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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. Looks promising! I enjoyed the first one, it was a breath of fresh air in the genre. Hopefully they can add to that with this one.
  2. Buy Link's Awakening and another voucher. Problem solved.
  3. People are complainging about the lack of Mushu in the trailer. It's odd to leave him out of it, I agree, but I expect the next trailer to include him. But yeah, it does actually look a like a good movie.
  4. Handmaid's Tale season 3 is now 7 episodes in and so far... not much has happened. I said before watching this season that I hoped it would end the show but it seems like the writers and producers are undecided about a season 4 and 5 and thus, I can't see this show ending soon. I wanted them to have written out the story lines before starting production of season 2 in order to make it go somewhere. That said, I think they have gone up a notch on the visuals. I catch myself thinking that a scene is very beautifully shot more often than earlier. I just wish the story was more dense and actually moving along.
  5. Confirmed for Western release. And the debut trailer.
  6. The sequel is definitely more of the same but I found the platforming harder in it so probably a good idea to pass it. I get your feeling towards the platforming, it is really hard when you have so many different inputs to combine in order to make it through a section.
  7. Cheers. Couldn't find anything myself so wanted to hear if anyone had read something somewhere. I reckon that B-K will be my second amiibo.
  8. Has there been any word on a Banjo-Kazooie amiibo for Smash?
  9. Dead Cells is a hybrid of those two genres... but I don't know if it's similar to Rogue Legacy.
  10. Oh. Well.. After looking at a list, I think that Latios and Latias are closest to being cute.
  11. Cheers! Went for it yesterday but my Switch needed a system update so it didn't automatically download it - since it was 19 GB I didn't get around to playing it because I started the download it at 8 pm and the eShop is not the speediest of places.
  12. I'm in the mood for a new game but have been playing 2D games for the past several months so I think I'll look for something different now. I'm thinking about Hellblade which seems interesting and has got good reviews.
  13. It looks interesting but the price is too high for a two hour long game so I'll probably just wait for a discount.
  14. It's $19.99 so that translates to €19.99. I don't know what that usually is in pounds.
  15. Yeah, from what I gather from reviews, controls seem to be the main point for the reviewers to complain about. It does also seem a bit complicated. I wonder how it works on PC?
  16. You and me both. I can't rank things generally because it doesn't make sense in some way to say that something is definitely better than others - especially when the bar is already high. Guacamelee! is an awesome Metroidvania, great in it's own ways but Hollow Knight is too. How am I to choose between two greats? However, I actually voted. I voted on Hollow Knight because I have never experienced a game that was so tightly knitted and so well-crafted. It surprised me in the order of and which abilities we got, even though I have played a lot of Metroidvanias. I can't really say that about many other games.
  17. That was also in the first game and while fun, it just didn't last long for me. The quality of the levels varied enormously and I didn't enjoy the fan-made levels in the long run. I had the most fun with the event levels where you could earn costumes. Altogether, I don't think I spent more than 10 hours on the game which is why I don't really care for the sequel.
  18. Castlevania-styled Pokémon-movie? Sorry, I know this is completely irrelevant to this thread but it's just... really cool.
  19. But then again: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-06-18-luigis-mansion-3-developers-talk-cut-ideas-labo-and-birdo So it seems that they could have shown something this year had they chosen to. What does an art director do that impacts gameplay? Isn't it more stuff like how the world looks that can be changed within a few weeks and doesn¨t affect the gameplay?
  20. I wasn't aware of a) - that would make sense. To me, though, it just raised the question of what came first and I didn't like to think about that. It's mainly from a philosophical point of view but that is rendered invalid with a). My world is shaken. Not stirred.
  21. To most people, this is a non-change as I don't think that many people actually carry over their Pokémon. However, don't start bringing in other games and sequels in comparison as that doesn't make any sense. Since G/S, Pokémon games have given you the ability to transfer over your old Pokémon to use in the new games and that has now changed. Ni no Kuni 2 doesn't let you bring over your old "familiars", well, then the third game probably won't as well - it's simply not a part of the games' identity. So some characters from some old Zelda-games don't appear in newer games? Alright. Then they are only side-characeters - however, a Zelda game where the sheikah or similar are not represented may feel wrong at this time as they have been present in many, many games since their conception. People were also frustrated when their favorites from Super Smash Bros. Melee didn't carry over to Brawl, understandably, because from Super Smash Bros. to Melee, all existing characters carried over so it was somewhat expected that that would also be the case for Brawl. It wasn't, and people were sad and complained, understandably. But it is with Pokémon it is part of the identity for the games. I mean, it's part of the theme song! "Gotta catch 'em all!" - except that now you can't catch or at least own all existing Pokémon in one game. Of course that upsets the people who enjoyed that aspect of the game, even though there are crappy designs here and there. Speaking of designs, this love for Gen 1 and partly Gen 2 has to stop. Gen 1 is generally boring as many of the Pokémon are almost an exact copy of an existing animal with only a few original designs. At least they let the designs deviate a lot more in further generations - though there is no excuse for Pokémon like Aegislash and Klefki that are based on human creations - that doesn't make sense. (We also have Grimer and Muk who are based on human waste... Terrible designs.) I think it's a bad decision because it changes what Pokémon is about but as I'm not one of those carrying over previous Pokémon, it won't affect me. However, it's a good excuse to bring back the Stadium-games as someone mentioned earlier.
  22. MM is not for me. I don't like creative games where you yourself deliver the content - also part of the reason that I don't like Animal Crossing.
  23. It's funny how the fall seems so full of games and I'm worried that I can never get through them but right now, I don't have any game that I want to play since I finished Guacamelee! 2 the other day. I have bought Celeste but I'm not in the mood for a hard game. I also bought Crypt of the Necrodancer but I'm not really convinced I like it much. Maybe it's good for me to not have a game to throw myself at right now, gives me some room for other projects.
  24. Tried out Crypt of the Necromancer just now, put 40 minutes into it and got the hang of it. We'll, moving to a beat like that is just not for me. It frustrates me that I can't move faster or slower at my own will and I can't decide if I'm trying to listen to the beat or watching the heart. It does have something over it, though, and will probably try out the Hard later to see if I like the game more when not listening to a beat. Got as far as the third cellar in zone 1. Then I tried zone 5 just for funsies and lasted a few beats. Also got five hearts now.
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