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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. PSN have a digital "Buy One, get One Free" sale on at the moment. Decent number of games available, shame i "own" 1/2 through PS+
  2. Jimquisition is like marmite, you either loathe or like him. Doing this about Yooka Laylee isn't a wise move, and his Zelda review was painful to watch (and i'm saying that with politeness). Out of not wanting to spoil the game for myself, i've not seen many videos as i want to go in as fresh as possible.
  3. Not heard of a single one. I'll give them a bash as i always do, i mean if it wasn't for PS+ i'd never have played some cracking independent/low budget titles over the last 3 1/2 years.
  4. I had it pre-ordered for 20% off on PSN, downloaded it in work and played an hour before i went to bed. It's a lot of fun, very simple gameplay.
  5. I use a mix of the Sharpshot and Hunter bow, with a few mods. Now and again, i do jump on using the War bow with the Corruption arrows to help in some battles.
  6. I'm passed the collecting stage at the moment, and moved onto the main quests until i find some side-stuff to continue with.
  7. It does vary. I only really buy games straight off if i want to play them right away (aka Horizon). Sometimes, i'll wait on a sale before picking up. I don't normally get games for Christmas or Birthdays, however i do get PSN credit so that usually goes on the sales. I'd say on average, about £50-£100, maybe more sometimes depends what's about. And what i do buy goes on the credit card, which i clear each month. I mean next month should be relatively quiet anyway, bar Yooka Laylee and Little Nightmares (both paid for)
  8. This really shouldn't have been a timed exclusive on iOS. I did download it last night, bought the full version outright. Feels like a Super Mario Bros game, which is what it should do. All good so far.
  9. What is going on in the world. They suspended Parliament, got the PM out and from my last check, still have a load of people on the London Eye secure.
  10. The Tallnecks, aye they are a little creepy.
  11. All cauldrons complete, they are certainly a different aspect to the game. Moving onto the side-quest backlog i have, but did manage to get a Shadow outfit sorted out.
  12. You do.....if you do it in the warranty period, my warranty expired so it was no biggy. I used an anti-static brush and cloth to clean mine out, tipped any loose dust on the floor and hoovered up afterwards.
  13. Aye, that was the first thing i did before i left to explore the outside world. Plan this evening, finish the cauldrons and do some more side quests (they've been building up)
  14. Are people playing Yooka Laylee already, looking at the trophies some looked to be collected already. Unless staff are using their own profiles to play. Cannot wait for April. Toybox is making me want to play this more and more.
  15. Cancelled my pre-order, which is a first really. Opinions are ropey, there is certainly a mixed bag of reviews out there. I'll still pick up the game, just a few months down the line once the bugs have been fixed (hopefully).
  16. Decided to give my PS4 a good clean out earlier. The fan was whirring and the PS4 was getting a bit hot, so cleaned it out. Before After Did finish off the dusting, certainly is a lot quieter now.
  17. For now, it's just 1 game i'd be interested in. Which is Zelda, and i have a WiiU so can play it on that system. Bomberman, Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8 don't interest me (Mario Kart 8 i already own on the WiiU, and there isn't enough new to make me want to get it a 2nd time). I know there's other games on the Switch now, but they don't really interest me at the moment. But, as Cube said. There could be a bundle or two lined up around November, which would make the £280 current price more sweet.
  18. It's the same reason i came up with for not getting a Switch was. Is it worth spending £280 on a console just for one game? And my answer was no. Why, because i can play that very game on hardware i currently own. Plus, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is basically the same Mario Kart i already own on the WiiU (just with a few added features, which i'm not fussed on). Splatoon wasn't for me, and when i played Arms i didn't think much of it in January. If i never owned a WiiU, then i'd probably have snapped up the Switch at launch. And yes, the one feature which i like is it's portability. I'd love to be able to play Zelda on the train to work each day, would give me a good reason. But for 1 game,i can't justify spending that much on a console. Plus, the next few months, some of the games coming out are also coming on current hardware i already own (PS4) so again, i can't warrant a purchase yet. Maybe when Mario comes out, i might get one.
  19. My Toybox code arrived today.............and it's my late shift in work, dammit. If i'd known i might have swapped my late out.
  20. There were rumors coming from Westminster that Mrs May would invoke Article 50 today, but these were put away when it was mentioned again at the end of March.
  21. Couldn't see any other thread for it, but it's done. The EU (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill passed the House of Commons and House of Lords with no changes. Now, it's a waiting game to see exactly when Theresa May will invoke Article 50
  22. Been having a lot of fun over the weekend with this.
  23. Chose not to go outside the Sacred grounds just yet, so have been scavenging for parts to upgrade all my bags
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