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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Congrats at getting 1 million views Mokong. Loving the comments, what were they expecting ey.
  2. I could run out of thanks just on arnolds video, and Villes comments alone.
  3. If i had any spare money, i'd donate.
  4. Very entertaining indeed.
  5. I recall being a member of C-E under a different username of which i have no idea what the heck it was. Wasn't active, probably posted about 20 or so times over the life-time. Then joined Revo and probably did the same as C-E. Then here, where i have evolved into the being you know as Jimbob. 100x more active than all incarnations of myself.
  6. I reckon they should call these guys And, what do you expect. Building a civilization upon plates which are more prone to cause quakes?. I blame the high-speed reliable transportation system they use, probably causes the plates to move unexpectidly. Still, pretty aweful natural disaster though.
  7. Happy Birthday to all who's Birthdays it may be today. Enjoy the day!!!
  8. I had several pancakes on Tuesday. Pure bliss they were, sugar and lemon only. Mmmmmm!!!
  9. http://www.facebook.com/xboxuk?sk=app_17037175766&uid=5006330&tid=5165 Follow the link, click where needed and the information becomes clear.
  10. Just hope they don't name it GTA V, but they probably will.
  11. Jimbob


    What next, all threads in Gen Chit-Chat called "Tapedeck". Note - Please don't!!
  12. Pre-orders of Gears 3 entitle you access to the Beta, 3 versions of G3 available as well. Pre-ordered!!!. http://www.game.co.uk/lowdown.aspx?lid=15502&cm_sp=gearsofwar-_-topnav-_-gearsofwar3
  13. 700th ep of "The Sky at Night" is on tonight, shall be watching it.
  14. Happy Birthday Tapedeck!!!!! (Boy, couldn't tell the difference between threads 5 minutes ago).
  15. If Ninty didn't bring something out to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Zelda, i'd be very surprised. Ok, OOT-3D and "possibly" Skyward Sword are coming this year. If Ninty use a 3D re-make of Ocarina as the 25th anniversary celebration, would people be dissapointed in that?.
  16. I didn't like the graphical style of Wind Waker when i first saw the demo trailer, but it did grow on me and for the game the graphics suit it.
  17. Got selected for an interview with Revenue and Customs based in Cardiff. All good, but the website doesn't work on 3 web browsers and i am unable to book an interview in this method. Great really, the email they sent says i can only book in this method and if i contact them then i lose out on the interview. It seems a lose-lose situation. And i voted in the referendum for the WAG potentially getting more powers. Not saying my vote, but i made my decision based on how they have handled things in the past couple of years.
  18. I was talking about this last night with the folks. We came to the conclusion that Insurance companies will probably find a way to charge the female drivers a lesser rate than males, even with the gender ruling. Probably something along the lines of "Special Offers"
  19. Could you have visited the XBL website in work?.
  20. It's always the case, no points and no money = No new gaming
  21. 2-2 draw against Rising Phoenix. Was trying out a new mid-fielder as well.
  22. Downloading.................. Done!!
  23. Got offered employment today. I shall be working at home, earning £1,800 p/m if i take full-time (+ commission). I shall be assisting the UK-based team in administrive support, reporting daily online with my work completed. Woo-hoo, can't wait to begin really. . . . . . . . . It's too good to be true, because it is a scam email according to the DWP. I never applied for work with this company at all. Got your hopes up, didn't i.
  24. Welcome rictonge, didn't know you on C.E. But here on N-E, the possibilities are endless. Enjoy your stay, because as many have said. You can't leave.
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