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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I don't have any scars that could beat anything shown hear, not that i haven't got scars. I'll just list the ones i have. Got a small one on my right palm, where i in-advertantly stabbed myself with a pencil (lead snapped off, still see the mark where it is) Got one on my right hand, where some girl decided to land her nails into my hand. Got one on my left hand after an accident in graphics class back in school Got one on my left middle finger, after opening a bean tin. Got no sensation on the tip of my right index finger, due to sawing into it making a sandwich (don't ask) Have a 4cm surgical scar, in a place where only 3 people know about A small chunk of my left big toe is missing, causing it to lean into the other toes. Due to a gardening accident Non-scarring injuries Smashed my left knee into a step on a works night out 3 years ago, didn't see the step. Felt the pain through the knee for 3 weeks after (not so much the next day), bruising and swelling were around for a month and there were bone fragments sloshing around. Tore 2 tendons in my right foot after pot-holling my foot during rugby. The teacher was a cock and made me carry on playing in agony, before i hobbled off being able to take no more pain. Got a lunch-time detention and put on report for walking off, but they were waived.
  2. Do i have to give you a description as to what to do??. Hope not. Sorry, but the dude who put those lumps in his arm is a dick. So is that Dragon dude. I know, it is their bodies and they can do with it as they like. But, they WILL regret it at 70 as will most extreme tatoo and piercing persons will.
  3. It be all about the money for Microsoft. They really ought to have an easy card-removal system in place, every other place that accepts cards online does have such a system.
  4. That isn't a bad idea............. unless the disk version is cheaper than the digital copy.
  5. Looks more of a idiot (the pair of them) in this picture, same site.
  6. It's surprising how much Sunshine changed between that early trailer and what we got our hands on. Especially the Hub, which is the most obvious change.
  7. I'm not going to send a message to him, he's dull enough. But if i see him in one of the games i play, i'll be sure to send out verbal abuse.
  8. Yeah, and being under 21 that is the minimum wage. I'm not against immigration, because some jobs that are given to immigrants (the ones who do things by the book to get into the country) are the jobs that us Brits do not want. I saw a program last year, where 3 Brits were given jobs on a temporary basis to see if they could do them. The jobs were Asparagus picking, Painter/Decorator and Bar work in an Indian restuarant. How many of us would take these jobs?. It is because we don't take these jobs that employers look to hire in foreign workers. If we wern't so aragant, we'd have these jobs and not the foreign workers. It's that part of immigration i agree with, i just don't agree with foreign workers replacing the Brit workers because they are cheaper to employ, as i mentioned in an earlier post. As for if immigrants are allowed to use the NHS and the Education system. Yes, if they came in legally. No if they came in illegally. Which brings me onto the now-scrapped I.D scheme Labour were going to bring in. I could have seen these I.D cards being used to decifer legal citizens and illegal persons if they wanted to use the services this country offered.
  9. You think we should send him instructions to give to his mother on how to set-up parental controls, in lamen terms. Plus, being 11 he shouldn't be playing 1/2 the games on that list either.
  10. No, i'm sorry love. Microsoft provide parental controls, so you the PARENT can control what your SON can get upto on the console. You just forgot to read the instructions, because you were too busy standing on the street corners around 9pm-2am. Honest, this has got to be the most stupid thing i've read. If she read the instructions provided, they mention parental controls and she could have controlled what her son got upto online and if he made any purchases or not.
  11. See, thats the issue. Employers are more prepared to pay a Polish national £5 p/h to do the same job that a British national does for £8 p/h. Cheaper labour, which is why some people lost thier jobs. To be replaced by cheaper Polish workers, i should know because i was replaced in one of my earlier jobs by a polish national.
  12. They stole the car, because you said no to this particular company. I would call the police, declare it as theft because it is theft. As long as you still have the keys, it is theft no matter what this company says. Honest now, they can say you agreed to the removal of the car and they paid £40 for it. But, if you have the keys then they broke into the car, and stole it. Do it, that would be hilarious.
  13. At least Amazon arn't like that. Made an order 1 month or so ago, ordered it with Next day delivery. Didn't arrive, so Amazon kindly refunded the postage. Packages didn't arrive for 1 more week, because City Link were being tight-ass's and not delivering until January 3rd (i made the order December). Sorry to hear dude, hope one arrives sooner rather than later.
  14. Pat Sharp, legendary. If they relaunched Crystal Maze, they should do it with him at the helm. And the twins.
  15. Happy Birthday Ash, have a great day.
  16. He has spoken
  17. Jimbob


    That is correct, i belive it works similar to Homer Simpson. As demonstrated in the below diagram
  18. CYMRAEG!!!! Happy Birthday Ine. Have an excellent day.
  19. It's CYMRAEG!!
  20. He was my maths teacher, i can provide evidence if required. Mainly report cards and the head teacher can vouch. I'm 24 now, i was last taught by him back in 2001. And, an N-E Crystal Maze team wouldn't be complete without myself.
  21. Yeah, bet you didn't know i spoke Welsh (i only know 1 other sentence, but thats a different story) It be the 24th anniversary of welsh_gamers escape from the womb. May this day be an excellent day for him. Enjoy the cake(s)
  22. Basically, yes. One-time hit persons who made a name for themselves on one or two shows, then time forgets about them until petty game shows bring them back. Aka, the general public with the 5 minutes of fame used up. Good for you Mr Murray. If you do get on, try to make sure that you don't go against my old maths teacher. I am not kidding, he was my old maths teacher. And he took no crap from no-one.
  23. Jeez, how un-professional as a company. As a consumer, you have the right to cancel, which you attempted to do. As a company, they have no right to threaten you and make a threat to steal the car. Unless, they are from westealanycar.com. In which case, they can go for it. But still, i'd hand over the details of said company to a complaints office or something and see what they can do about it.
  24. No, just no. It will not work if celebs* partake in this, unless it is for one-off specials or something *By celebs, i mean really, really, really low-rated Z-list who lost everything/will do anything to get back on TV for 5 minutes.
  25. Forgot to set a squad, but got a draw today. Which is ok.
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