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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. "Hillary, are you sure i should be wearing this. I thought only the females wore a scarf??
  2. Indeed, Generations focused on the best of both modern and classic. I see the episodic collection as "best of classic" Sonic only.
  3. I could jizz right now Seriously, this series is long overdue for a blu-ray release. Amazon have it at £89.99. October 1st 2012.
  4. Made this a purchase today, couldn't resist the £20 tag. So far, it is proving to me, as i said in an earlier post that Sega can make a good Sonic game if they pulled their fingers out.
  5. This confirms my belief that these are the tribute games as such.
  6. I'll write ya code down edza, add ya later.
  7. But......, you've done a gaming marathon!!! I'll donate some fundage over, it's a good cause.
  8. I've returned the favour, added @welsh_gamer @Mike1988uk Also added @ReZourceman @Cube @Rummy More to follow shortly
  9. Road transport North of the M4 is tricky, compared to getting North via rail. As for a Welsh meet, i'm up for it. Just as long as it is in a place people can easily get to. As i don't drive at the moment, it would be a train for me.
  10. Aye, back to the ways of the draw-score. 1-1 today
  11. The only issue i have with the 3DS is that i can only play online with it in certain areas of my house, as the "G" range isn't great. If only the 3DS had "N", then i'd have no issues. I suppose sitting downstairs isn't going to hurt playing you guys online, it is portable after all The South has good enough transport, it's the Northern members who suffer with cruddy transportation. If it is feasable between the Welsh members, i'm sure a mini-meat could be on the cards. I know we were on about one last year, which didn't really get off the ground to be fair.
  12. I have no idea how they got there, i swear.
  13. I have it saved (somewhere), on the hard drive. It's in the depths of N-E somewhere as well, somewhere.
  14. Is that vote even possible??
  15. Going to pick this up tomorrow, need a 2nd game for when i get bored of Mario Kart on the train.
  16. Vote time, gonna go with Vote: No Lynch on this one.
  17. Bought myself a 3DS earlier today, here is my code 2105-9325-5930
  18. Bought this earlier with a 3DS, and have played it. Loving it so far.
  19. Sounds interesting Anyway, addition purchase With Mario Kart 7
  20. If only there were more members living in the vicinity of Wales, i know of 1 maybe 2 who do. Then there could be a mini meat in Wales (or around the area). Anyway, recent purchases Albums total = £10 (download) DVD/Bluray total = £22
  21. I didn't do anything last night either, in case anyone is interested in knowing my where-abouts.
  22. Must......resist........urge........to...........like!!
  23. Then the kids learn to speak. It goes downhill from that point on. True, where's Herbs invention when you need it most.
  24. Started job searching again. It's not a bad thing, it's good really. Means that i'm thinking about after my contract at HMRC expires.
  25. If the rumours are true, i hope it isn't released this year, i'll be happy. We don't want the same issues occuring with the 360 all over again, and i bet MS don't want the same issues either. Sounds interesting though, all that choice of controls.
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