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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Well, seeing as I intentionally ignored the story and have no desire to play any of the other games in the series, methinks not.
  2. Nope, this was the very first Persona game I played. That's weird.I bought the full version on iOS a while back (when it was on offer) with no problem.
  3. Gonna post this week's theme in a bit... Prepare yourselves. *EDIT* OK, here it is: Yeah, I redesigned the theme image again.
  4. Finished Horizon Chase. Best 79p I've spent on a game since the good old days of the C64. If you're a fan of Out Run or old school racing games in general, definitely check it out!: A PS4 version is apparently in the works, would be great if they added online multiplayer. And after finally giving up on Xenoblade Chronicles X, I decided to get into PS+ freebie, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax. This game confused the hell out of me at first, but I stuck with it and ended up enjoying it quite a bit. I also love how the online lobby is done, with a little arcade you can walk about in. It doesn't seem to be too busy though, just like the real-life arcade scene.
  5. So I made it to level 30, go to accept the next story mission and... "requirements not met". Turns out I also needed to do another affinity quest too. *sigh* So I begin looking for this affinity quest, and when I finally find it and attempt to start it... "requirements not met". Not enough affinity with a certain NPC apparently. Are you kidding me!? *closes software* *ejects disc* *powers off Wii U* Yeah, pretty sure I'm done with this game now. It's a shame, as I really wanted to try out the flying Skells and see how the story unfolded. But guess I'll just watch the remaining cutscenes on YouTube to save myself from the additional aggravation of grinding levels (and affinity ) and just generally struggling against the bizarre mechanics of this game. Note to self: DO NOT BUY ANYMORE GAMES LIKE THIS!
  6. Yeah, I know. Very strange indeed.
  7. Huh? That's wasn't on tonight's menu.
  8. Damn. That's a shame about the connection issues in group 2.
  9. It used to be based on position in the league table, not sure if that's still the case though. Anyway, it looks like we will need 2 groups this week, but it'd be good if we could get a few more people in that case. @Glen\-i? A little birdie tells me he might be interested in returning to the league.
  10. How many extra players need to sign up before you go with 2 groups? Personally I don't think we should do a second one unless there are 16 players in total.
  11. Currently £26 on amazon. It's been around the 20 quid mark at a few places recently though (although obviously not for long ) so yeah, now is a great time to buy.
  12. I wonder if they'll be showcasing their killer app for VR at this...
  13. If all goes well with the venture into mobile, they could just have that functionally be provided by phones/tablets, and their own handheld of course.
  14. Well, at first I wasn't too into it, but as I mentioned on the previous page (don't read that spoiler though! ) the events at the end of chapter 5 really made me enjoy the story a lot more. As you're no doubt aware by now though, story is not really an area of games that I give much importance to. So I'm probably easier to please than someone like yourself, who values it a lot more and has experienced many story based games over the years.
  15. I definitely like the exploration aspect too, but at the same time I've explored a hell of a lot already (even used the non-flying Skell to travel to the other islands of the world via sea! ) Now I just want to carry on with the story, but can't.There's really no reason to have a level restriction on the next chapter other than to extend the length of the game. I would much rather they let me proceed anyway, and if it turns out I'm under leveled, then I'll go about leveling up. At least that way it wouldn't feel so forced.
  16. Go on my son! Shame he won't be in the story mode though. Anyway, if this follows a similar localization schedule to the first game, I guess we shouldn't expect it until early next year.
  17. Heh, sorry about that. Gotta keep it real though, and despite there being a lot to like about this game, there's no denying it can be a goddamn chore to play. It's a shame too, as the story was getting really cool last time I was playing it, and I definitely want to progress and see what happens, but the game wants to make that process as annoying as possible it seems.
  18. I tried to get back into this yesterday, after another break from it. Want to just continue with the story, but the next chapter requires you to be level 30, and I was only level 26. Got up to 28 last night after some grinding and sub quests, but leveling up is such a drag in this game. Hopefully when/if I get to the next chapter, it'll give me the motivation to continue.
  19. Yeah, that's probably the most feasible option. If you can't get the full GP results from @BowserBasher, this is the best I can do:
  20. Seeing as I only use MKTV footage now (don't capture the actual GPs anymore) there's no results screen to include. But TBH I'd rather leave that out anyway, as it'd just add extra length to the vids, and I want to keep them as condensed and snappy as possible. Don't worry, MKTV has been kind to you. Yeah, the highlight vid for last week is ready to render, just waiting for the results.
  21. Woohoo, Platinum GET! Final playtime to hit 100%: Not bad value for 16 quid. Although a couple of those final hours were a bit grindy... Still fun though. *EDIT* And check this out for a close call:
  22. The highlight vid from last week's GPs is now complete and will hopefully be online soon. BTW, if everyone taking part in the league each week could let me know of any particularly epic/funny moments that happen, that would be great. Whether it be something that happens to you, or something that you spot from another player. Post about it in here afterwards and there's a chance I'll feature it as "highlight of the week" in the next video. : peace:
  23. Absurd! I mean really, what's wrong with the frame? The frame is totally great. The frame is so cool. The frame is just about the greatest thing ever to exist. Not that it was my idea or anything...
  24. Finished the first game recently. Definitely ready for more of the same! Really hope Yangus is in this one too though, such a great character. Jessica and Maya can return as well... *Puff-Puff*
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