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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. Today is my last day at my current work. I have got rid of every task and cleaned up my desk so now the waiting game for my farewell "party" later today. I'll start my new job on Monday. I'm excited but it's also a bit sad that I'm going to leave now. I've spent 5 years with these people and I've grown to like most of them.
  2. A Direct airs tomorrow morning at 4.30 AM (UK) and contains information about the game. It will be out on September 27th in both Japan and US so no reason that it shouldn't be out in Europe as well.
  3. Played Bastion when it came out the first time, it's an awesome game, highly recommended. I haven't played Transistor but it is supposed to be good. May pick that up. Also, Hyper Light Drifter is out next week, Towerfall Ascension September 27th. Those are good games, I've heard. The goose game looked weirdly fun. Then there were a few games I've never heard of. They could be promising.
  4. Due to this thread I fired it up as well. I think we've seen about 6 or 8 episodes now. I miss a story, every episode is just separate but I hope that comes along the way. It's good fun but nothing spectacular but I find.myself laughing a couple of times each episode so that's good. And my wife enjoys it, it's lightweight enough for us to actually watch a couple of episodes even though she's tired at night.
  5. Alright, just tried the new DLC. First of all, it's impossible to find without a hint or a guide. It's just hidden in the game so after that initial bump, I used a guide and found the required places and items. And.. well.. it seems to just be a Boss Rush mode hidden in the game. I've never enjoyed those modes and thus, I can't see myself spending time to complete it. But for those that really enjoyed the battles and bosses and want to try them again, this is perfect. You can go up against the regular bosses or a pimped version of them. There are also a few new bosses it seems. It's just not for me.
  6. European games as in - developed in Europe? There is of course a chance of some information being in both this and the Indie Highlight. Hopefully not, though.
  7. Nintendo on their choices and considerations when creating the home menu: https://nintendoeverything.com/nintendo-talks-about-switchs-os-home-menu-design-resources-have-less-than-200kb/
  8. New River Survival Mode revealed:
  9. Don't know if these are new:
  10. So the new application that will hit Switch is InkyPen - a comic book "streaming" app. Press release:
  11. Oh, great news! After the major disappointment that is Yooka-Laylee, this could perhaps convince me that the genre is not dead.
  12. Broforce is out on September 6th:
  13. Monster Boy looks great - and the trailer there was awesome. Here's the list: Night Call - early 2019 Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom - november 6th The Gardens Between - September 20th Streets of Rogue - winter 2018 Bad North - out now Moonlighter - autumn This War of Mine - November Children of Morta - early 2019 Everspace - December Baba is you - autumnt Slay the Spire - early 2019 Windjammers - October 23rd Windjammers 2 - 2019 Terraria - 2019 Prisoner Architect Nintendo Switch Edition Morphies Law - out at 7 PM CEST Official PR:
  14. Well, more companies are joing the tease: Moonlighter developer: Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom:
  15. I'm sort of expecting a Direct Mini at this point. I'm really feeling it. Shadow drop at 2 PM then...
  16. I know what it is and it's not something everybody will enjoy and like but it's cool nonetheless. The information comes out tomorrow at 10 AM CEST (so 9 AM for you guys).
  17. Finally completed the game now with 102 Pagies with a playtime of 16 hours 19 minutes. Won't be bothering with the rest of those Pagies. The final boss was frustrating mainly because of bad camera controls making it impossible to aim properly (stage 2 of the fight), and escaping those missiles in the end was difficult. Took about 10 tries, I think, before I got him down. Overall, the game is charming but in the end not really a good game. It just lacks something, and only few moments and sections were actually good fun. The controls took a little getting used to but worked fine. The camera didn't work well. The combat was just a pain. The level design is not so good but not that bad either. The soundtrack was good. Overall, it's just pretty average, basically the definition of 5/10.
  18. Yeah, I don't buy it at all. 4K? No chance in hell. There may come a revision but that will mostly be design and memory, perhaps a better screen. Nothing that would split the player base. Even though the New 3DS could handle games better, only very few games actually came out for it. It's just better business to release on the weaker model that everyone owns.
  19. It's just the hope that we don't know everything about it that people are clinging to. But I am on your side, there is simply nothing more to it at the moment.
  20. I'd prefer a new New Super Mario Bros.-game over both... But some of the levels in Mario Maker were great.
  21. Celebi is coming to Pokémon Go as a reward for doing some new Special Research that starts on August 20th. Looking forward to doing some more of that Special Research, that was - for the most part - fun. Also, Pokémon from Johto will appear more often now. And the good news is that no Johto Pokémon requires 400 Candy...
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