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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Yeah, i agree. It had the right setting, the gameplay and missions let it down a bit i thought.
  2. That's made my night.
  3. Bitching about work, i'll join in. I do feel sorry for y'all. First 4 months was crap. Talking to absolute morons day in and out was crap. Management were a complete waste of space, whatever they said for us to do was contradicted with other things they said. For example, you can't go on break or go home 1 minute before time, but were expected to take a call if it came through at break/home time. And, if you followed the rules and guidance on call handling, they failed you on quality. Even though they told you to follow guidance and rules on call handling. They didn't know what was going to happen to us past September, and we wern't told until 2 days before what was going to be the end of the month. Organisation is crap, no-one knows anything or tells us anything until the last minute. No wonder people are leaving every week. Now on the taxes side, it is a lot better and i enjoy it a lot more.
  4. It does recap, and spoils the 3 previous titles if you've not played them before.
  5. From what i've played so far, it has lost that feeling you've mentioned.
  6. Loving this game
  7. Anyone elses copy arrive today??.
  8. Question Is the side that the broken tooth on your good side?? Because if it isn't, always Skype on the other side.
  9. Happened to have just done that dungeon as well, thought it was great to do. I am heading up doing a few extra side-quests on the way to the next main mission.
  10. Wow, that is pretty neat. Well done Magnus, a great model indeed.
  11. Free Iron Helmet here i come.
  12. Happy Birthday guys, have a good day
  13. Had a few hours on it, been exploring for most of the time. Have a nice handful of side-quests unlocked atm, which i'm planning on doing tomorrow.
  14. Shopto, brilliant. My copy is right in front of me as i speak. Installing it as well. Can't wait to get involved.
  15. True, it was indeed that. Arkham City feels like they were trying to make it better than Asylum, but it doesn't feel better in my opinion. Too many top enemies, some wasted moments and opportunities. Arkham City feels too open, too over the place as you said. It is a good game, i'm not doubting that for a second. It just feels like Rocksteady made City under the pressure to make it better than Asylum, but different as well.
  16. Free food, and free holding. Bargain that. At least the game is with someone you know. I'm going by Oblivion here, which was over 100 hours. What i've heard about this, it's in the same direction length-wise if not longer. You'll need to pump every free hour into this if you want it done by Skyward Sword.
  17. That is stupid. If they are doing this, then shouldn't they put a block on early copies for the consoles. I know it probably is impossible to do. Umm. Hope you can still pick it up. Why's that, Steam users shouldn't be allowed to jump ahead in my opinion, sounds a little unfair to me. All i know is, that my copy is at home. Probably won't go on it tonight, there's a Time Team special on at 9 and Russell Howard is on afterwards. May get on, who knows.
  18. It does seem to me that Rocksteady threw in so much Riddler stuff to "beef" the game up. I mean, it doesn't feel like Arkham Asylum. I can see what they were trying to do, but whilst trying to go there, they kind-of made this not as good if you get what i mean.
  19. Nothing from me either, sorry.
  20. Would be nice to play it again, it was a favourite of mine as well.
  21. Shopto dispatched my order (with a nice picture of the package, how nice of them) earlier today. Can't wait to get my hands on it. If it arrives tomorrow, i'll be customising all night i think
  22. Hmm, sounds like a good idea. But unless they've been working on Galaxy III for a while now, i doubt there would be a new title for the WiiU launch. Unless a miracle occurs. But, like many have said, i would prefer a fresher feeling Mario title over a 3rd Galaxy title though. It would be better suited to go on the 3DS i think.
  23. Yeah, it was that one i was referring to. Cheers for the advice Dog-amoto. The pads in the cage caused me some frustration (and choice wording), but finally achieved that trophy last night.
  24. Yeah, there is a choice here. Quite simple, don't read them as Magnus said. And, if no-one can handle critisism, then don't be a writer. Simple as really.
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