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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. They're will be a separate mode for "Gnashers only". Like the Torque Bow Tag had and Big Heads.
  2. Yes, that is correct. You will need to play career to earn money to upgrade the cars though.
  3. Aye, i'm just installing the disc on the HDD as i speak. Can't wait to get on with the story.
  4. Yeah, i most certainly have Forza 4 as well. Always up for online fun with it, i'm looking at you H.O.T and S.C.G. It is indeed a great Forza game, most certainly the best i've played and i've played them all. Love the Top Gear addition to the game. In honest opinion, who else did a lap of the track with the "reasonably priced car" as the first thing they did. When i bought it, GAME offered me a wireless steering wheel as well for £35. Anyone pick it up??. The cars are unlocked already, you only "unlock" them in career mode. By that, i mean purchase them and upgrade them. Other than that, as far as i know all the cars are in the game and unlocked.
  5. Happy Birthday to all today, hope it were a great one.
  6. Sweet, it does sound like a nice bit of DLC. @Dog\-amoto. If it's like the pass for LA Noire, probably a few more weeks or something
  7. Mine arrived today. Which was nice indeed.
  8. Oh god, don't remind me of that. I still reckon no-one fully understood it either. Yeah, re-ordered it straight away. Still dissapointed that it was cancelled with no reason. I'm considering swapping to Shopto for my gaming needs. Thats if GAME keep heading in the direction they are heading.
  9. What the............... I mean, come on. Who in their right mind would avoid assisting the little girl, after being run over TWICE. I'm sorry, but this does sicken and upset me.
  10. I'm nearly convinced that because of the c**k up at GAME, i won't get this on Friday. Seriously, since they've updated the site things have gone wrong. No-one is running the Twitter or Facebook pages, and i've had no reply via the contact page on-site. Service ain't what it used to be, and i was looking forward to release-day Arkham as well. Shame.
  11. Still going fine. Managed to wire my 360 to the PC, no more random cut-offs for the time being at least. Training for taxes has gone well, enjoyable and much preferred over talking to tax credit customers. Recommended, if you like challenging work.
  12. Happy Birthday, hope you had a good one.
  13. Happy Birthday, hope you had a good one.
  14. Slightly annoying to be fair, luckly none of that has occured to me on Gears 3. Hope no-one else is having these issues.
  15. Moving the convo onto Mass Effect 2 for a moment, seems the right thread to do so. Progress of this for me is great. 32 1/2 hours of play, doing everything there is to do. Mordon performing "Gilbert and Sullivan", nice touch from Bioware. Pursuing a relationship with a member of the crew
  16. No dispatch email for me, probably because they cancelled my damn order. Had to re-order it, so because of their cock-up, i may not get the game at release.
  17. I kept getting emails informing me of my pre-orders. Usually 3 or so a week, and all the same as well. Since they changed the site, there seems to be no way of communicating with them effectively. They cancelled my order for Batman, but won't let me cancel Skyward Sword (non Wii+ version).
  18. Take some painkillers, should help prevent you from walking like a sissy as it were. Broke my toe a few months back. Boy it were a killer to put up with. And all i did was slip of the top step. Sorry to hear of that Wolfy
  19. I'm still turning the Wii on ocassionally, mainly going on Twilight Princess and Galaxy II for the 3rd time of each.
  20. Congrats for making the 24 hours guys.
  21. And i tune in to hear the singing sensations of the Extra Life posse. What does one say!!
  22. Bit miffed atm. GAME cancelled my Batman order, even though everything was upto date with payment information. Oh well, re-order it i guess.
  23. Watching it, and donated to the cause.
  24. I used to like the tunage of Steps. Pity they split 10 years ago, all over 2 members. Still, wonder if they will get the same fan-base as before for the tour. And not do a spice girls, and split again 1/2 way through.
  25. It ain't that, i still got my old card details on there. Yeah, GAME are good when it comes to release-day delivery. Would be annoying if they implemented it so that no-one got the games on release.
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