Did the first 2 quests solo and then jumped online (eventually) for the 3rd. Yeah, matchmaking is pretty terrible at the moment but probably not indicative of the final release.
Anyway, the game looks great (the Palicos are so cute in HD ) but frame rate can take a major hit at times. Saw some serious slowdown when doing the 3rd quest online and a Rathalos decided to crash the party. There seems to be quite a few tweaks and new additions to the gameplay this time (most of which just confused me) but otherwise it plays more or less how I’d expect. I went with the good old hammer and was right at home within a few minutes.
I like how it recognises your performance online now and displays certain achievements at the end of a game, been wanting to see something like that in MH for a while. Would have preferred a full on stat display showing exactly how each player performed, with stuff like damage percentages etc... but this is better than nothing.
No PS+ for me next year though, so even if I do end up getting this it’d be a single player experience. So yeah, going to have to wait and see what the verdict is for it in that regard before making a decision.