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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. Well, more companies are joing the tease: Moonlighter developer: Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom:
  2. I'm sort of expecting a Direct Mini at this point. I'm really feeling it. Shadow drop at 2 PM then...
  3. I know what it is and it's not something everybody will enjoy and like but it's cool nonetheless. The information comes out tomorrow at 10 AM CEST (so 9 AM for you guys).
  4. Finally completed the game now with 102 Pagies with a playtime of 16 hours 19 minutes. Won't be bothering with the rest of those Pagies. The final boss was frustrating mainly because of bad camera controls making it impossible to aim properly (stage 2 of the fight), and escaping those missiles in the end was difficult. Took about 10 tries, I think, before I got him down. Overall, the game is charming but in the end not really a good game. It just lacks something, and only few moments and sections were actually good fun. The controls took a little getting used to but worked fine. The camera didn't work well. The combat was just a pain. The level design is not so good but not that bad either. The soundtrack was good. Overall, it's just pretty average, basically the definition of 5/10.
  5. Yeah, I don't buy it at all. 4K? No chance in hell. There may come a revision but that will mostly be design and memory, perhaps a better screen. Nothing that would split the player base. Even though the New 3DS could handle games better, only very few games actually came out for it. It's just better business to release on the weaker model that everyone owns.
  6. It's just the hope that we don't know everything about it that people are clinging to. But I am on your side, there is simply nothing more to it at the moment.
  7. I'd prefer a new New Super Mario Bros.-game over both... But some of the levels in Mario Maker were great.
  8. Celebi is coming to Pokémon Go as a reward for doing some new Special Research that starts on August 20th. Looking forward to doing some more of that Special Research, that was - for the most part - fun. Also, Pokémon from Johto will appear more often now. And the good news is that no Johto Pokémon requires 400 Candy...
  9. I've never played a Diablo game (shame on me!) but may actually want to play Diablo III on Switch...
  10. Before you've completed the 7 games on your list, the last three have been anounced. So go on, buy it now and start working on the backlog. Also, Hollow Knight is missing from your list.
  11. At first I was sure that I'd buy it, mainly for the cloud saves and the possibility to play online once in a while. But now I'm not sure, I don't care one bit for thirty years old games as I've played the ones I want to play. And then someone asked me, why I want to backup my saves and I couldn't answer that with a reasonable argument except for multiplayer games with unlockables, e.g. Smash Ultimate, or games that I am currently playing (Yooka-Laylee and Enter the Gungeon). Other than that, I don't really care about my progress in games that I'm done with and thus, cloud saves are not really that important. Hence I don't really think that the value is high and Nintendo should.just offer online for everybody and then a subscription to a service that enhances the online, for instance those extra NES-games and voice chat or something like that. Also, a Japanese tweet from Nintendo indicated that there won't be a Direct for this but rather just an announcement like with Labo, a video and a press release with a FAQ.
  12. Tried it out as well yesterday and while I hate fighting games online, because I always lose, I actually had fun with the game itself. It had a very nice arcade feel to it and the OTT action and moves were awesome. After playing 6 games online, I found the practice mode and tried my hands at that. Should probably have started there but I did manage to win 2 fights. However, I feel that the lobby system was inefficient. Why can I only battle the ones in my room, why not just everybody? This way, I had to wait for a fight to finish and couldn't just fight the other ones waiting for fights to finish. Feels a bit stupid. So my 6 battles took about 40 minutes to complete. The training more also was a bit slow, you had to load each fight and each small thing had its own battle. But overall, I hope to find the game for cheap at some point because the core of it was fun. And I do like Dragon Ball.
  13. Also in Danish while we're at it...
  14. Steep is no longer in development for Switch. https://mobile.twitter.com/Steep_Game/status/1027527193528856576
  15. I'll probably get Mulaka. I think I have enough roguelikes for the time being.l so will not pick up Darkest Dungeon.
  16. The Japanese trailer is much longer:
  17. I already have both four GC controllers and the adapter so won't be buying this. May buy a new GC controller, though, as they are getting rather old.
  18. A sequel til Child of Light may be on its way: The upper Tweet followed by the picture with "f Light II" in the background can only mean that Child of Light II is happening.
  19. 28 minutes? That's longer than the time they spent on it at the E3 Direct... Surely it's shorter than that?
  20. Wow. That's wrong on so many levels. You quote from them and reference them, acknowledge them. That's not stealing or plagiarism! Also, you just use their results to avoid having to do the same research they did in order to infer something else related to it.
  21. Dead Cells is out today and it has a 92 point rating on Metacritic. 9.7 from IGN but their review has been retracted due to claims of plagiarism.
  22. There are really many cool Pokémon to be added but that could make a game in itself. PokéSmash. I think that would be better as Smash Bros. is more a Nintendo All-Stars. I'd argue that Wario is a villain himself. Definitely an anti-hero, so he wouldn't really need one. There's Mario. Villager also has an evil stare, that's villain enough for me. Adding unknown characters wouldn't be a first, they did that with Fire Emblem. All of the characters. All of them. But yeah, of course, you are right, some series don't really have a bad guy.
  23. The problem with the Fire Emblem characters, in my mind, is the amount coupled with the fact that only Marth appears in more than one FE game making the others rather generic and random to me. Also, they all use swords ti some extent. That's boring. Pokémon has enough characters represented as do Mario, except that I could see Waluigi as a roster character rather than an Assist Trophy. Someone once said that every series should have a villain representative in Smash which is a nice idea that I concur with.
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