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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. n-europe Review
  2. RedShell


    Had a quick look at the new character, very cool. Not quite sure what's going on with that floating colour changing thingy, looks like it might be similar to Shulk's arts in Smash Bros. though. This update has also added an online event! (Was worried they might have scrapped those.) It starts next Wednesday and appears to reward using specific characters/arms with coins and special badges.
  3. RedShell


    Holy shit! I decided to check out the SnapMap mode tonight and have been absolutely glued to it! Had no idea it was so deep, incredible stuff. Probably should’ve waited until finishing the campaign though, as it’s going to be really tough to stop messing with it now. Such a shame it was cut from the Switch release.
  4. Probably going to pick this up at some point, already played it quite a bit as a freebie on PS4, but seeing as I'm not planning to renew my PS+ subscription next year, I'll need to get it on PC or Switch if I want to play it again. Nice to hear the devs prioritised 60fps over visuals on Switch anyway, definitely the right choice for this type of game. BTW, anyone found out what happens if you use the Nintendo themed cars on cross-play, do they actually show up like that in the other versions?
  5. RedShell


    I'm playing the PS4 version though.
  6. The Wii U Mario Kart 8 DLC packs have been added for 80 gold coins each. I would just love to see the statistics for how many people actually get these rewards.
  7. RedShell


    This game is nuts! Only done a couple of missions, probably would’ve done more but kept getting lost looking for secrets. Speaking of secrets... Totally wasn’t expecting that.
  8. Do one, Konami... You absolute bastards.
  9. How are you getting on with Cat Quest, @Hero-of-Time? I found out there was a demo available on the PS4, so had a brief go on it yesterday. Quite enjoyed it, I like how the combat is real-time too. Seemed like it might be a bit on the easy side, but it was a pretty short demo so perhaps that’s not the case.
  10. RedShell


    Well, common sense prevailed and I got the PS4 version for a tenner. I just hope that my console (and more importantly, my eardrums) survive. Tempted to also get an extra long HDMI cable so I can leave the PS4 in another room and not have to listen to it freaking out!
  11. Nope, not going to make it. Sorry guys. Hopefully catch you on Thursday, after MK.
  12. RedShell


    I’m still undecided about which version to get. Part of me really wants to get it on Switch, but a more sensible part of me thinks I should get it for PS4. If the map editor wasn’t cut from the Switch version it’d be a slightly easier choice. Having said that, I’d also have to pick up a micro SD card right now to play it on Switch, obviously have to get one at some point regardless, but I’m trying to delay that purchase in order to get a better deal on a higher capacity card. At this rate I’ll just end up skipping Doom completely...
  13. RedShell


    DF’s tech analysis:
  14. I might be able to join you lot tonight, but won’t know for sure until later on.
  15. RedShell


  16. Nice. Will be interested in your final impressions, as it’s on my watch list.
  17. Hahaha! I captured the very same moment: So stupid. Classic. A few more: Is it just me, or is Gyfcat embedding a bit weird on this new forum? Anyway, that was a good laugh yesterday. I'd definitely be up for more post-MK8 League Splatoon 2.
  18. Yeah, was pretty good in the end. I hate sniper rifles though, so what did the game do? Give me 2 in a single Salmon Run.
  19. It’s going well.
  20. What’s your password @Glen-i? Nevermind
  21. I vote league, purely because I haven’t actually played that mode yet.
  22. @Sméagol you might wanna Spoiler tag that stuff. *EDIT* Beaten by the Hero of time himself.
  23. OK. Salmon Run is open too, so that could be an option. *EDIT* @Glen-i what’s the plan then, you hosting?
  24. What, and spoil all your fun? Yeah, not a great session me today... Mucho Lag, a D/C, bad luck, and Mirror Mode.
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