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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. No, I'm getting Xenoblade for review purposes this week. And I'm not that interested in this game, though I admittedly haven't seen much from it.
  2. I code. I am a software engineer in the pension industry and have been coding professionally for the past 8 years. I started with some Mainframe coding in PL/1 and COBOL but moved tl Java 4 years ago and have now started a new job with C#. The transition from PL/1 (a C++ ish language) to Java was rough but I'm a fast learner and I didn't have to build stuff from the ground up. Most people are taught to program in Java or C# as they are both widely used and are relatively easy to start out with. I've never used Python so can't compare that. I find that the greatest barrier for getting started is to find the right tools and set up the computer to actually compile (build) whatever code you've been doing but I think that has been made easier over the years.
  3. It's rough to start family life with such things but it sounds like life will relatively soon be a normal family life without much to worry about - or well, except that you suddenly have a baby and that alone gives tons of worries! My own family life started with my first-born son to have Hirschsprungs Desease and got a hole in his colon (which is deadly) so he was admitted to surgery on his fifth day, then again when we was one month old and finally when he was 4 months old. It was rough, but he's just fine now. He has some scars on his belly and goes to the toilet a little more often than others but is otherwise just fine.
  4. It's truly amazing. And just imagine how many planets are orbeting all those stars... It's absolutely ridiculous to believe that Earth is the only planet with life.
  5. I thought it was a new difficulty option at first. Sounded like it but now I know it's not something I'm ever going to turn on.
  6. I know this isn't quite the right thread but had a Smash session yesterday with a f(r)iend, 1-on-1, and we noticed that we suddenly got KO counts for KO'ing an Assist Trophy. It seems weird if we only noticed that now so the question is, is that a relatively new addition?
  7. I really want that. It looks great.
  8. Ah, good idea to check that out. They must have it the right way.
  9. Is this pronounced like Live Alive or Live A Life or just two times Live (like live streaming)? Or a combination?
  10. We were busy this weekend and didn't have the energy for ST4 so I put on Man vs Bee. Goofy show, had its moments but mainly worked because it was so stupid. Can recommend if you have a few minutes to kill.
  11. Gave ST4 a whirl yesterday. I thought the episodes were longer so that's positive. But my wife fell asleep, of course.
  12. Just finished this (Kaze and the Wild Masks). Sort of, I found out that the boss I was fighting was the final boss of the main game. There are apparently some secret bosses as well but I didn't collect everything on my way through. The game is tough, really tough, and the last levels take a lot of attempts. Practice makes perfect, though, but I did feel that the difficulty was a bit forced as many of the late levels forced you to move at a high pace. Make a mistake and you are dead, there is no room for correcting it on the fly. Took me 5.5 hours to get 87 % though. I'm not sure that I want to go back and get everything as the bonus levels are really hard and the ones I have done felt a bit cheap. Invisible platforms and such.
  13. I haven't started Stranger Things 4 yet as the episodes are too long. Would have been nicer to just split them up but ih well. I have watched Derry Girls with my wife though. That shit is totally hilarious, can recommend it if you need something relaxing (though the heavy accents make it a bit hard for me to follow without subtitles at times).
  14. Is this fun on your own? It seems like online is really good fun but I don't play online and don't subscribe to the service. Can't figure it out from the comments in this thread. Sale ended, though, so will probably pick it up next time it's on sale.
  15. It does. It's clearly an homage to the old DKC games, although speedruns don't seem that interesting. There is no move to speed up Kaze and make him or her go further when jumping. But each stage has four letters to collect and two bonus levels. Each island has a hard level unlocked by clearing all bonus levels, and each island has a boss. Sounds familiar? It plays well, it's always my own fault when I die. That's probably the most important criteria for a 2D platformer. I'm not that far into it, though.
  16. Caved and bought Kaze and the Wild Masks at a 66 % discount. It should be a good 2D platformer.
  17. Great ending to the weekend. It just looks lovely. I'm a bit afraid of not having much time for repetition and 50 hours when it finally arrives but I hope to be able to play it nonetheless.
  18. Yeah, it looks really interesting. Please show me more.
  19. The new trailer for Marvel's Midnight Suns was missing the Switch-logo this time. Might be that the Switch-version is cancelled? https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2022/06/marvels-midnight-suns-coming-in-october-switch-logo-missing-from-new-trailer
  20. Isn't it like an expected Direct rather than rumoured? I at least would expect some announcements during June. But cool if true. I really like the look of Turtles.
  21. Well, that's actually intriguing and the trailer had a nice vibe. It could be interesting to follow the villain for once.
  22. The Collector's Edition was delayed in Europe some time ago: Also, new trailer released!
  23. Breath of the Sonic. It looks a bit barren and rough around the edges but hopefully they spend some time building the world and making it interesting to traverse. It does hold a lot of potential but given how fast Sonic is, they also need to make it big and that requires some planning from the developers.
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