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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Thats true, i havn't changed yet. New dash is apparantly being released to the public tomorrow.
  2. Are you absolutly sure you don't work with me, because those happen to be the same days i have off.
  3. If this kitten had "wandered" into the snake territory by itself, would we be talking about it like we are now?. We'd feel sorry for the kitten a little, but as it would have wandered in to the space by itself, then thats nature for you.
  4. Had an epic battle between a Dragon, Mammoth, Mercenaries and a Giant last night. Basically, i let the Dragon wipe the Giant out, i did throw some attacks in to the Giant. I took care of the mercenaries, then me and Lydia proceeded to take down the dragon. After which, looked around to see the giant tusks of the Mammoth lunge into me, nearly killing me. Somehow managed to kill it, basically ran around a rock firing magica and axing it until it fell. Twas so epic, i hope to encounter it again at a higher level. I also encountered some mages, of which they stood no chance.
  5. Shame. Still, not a biggy as I-Player can be downloaded on the PC.
  6. I'm free most evenings for a few hours from 9pm, except Wednesdays and Friday evenings. I can probably throw a few hours in Friday afternoon, same as Murr. Because of my working hours, it can be a tad tricky for me as well.
  7. Probably a good thing the video has been deleted, because i probably couldn't bring myself to watch something like that. And the news-sites won't load either, which is probably a good thing. But from the description given, how can someone be that sick as to feed a snake a kitten. I don't really know what else to say to this, it has been summed up pretty well from everyone elses posts though. On a related note, it does fascinate me what a snake does to consume it's prey. Edit: Found this in The Sun as well, a second video. This time, drowning a kitten The Sun
  8. I learned some Polish and Lithuanian just from my work on the phones. Not a lot, and i certainly can't write it. If you listen to the language, those Rosetta stone tapes work well. Interactive and they help you memorise phrases that can be used in day-to-day life. I suppose it helps if you can listen to interpretors as well.
  9. My Dad bought a new computer earlier today. After i set it all up for him (it's one of them all-in-one computers), he litteratly gave me the old computer. So as you can guess, i ripped all the useful parts out and fitted them to my computer. So upped the RAM to 6gb, acquired a 20 inch widescreen monitor and snabbed a new keyboard and mouse. Saved me a few quid that did, made a day turn even better.
  10. Don't have the tree up at the moment, but we tend to put the tree up about a week before Christmas itself. But, we have put a Christmas countdown up. Which we do at the start of December every year.
  11. Happy Birthday Ville, hope you had a good day.
  12. Happy Birthday Shorty, hope you had a great day.
  13. I'm still not convinced, it does look too german to me. Plus with Mario wearing black, he looks like a certain 3rd reich leader.
  14. Chit-chatting now for a bit
  15. Must be you (i think). I'm in the chat room now.
  16. Aye, that is indeed true. Can't get on chat at the moment, work computers say no no.
  17. Wonder, will this be finished this year in time for Christmas??
  18. Congrats Murr, glad it's paying off for you now. Mmm, mulled wine. Goes down a treat with a warmed mince pie as well.
  19. Probably the same reasons as to why i don't go into the chat much anymore. I do need to pop my head into the chatroom soon though, but when i do pop in no-one seems to be there. And, if there is anyone there no-one seems to be talking.
  20. Jimbob

    L.A. Noire

    I havn't even put this game back in to get 100%. I'm still thinking it is one of them games you want to play once, maybe twice. And thats it. Comparing it to GTA IV and Red Dead (i know, these games are not the same). I had an attachment to both Niko Belleck and John Marston, so when the endings for both characters approached and happened, i felt something. But with Cole Phelps, i didn't feel much at all. The character as a whole, and the game to be fair, felt bland as such. It was a good game, but it wasn't like previous Rockstar titles. Still havn't 100%'d the game, and don't intend to anytime soon.
  21. It has gone downhill, the 3D environments don't beat the Isometric Tycoon games.
  22. I'm in, if it goes ahead that is Congrats are in order
  23. Oh, didn't know that. In which case, have fun with the original. Not sure what ME2 is like without an imported character decisions imported through, probably have impartial characters. Does the PS3 have a download to allow choice decisions to be made from ME to ME2?, i know the 360 has this download dlc.
  24. Aye, if you've not played it before then i would suggest playing 2 again after completing 1 and import your Shepard save over to 2, makes things a little different in terms of attitudes and who shows up.
  25. Boris shows of his new "bendy-bikes" to a proud Cameron
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