding hopes on it being any good, but hey. I could be proved wrong again.
Must be his NYR then. As for meeting new peeps, well i recommend clubs. Even greeting people in the street can spur a convo up with them. I should know, it works for me (sometimes).
When you ever?
Sounds like a plan really. I may see if the sign-ups look promising now, if not February to give more peeps a chance to join.
At the moment Un-employed because of how screwed up this country is. Hours are awesome, but filling them is a different issue all-together. Dream Job You won't believe me, but i have already been in my dream job. Which happened to be at Fairfields (or Mabey Bridge as it is known now) as a Programmer. I know, it didn't sound like much but it was awesome. Great staff, hours were brilliant (8am-4pm Monday to Friday, with over-time available) and it had awesome promotion prospects. I could have been set for life in the same company, honestly. But alas, it wasn't meant to be. I was only there for 2 years before being made redundant due to what is known in the trade as a "cock-up" by management. Black-spotted the company, there was no work coming in and people were being released slowly. I have tried countless times to get myself back into the company somehow, but alas i have failed on every attempt. What am I going to do to get there? As i said, i've done my dream job. So i should really call the above What Next? Keep looking for work, perhaps one day i could get back into the company that i loved working for.
It makes me laugh, these 8,400 people probably have nothing else better to do than watch TV and find anything they dislike and complain. I say this to those who do this, get a friggin life.
Awesome sigs there. And congrats to the big N(E) for making 13 years of awesomeness............... well, awesome really.
"Ummm, i don't want to dissapoint you here. It's about your date buddy. Thats no lady, thats Rokhed!!" Damn it!!!!.