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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I mostly know what i'm doing. Got a decent job (no longer career), perfect girlfriend and a great family and group of friends.
  2. Feel free to add me, my code is 2019699527
  3. I think it's because we've pledged a further £20, it's not due to be going out until mid-month (that's from a tweet i saw regarding the Toy Box code distribution, they said codes will be shipped in 2 weeks for the console Toy Box). I'm sure there will be another update saying we can update addresses afterwards. Otherwise it'll be a tweet to see how it can be updated.
  4. I mostly keep all my games, only ones i sell are either games which i'll never play again. Or if i'm completely broke, and it's to fund purchase of new games. Still hold a small regret on giving away my GC to a friend, and no longer having anything from the N64 days. I even (at one point) sold my GBA and all it's games to fund a 3DS purchase. I have (like @Nicktendo) started going out to rebuild a collection. Have my (near) entire GBA library back, and a GBA SP. Have built up my GC collection again too, having sold many games when i was out of work to fund X360 game purchases.
  5. Upgraded my digital PS4 order to a physical copy. Haven't been able to update my address yet, i'm guessing that comes once the backer deducts the funds and updates the order itself.
  6. I was looking at a Help to Buy ISA, but heard you don't actually get the bonus (unless that's changed) until you close the ISA after purchase of a property, and that you are capped at how much you can save a month. I'm in the company pension they offer, paying the maximum i can put in each month out of my salary. But, with the pay cap in place at the moment (and will be for a long while yet), it's getting tougher to keep up contributions (the last year, my take-home pay has dropped by £90 each month due to increases in NI and pension contributions). I've also got an ISA i've been feeding into for a long while, got a nice amount saved up (changed it to one that offers a decent % of interest, HSBC cut it down to next to nothing). Considering changing it again in April when the budget has been announced for the year. I do live within my means, only ever gone overdrawn once in my life, and that was only for 24 hours.
  7. So, the Rumble
  8. Hasn't that feature been split from the app now, think you need the "Messages" app to get the notifications. Same as the "Communities" one to get them notifications.
  9. I know you get special leave from work, didn't know it was unpaid. But you can claim for loss of earnings if your employer doesn't grant paid leave, so there is that i guess. I've never had to do it, but my Dad was called up once. He only got out of it due to his work.
  10. I think he's settling in ok. Welcome to the forums.
  11. Started and finished Dear Esther on PS4 this afternoon. Cracking game, perfect for an hour. Can see how it won many awards.
  12. The way i look at it, if i can't find the movie legally, then i watch it via other means. That's my line.
  13. Did my yearly play of Super Mario Brothers on the 3DS VC. Also, i've finished Super Mario Brothers 2 and currently working on Super Mario Brothers 3 on my commute to and from work. Games Completed 2017 Super Mario Brothers Super Mario Brothers 2
  14. It's strange why Nintendo are not including Streetpass'ing with the Switch, but if they are keeping the 3DS going for another year or 2, then that could be the reason why for now.
  15. 2017 isn't making a good start. Damn, R.I.P Jimmy Snuka. Had the UK Tournament on in the background last night, wasn't expecting much. However i was completely wrong, that was impressive stuff.
  16. It's amazing, 19 years. Been here 11 years myself, can't think of a better group of individuals.
  17. Happy Birthday to you both this fine day.
  18. Got back from the Switch event late last night, due to a few complications. However, none the less i was impressed by the Switch. From hands-on experiences of Breath of the Wild and various different games of 1, 2..Switch (that guess the ball game was impressive, honestly could feel the balls rolling around inside the joy-con), i knew Nintendo has the ability to pull off great experiences throughout. However, the event had a few issues. Namely it was quite crowded, to the point at times you could hardly move. A few in our group were left disappointed because they couldn't get to play the new Zelda (to be honest, with the venue size as it was and the fact most people seemed to have come on the Saturday, it was difficult to get onto some games). That's not to say it was a great event, it had free food and drinks on offer. Nintendo did miss a beat and didn't have a small merchandise stand up, but that was minor. A few snaps of the event. Would have taken more, but i was too busy having fun on the various games about.
  19. Just got back from London, did manage to play a bit of Breath of the Wild. First impressions, it feels like a familiar Zelda game. However, the open world design and the ability to go wherever you want adds freshness to the series. I won't go into much more, however i'm looking forward to March 3rd now more than ever. Still makes me wonder why Nintendo didn't bring this at EGX last year, it's basically the same demo as at E3. Just with Switch controls.
  20. The only game i'm interested in is Zelda, and that's coming on the WiiU. Read up on the presentation, and nothing is going down for me. The entire device is waaay overpriced, the extra controllers feel like i need to get a mortgage out to buy them. I mean, if i was to get a Switch at launch i'd be getting the console, and a Pro controller and a game. I'm looking at around £400. I got the PS4 at launch, and 2 games for just over £400 (had a month's PS+ added in for free as a trial).
  21. I got confused for a moment.................... It's certainly a mixed bag of comments across various sites, heck even in my local Streetpass group it's a little mixed.
  22. That price and launch line-up. I'm out, sorry. Whom has a 32gb internal memory these days. Looking at what's coming the rest of the year, except Zelda (which i can get on the WiiU) there isn't anything that's interesting to me until the end of the year in Mario. I can see Nintendo doing a soft re-launch akin to the 3DS, once the software is available.
  23. Not planning on watching the Switch presentation, trying to stay spoiler free for my hands-on demo Saturday afternoon. Of course, i'll give a full run-down of my opinion once i return. Luckily, there is a pick-up point in Cardiff for the group i'm travelling with at 9:30am.
  24. I still have a semi-regret in even buying a WiiU. However, with that said i've had some great gaming moments on the WiiU. DKCTF stands out as a highlight for me, great platformer that kept me hooked for ages. Super Mario Bros U, again a great platformer. However, my highlight was Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. Such a simple, yet challenging game. Little thing snuck out early, had my copy Christmas Eve. Loved the puzzles and the use of the Gamepad.
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