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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Does it not fill the other spaces with randoms?
  2. Man, I keep pressing R to try and throw the ball. Good games anyway.
  3. Yeah, was also expecting Clam Blitz.
  4. So, Clam Blitz for 4 then? See you in 15.
  5. Sorry, my Switch decided to freeze so had to restart it. Intersting session tonight. I made such a spectacular fuck up on SNES donut plains, ended up boosting in the wrong direction and into the wall simultaneously.
  6. If they were still playable this would be a day one buy for me. Don’t get why Capcom have removed that feature. Hopefully they add the prowler hunting style as DLC.
  7. Mario x Rabbids on sale again!? Kinda wish I waited to buy that now. Will probably pick up some of the Inti Creates games that have been on my watch list for a while, and maybe Rocket League too.
  8. Hmm... @Sméagol, you playing tonight? Looks like it’s gonna be Turf War otherwise.
  9. Yeah, I'll be there.
  10. RedShell


    My badge collection post-Party Crash: Over 100 now. Wasn't expecting to be awarded a Ribbon Girl badge from the 1st Party Crash, but there it is. Perhaps I'll get a Ninjara one next time.
  11. I've used it a few times, yeah. Just not a fan of the battle gameplay in this really. Everything else is fantastic though. I'm up to world 4 now, the boss on the 3rd world was hilarious!! Nintendo let Ubisoft get away with quite a bit in this game, has made it all the more entertaining. I just wish the gameplay was more to my taste. If there's ever another Mario x Rabbids crossover in the future I would love for it to be based around the gameplay of Rabbids Go Home.
  12. I hope so, Clam Blitz is awesome! Still not quite perfected the distance for passing/shooting clams, but just a matter of more practice I guess. Speaking of which, the recon feature in the lobby is pretty handy for that. Here's an amusing GIF from a Rainmaker battle I had the other day. Chasing someone all the way back to their base: OK, had a bit of help from some Tenta Missiles too, but still funny.
  13. Yeah, the reason I say that is I do remember trying it out on something else (Wii or PC, not sure now) and it didn’t work on that with certain games which played fine with a standard GCN controller. Anyway, will definitely test it on Switch... if I ever find it.
  14. Looking forward to that.
  15. RedShell


    I hit Lv. 30 yesterday (those x3 events are great! ) but yeah, not really a good idea to have this and Splatfest going at the same time. Hopefully they avoid that in the future. Clip of me taking an easy/cheap win during the Party Crash: So nearly a perfectly timed double K.O.
  16. Nice! Glad I never bought Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers. I used to have a GCN arcade stick (not sure where it is though, or if I even still have it ) would be cool if that works on Switch via the GCN adapter.
  17. And here comes the snow! There's also a major update on the way that will add a garden to your campsite, clothes crafting and what seems to be Blanca.
  18. Very strange indeed then. I played some more games last night and it was pretty much the same story as before, film vs film most of the time. Mind you, when I did encounter book teams they were always really good (like proper organised teams, rather than randoms) so even if film does have the majority vote I wouldn’t be surprised if book wins overall and I’ll be back to my usual losing streak in Splatfest.
  19. RedShell


    Yeah, has been a crazy busy gaming day, what with Splatfest, Party Crash, Zelda DLC, MH Beta... Got up to Lv 20 on this though, also team Min Min.
  20. Going to be interesting to see the vote percentages for this Splatfest. I literally had about 10 team film vs team film games earlier! Did nobody in the world choose team books?
  21. Did the first 2 quests solo and then jumped online (eventually) for the 3rd. Yeah, matchmaking is pretty terrible at the moment but probably not indicative of the final release. Anyway, the game looks great (the Palicos are so cute in HD ) but frame rate can take a major hit at times. Saw some serious slowdown when doing the 3rd quest online and a Rathalos decided to crash the party. There seems to be quite a few tweaks and new additions to the gameplay this time (most of which just confused me) but otherwise it plays more or less how I’d expect. I went with the good old hammer and was right at home within a few minutes. I like how it recognises your performance online now and displays certain achievements at the end of a game, been wanting to see something like that in MH for a while. Would have preferred a full on stat display showing exactly how each player performed, with stuff like damage percentages etc... but this is better than nothing. No PS+ for me next year though, so even if I do end up getting this it’d be a single player experience. So yeah, going to have to wait and see what the verdict is for it in that regard before making a decision.
  22. Even I think. We doing Turf War anyway. *EDIT* That’s it for me, good games.
  23. I’ll join for a few games.
  24. Damn, everyone DC then?
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