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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Congrats flamey!!!.
  2. @Retro_Link. The empire pledges to exterminate them all!! Nice idea. In no particular order L.A Noire This game had the promise to be awesome, it started off well but it soon became stale and repetitive. To the point that the driving was that boring, i let my partner do it all. - Worth a shot Gears of War 3 3rd in the series. Multiplayer is fantastic, story is a great end to the franchise. - Recommended Batman: Arkham City Loved it, great story and awesome line-up of characters. Pity some should have been used a little more, but still a great game. - Must Buy Assassins Creed: Revelations 3rd and hopefully the final in the Ezio series. An improvement over Brotherhood. Multiplayer is better, pity the maps are smaller than before. - Recommended Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Do i really need to go into detail, awesome title - Must Buy Forza Motorsport 4 4th in the series, this time with added "Top Gear". Which includes the TG Test track, various events including "Bowling". All TG events voiced over by the man himself, Clarkson. Overall this is a better game than the 3rd, more choice of tracks and cars. - Recommended WWE 12 A brand new, built from the ground up title from THQ. New controls which work when it suits the game, graphics which look the same as previous, if a little worse. It seems whatever THQ say, take it with a pinch of salt. - Worth a rent The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword An excellent title, great story and one of the best Zelda titles i've played - Must Buy
  3. I don't really warrent a list of movies, only seen 2 new movies this year. Which were Conan and Mr Poppers Penguins. I only saw Poppers out of curiosity, and saw Conan with a few mates. I suppose if i had a Missus, i would have seen/saw quite a few other movies. Both the films i saw were pretty decent though.
  4. Twas out having a few beverages. The price of alcohol these days does bother me, when i can purchase a pint for the same price as 4 tins that is when i'll stop going out. At the moment, pint of Carling around my area is £2.50. 4 tins for £4. I go out for the social really, and where i were yesterday it had the social. And good music as well.
  5. I'm all for playing sessions with the community. Anyone fancy a session tonight, i'll be on from around 9pm.
  6. I really ought to stop being so nice this time of year.
  7. Another draw today, anything is better than a loss to be honest.
  8. This short-cut, where did you say it was going again?
  9. Contract is up for renewal in February. So that will mean an upgrade, of which i'll be sticking to Android. Cheers again to @Cube for recommending the Wildfire S as a starter phone. Don't know why i didn't go over to Android earlier, they are 10x better than Nokia (where i was before). I'll see what is available when the time comes for renewal, definetly going to get a more upto date model.
  10. Can't really think of other award titles, all good ones though. Looking forward to voting/taking part in the voting.
  11. I don't have that many tabs open at any-time. Usually it's just Facebook and N-E as standard. Most i've ever had open at 1 time was 15, and 1/2 of that was worthless stuff.
  12. Another draw today for Recall, who knows the result if i set tactics.
  13. Planning on purchasing a new desk chair, the one i got at the moment is getting a little worn out now.
  14. Ah it's great, nice week and a bit off work. Finished on the 23rd December, go back on the 3rd January. Going to make the most of my time off, catching up on all the T.V and DVD's i have on the shelf.
  15. Merry Christmas to all of N-E. Spent the day with the family stuffing our faces all day with all the good food. Christmas dinner was most excellent as it always is.
  16. Glad to see Murr is his normal self.
  17. "The new Mac Book, now with the multi-desktop function so simple even a baby can use"
  18. My haul this year That is also including the dressing gown in the picture at the top. Also got £80 from the parents. But that isn't what mattered most to me today. What mattered was seeing their faces opening their presents this year. All got vouchers and a present they were after as well. They liked them all.
  19. Birthday wishes to you both this fine day, hope it is a good day for you all.
  20. As i mentioned earlier, i'll send my predictions in later on. Would do it now, but the filters in work are going crazy. Sometimes can access sites, sometimes i can't.
  21. We'll have to do it in a way as not to scare her away. Gently does it as it were.
  22. Sorry ell, it was either you or somebody else (bet you wish it was somebody else) Draw with Peeps is a good start, better than a loss to be fair. Using this season as a development season, so i'm aiming to remain in the middle league. I'll make my predictions when i get home later (around 7pm).
  23. I say the same things every year, and they are 1 - Lose weight 2 - Become more social Thats all i promise myself every year, last year (2010) i lost 4 stone. This year, i hope to lose a little more. Becoming healthier in the process.
  24. I knew i should have booked today off work. Today isn't going well at all. Firstly my train no shows (again), but a train which should have gone through an hour earlier showed up. And decided to terminate in Newport to make things more "interesting". The train conducter was helpful, but it didn't help me much. Had to catch a 2nd train, which narrowly made it to Cardiff in time for me to catch my now "3rd" train. Yay public transport
  25. The DLC certainly does sound awesome indeed, i look forward to it like i do for all DLC i'm interested in. Not sure about the "prestige" though, not a lot of incentive to level-up beyond the initial level 100 to be honest.
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