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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Hahaha! Nobody saw that one coming! Bayonetta's Smash model is all kinds of wrong though, she looks hilarious without her usual height. Not happy with yet another Fire Emblem character and not too fussed about Cloud either, but the pure insanity of Bayonetta makes up for it.
  2. I've barely played Xenoblade Chronicles X. There's loads of games I wouldn't mind checking out that I held off purchasing too: Bloodborne, Toukiden: Kiwami, The Witcher 3, Tearaway Unfolded, Dragon Quest Heroes, Star Wars: Battlefront, Transformers: Devastation, Mad Max, Godzilla: The Game, Devil's Third, Affordable Space Adventures, Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros., Hotline Miami 2... On the plus side, a lot of those will probably be in the bargain bin next year (a few of them already are ) so at least I'll save a bit of moolah, should I get around to picking some of them up in the future.
  3. I'm on 97 badges with £1.80 spent. Would've had well over 100 by now, but I keep trying (and failing) to get the damn Crazy 8 badge with my free plays. Meanwhile that yellow feather on one of the Animal Crossing sets continues to fall down by itself... every single day.
  4. It's been a fantastic gaming year for me, one that has introduced me to a new favourite franchise, changed my opinion of an entire genre and provided loads of online multiplayer laughs! Difficult to put them in order, but I've given it a go:
  5. @drahkon has 0 games/trophies?!
  6. Could ZL/R be in a worse location?
  7. Yeah, I think the focus has shifted more towards multiplayer in Smash 4. Well, it's always been the main focus of Smash Bros., but like you say, the single player content was slightly more compelling in earlier versions.
  8. You should've joined us for the N-E tourney, it was a right laugh. :awesome:If you're expecting Smash Bros. to keep you entertained as a single player experience, then you're inevitably going to be disappointed.
  9. Hehehe! This really is a huge leap in terms of presentation for the series though. Also, clunky animation/mechanics come as standard in the Yakuza games (it's actually a big part of their charm for me ) so I expect what we're seeing here to be more or less the same in the finished product.
  10. Oh. I got the impression it was a really tough game to complete.
  11. 100% on Destiny is impressive though.
  12. Stunning visuals on that trailer! Kiryu looks way younger though, which is weird.
  13. Really looking forward to this Smash presentation. N-E's staff predictions can be seen here: http://www.n-europe.com/features/smash-bros-fighter-ballot-predictions : peace:
  14. Wow! I'm not familiar with those other games, but great job on getting the platinum for Just Cause 3 so quickly! That's a cool site for seeing trophy stats. :awesome: I've got some catching up to do:
  15. 2 more games for my diary, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon and FAST Racing NEO. Blood Dragon was most entertaining due to its full-on cheesy 80's vibe. Gameplay-wise I thought it was pretty crappy, but definitely worth playing just to enjoy the gags/references though (for those of us that are old enough to get them that is ). Also took FAST Racing NEO for a spin this month. Gorgeous looking game that's also very challenging! I would've preferred a bit more content really, and some basic stat tracking could've gone a long way to making the online mode more appealing. However, considering the size of the development team and the price of the game, it's a nice addition to the Wii U library.
  16. Has anyone else had the yellow feather on one of the Animal Crossing sets fall down by itself? It's has for me every day since that set first appeared. Anyway, new badges from the MK8 set were added today.
  17. "We're stuck on a whooooooooole different plannnnnnnnet!" And what about the fantastic vocals in the city area: "I can't hear you... I can't see you... I can't hear you..." over and over again. Man, I wish I couldn't hear you! Yeah, the soundtrack has been completely destroyed for me unfortunately by the use of vocals.
  18. Just had a pretty good session on this while waiting for the 23 GB of Yakuza 5 to download. Anyway, it's actually started to click now and become a lot more enjoyable.
  19. Baby Face is most pleased. MPface.gif

  20. Legend of the Mystical Ninja for SNES is on the Wii VC, yeah. But the N64 game isn't, not even in Japan.
  21. I'm really... not feeling it. Yeah, it's far too early to pass judgment obviously, but my initial impressions of this game aren't too positive. Firstly, the character creator is a joke. As one of the very few people that actually likes the art style of this game, I was really looking forward to making my own character. But it's so limited it's unreal! The way various styles are tied to certain presets is unbelievably stupid and really restrictive. Then there's the general lack of audio options. No Music/SFX volume control (criminal omission given how bad the vocals are), no 5.1 surround sound and worst of all, no option for the original Japanese voices! I've only played for a few hours, and Lyn's voice is already unbearable. The menus are convoluted to the extreme! Seriously, it's all over the shop. I remember the original Xenoblade being confusing, but X takes it to a whole new level. It feels like you'd need a degree in order to learn how to properly understand this game. The online stuff does nothing but complicate it even further and some of the text size is so microscopic that I struggle to read it... on a 42 inch screen!! This might all seem like trivial stuff (and it kinda is) but there are just so many examples that when you bring them all together, it really has a negative effect on the overall game. Well, it has for me at least. There are obviously positives too, but at the moment they're just getting drowned out by everything else.
  22. Thanks for reminding me about this game (hadn't even purchased any of this months PS+ titles yet! ) I had a quick go on it last night, and sure enough it was hilarious! Not watched the vid you posted, but having pissed myself to the introduction of the game, I'm sure it's gonna be great. :awesome:
  23. Yakuza 5 date + Yakuza 0 localisation already makes it a great show for me. Ni No Kuni II was the icing on the cake. Major flashback to Nintendo's E3 Skyward Sword showing. Surprised anyone even attempts these kind of live demos anymore. I'm still not really sold on VR, but loved this:
  24. Awesome news. I loved the original on PS3. Looking forward to this.
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