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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Works out by complete luck, that i have the 9th to the 15th June off to look after the family dog. Just so happens E3 is right over that period, so first time in quite a long time i'm off for E3.
  2. Jimbob

    Destiny 2

    Just switched on Destiny for the first time this year, boy the group i used to play with have turned into right twits. Been trying to get my groove back ready for the beta access and release in September.
  3. Damn, i knew i forgot something. Edited it in for amusement. Sorry, it's been a long week.
  4. Link here Basically, for a small fee of £36 a year (£33 if you join now, get 1 month free), you get more. So, that's 10% extra points for all physical games, merchandise and accessories. You also get 4% extra for consoles, VR, phones and tablets and an additional 2% extra on digital purchases and pre-owned. Also on top of that, you get exclusive offers on games, products etc. So to summerise, all these "offers" for £36 a year (with a first month for free). Not exactly bargain of the century, considering hardly anything "new" comes in at the "savings" you make. Think they need to extract said heads from said rear ends, last ditch attempt to save their skins from a close to inevitable fate. Rather save the £36 and get something new from Shopto or similar. Nice try GAME, but seriously. Whomever thought of this idea needs their giblets extracted and fed to them with a glass of milk. Edit: Did see this comment and laughed So we're now at the point where we need a season pass for buying games. I guess it's true with this abysmal decision/offer.
  5. I enjoyed the first, except
  6. Link Thought Hitman did well enough, guessing it hasn't. Hopefully they keep the servers switched on for those still playing.
  7. Just finished Tale from the Borderlands. One of the better Telltale Games series, i enjoyed it. It was one of them games where the story was great, characters were decent and the music just made it complete.
  8. Saw it on the weekend, absolutely loved it. Funnier than the previous movie, the story felt slightly weaker than the 1st. Cracking tunes throughout also. Drax was a highlight of the movie, but i agree that Groot was the star of this movie.
  9. Every year, we get a performance review where we get a marking to determine how we've performed throughout the year. I've been excluded from this years meeting regarding it, i'm guessing the old boss doesn't want me there. I'll probably get the marking through my new manager via the old one. Seems odd, considering everyone else (bar me) is invited. I've contacted my rep whose adding it to the report we're filing against them.
  10. The PS+ system should be overhauled, heck even if it means reducing the PSVita/PS3 game offerings down to 1 a month, and maybe adding 1 more to the PS4 or perhaps offering a AAA title and an Indie title each month. There has been some wanting the PSNow service integrated with PS+, but with a small price rise to incorporate this/including 1 game a month for free, and if you wanted to play more then you go for the sub. As for the rest of E3 this year. It's a pretty safe bet with the game list above from Sony. Hopefully there's something new coming from Sony, like a new IP as a surprise. Microsoft, i'm expecting more from Scorpio and 1 or 2 new IP's being shown off. Nintendo, i'm expecting more from Mario, Splatoon and perhaps news on a Smash port coming.
  11. Little bit weird bringing out the 2DS XL now, but it sure does look good.
  12. If Nintendo continue with a similar format as the last few E3's, i'll be happy with that (Direct/Digital Event, then a live Treehouse afterwards). Bit weird not doing a live presentation at E3, but i'm not surprised as this is Nintendo we're talking about.
  13. US gamers get ABZU over Alienation. Still, it's a good line-up. Have already got Tales from the Borderlands, a cracking game.
  14. Surprised this thread hasn't had any other comments since. Anyway, the reviews are coming in. Scores of around 8.5's and 9's, which is fantastic. Out next week on the 28th, anyone else picking this up?.
  15. Ultimatly, i prefer Infinite over the 2nd Bioshock. But the original holds a place dear to my gaming heart. The atmosphere of the 1st is just unreal, yes it does make you think and does make you feel a bit uncomfortable. But that's the brilliance of it. Infinite tries to recapture what made the 1st brilliant, and i loved the setting. Compared to the 1st, there was only 1 jumpy moment for me
  16. I'm expecting another fiasco with the SNES mini. Seriously, it's a money maker same as the NES mini was. Ah well, expect scalpers to roll all over this, unless Nintendo do something and restrict orders to 1 per household.
  17. Brave move. Considering Labour are plummeting at the poles, and it's a most likely Tories win.
  18. Tried playing over the weekend, but the consistent issues prevented me from actually doing a lot, bar qualifying hot laps. Which i'll admit they were pretty good testing the track out.
  19. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Never saw it in the cinema, but finally watched it this evening. Pretty good solo story to the franchise, obviously had to have some CGI in for some characters. But i was impressed none the less. 9/10
  20. Got myself access to the beta, goes on again this weekend
  21. Got the Easter break, and i'm taking the PlayStation up the Mrs's to play some Yooka Laylee. Been saving much of my play for this weekend coming up. I did put in a few hours on Sunday/Monday, and i enjoyed what i played abiet a few minor issues. But the reviewers, i have no idea what they are talking about in places.
  22. I'd love to see a more diverse choice of 3rd party titles arrive on the Switch, i don't want to see another WiiU situation where the console is primarily being supported by 1st/2nd party titles only. No console can survive without some element of 3rd party. I echo an earlier comment, if 3rd party games release at the same time as PS4/Xbox One equivalents then they should do ok. Not a few months to a year later (looking at you Watch Dogs)
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