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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. After the story ends, a few new Pokémon are added to the rifts. I'm unsure if this is the main story or the post content story, though. The same for me. However, I find that finding those Wisps is "easy" enough by just gliding around in the dark on Braviary, looking around. Found all Wisps in Crimson Mireland that way recently. But then again, some are hidden in caves which is a bad move.
  2. Well, this was a pleasant surprise. Will probably pick this up to play with my son, he should be able to play it well enough.
  3. In the few minutes you have, heal your Pokémon and stash everything but Potions, Revives and Poke Balls. Then you are ready.
  4. I've never had to wait long once I've entered an area before a rift appeared. However, the new patch also makes it easier to catch Cherrim (which I still haven't found any of!).
  5. Had a feeling this would be announced today so I stayed home to wait for it. Looking forward to it! Silksong? Since I'm on paternity leave and have no plans except for going to the Zoo Thursday, I might stay up to watch it live.
  6. I've been "offered" a job at a pension company as a software developer - "offered" because I just had a coffee talk with the manager, someone I knew from uni. At the moment, I'm working in a software company delivering pension administration systems to pension companies so it'll be a shift to the other side of the table and basically a return to what I did before. It's C# this time, whereas I use Java now - it would be nice to add C# (and F#) to my list of competencies (even though it's not that different from Java). The tasks I would be getting are rather similar to my current tasks but I think that I would be trading technological fidelity with a more social culture. My current workplace is rather serious and since I have worked from home for the past two years, I hardly know anyone at the office anymore. Furthermore, over the past half-year a lot of employees have left the company so my attachment to the company is almost purely that I enjoy the tasks I get. However, I'm unsure if I want to change. At the moment I'm on paternity leave and it's very common to use this period to change job, but I feel it's betraying the company you work for a little. They pay me my full salary for 10 weeks while I'm away and then I just end up and leave once that has ended? I think changing would be more down to getting more money this time around as having just bought a house and having two children is more taxing on my economy. The other place haven't given me an offer yet but they do come with more vacation days and higher pension contributions as well as a 5 % bonus (of annual salary) - my current workplace offers 1 % bonus and a profit sharing scheme but those two would amount to less than 5 % of the annual salary.
  7. I don't always succeed at catching them without being spotted. But then I can usually catch them with an Ultra Ball very early on in the fight. The later Alphas are much higher level, though, and here they need to be weakened a bit before catching.
  8. That character was a very interesting one - it's funny how he wasn't introduced earlier in the game. And there is no real resolution to his story (unless that happens in the post game content...). You'll soon meet my favorite person to hate in this game. Warden of the fourth lord. Terrible person, great comedy.
  9. I wish the story revolved more around that ancient civilasation there are traces of. It would have deepened the lore in the games and would be way more interesting than what was ultimately offered. Plus it wouldn't have to include time travel. It would also have been a natural way to include some puzzles and interaction with the world which I kind of miss a bit. The story and the universe are messy in the game. Some people just arrived two years prior, and you arrive being able to catch three Pokémon and is declared a prodigy and a master. Yet later on, you meet and battle people with more Pokémon than three, and who are clearly very capable. What happened to the Hisuian variations when the world turned into Sinnoh? Would have been nice with some explanation. How do they know the names of the Pokémon when you catch them if they haven't got any data on them in the first place? And who decided their number in the Pokedex? So yeah, credits rolled yesterday, and I then evolved a few Pokémon I had caught just to get them registered. I'll see if I can get a full catch Dex as that doesn't seem too time consuming and trivial. But what a journey, I thoroughly enjoyed the game and look forward to the post game content. I think I'll try to sum up my thoughts about what I want to carry over to the main games later on. I do not need a direct sequel for this game as I don't think that would work too well.
  10. Seems like I only actually need two more Pokémon from rifts - assuming that you can evolve another that is:
  11. Perhaps you need to progress the story further to open up more boxes?
  12. I saw in the beginning that there only were 8 pastures. I got really scared that I had to organize everything and find the best versions of the Pokémon, etc. Luckily, they gave me more pastures afterwards. Cheers, only having to see the Pokémon makes the task much more doable.
  13. I have unlocked the final area but have spent some time gathering resources and doing side quests in the earlier regions now. Due to the randomness of some of the stuff, I'm unsure that I want to complete the dex. I do find it fun to roam the lands and catch Pokémon but the tedious nature of getting 10 research points for each species and finding specific Pokémon that spawn rarely and randomly is just not that fun. It's a shame that they still rely on randomness to extend the life of the game but at least it's a lot less random than the main series games. I'm also finding it frustrating that I cannot gather certain materials while riding a Pokémon. Surely that must be an oversight in the game... Or they could make it such that the mount itself can destroy the orange, black, and blue stones or shake trees. Other than that, I find this game very satisfying and relaxing. Do I want a true sequel? Nah, I just want much of the stuff here to drift into the main series games.
  14. What happened with Team17? Edit: Oh. https://www.theverge.com/2022/2/1/22913110/team17-worms-nft-metaworms-gaming-playtonic-overcooked Hadn't read that before. But yeah, NFTs are stupid.
  15. The Kickstarter goal has been met. Not surprising. The game looks solid, and even though it's quite far away, I look forward to seeing more of it.
  16. I don't like catching water Pokémon in this. It's nearly impossible to sneak up on them and it's much harder to actually hit them, I find. And they just want to fight all the time.
  17. Aaah. Here's me thinking that the story is filling the Dex. So just the Galaxy quest then? Those rifts are not to be triffled with! Hot damn, I had a hard time when I went into one the first time, knowing nothing about them.
  18. 25 hours is really impressive for a full dex. I'm absolutely sure that I won't make it that fast. I assume you went in and did the story section of an area to get the Mount and then scoured the area afterwards? I'm at 17 hours and have just unlocked the third area. My Pokémon are around level 40. I haven't spotted a single shiny except for the one from an early side quest.
  19. Ouch. Those rifts are not easy! Got a couple of rare catches but almost blacked out so had to run. And that satchel is just too small and it's ridiculously expensive to expand it beyond 5 extra spaces. I also really fast run out of materials for crafting PokéBalls.
  20. Poison no longer sticks after the fight. That's nice. I didn't have an antidote anyway. I could do with a litlte more overworld music. Sometimes there is simply none. Also, regarding sound, isn't the sound when collecting materials the same as in BotW?
  21. I've been put to sleep. My Pokémon got drowsy and a Zubat actually put me to sleep. I'm having fun with the game but I fear it's too big for its own good. It will most likely get repetitive after the first 20 hours or so.
  22. Yeah, you can even just defat them enough times in battles, though merely catching them will be good enough in the long run. Found a Chimchar standing by a tree, threw a cake for it but then my two heavy balls dropped right in front of it so it ran. It hasn't respawned. Also went looking around for another Eevee but couldn't find it. It's a tad frustrating that it still depends on sheer luck if you find a Pokémon or not. Oh, and the first Noble Fight? Not at all as tedious and long as the gameplay trailer made it seem. It actually went pretty quick.
  23. Yeah, I played Ocarina of Time with an English dictionary by my side, 10 years old. Taught me a great deal of English but even before that I was more interested in the language than my class mates simply because I needed it to be able to play games. But voice acting with text boxes is surely the best of both worlds? The introduction in PLA really feels like a drab, the characters just stand there, moving their mouths. It could be much more lively with a bit of voice over at least. Generally, I think introduction in games has become less boring over the years so when they are old-school like this, it really feels off. Also... the way the NPCs walk in this game looks so silly. They have bent knees and straight upper bodies, arms barely swinging.
  24. Once you are set free from the shitload of text boxes, the game is actually quite fun. It has the same kind of discovery as for instance Pokémon Go - you see something in a not too far distance (the draw distance is a bit short) and get excited when you discover that it's an Eevee for instance. You try to sneak up on it, but it discovers you and runs. Once it's running, it's nigh impossible to catch it! The areas are very big, perhaps 10 % too big. I also wonder how this region turns into the Sinnoh region in just a matter of 200 years. There are no settlements at all. The people living in Hisui have migrated from other regions (one NPS mentioned Hoenn) just a couple of years before the events of the game and yet, they don't know much about Pokémon. It's a weird universe. And despite them saying that no one is able to catch three Pokémon in a row, you see "plenty" of people with Pokémon that can fight you. I think the world building is a bit inconsistent. But it's still fascinating. It was furthermore confirmed that it's the Pokémon themselves that know how to shrink and fit inside the Pokéball. Not the Pokéball making them shrink. You have to investigate each Pokémon until you get 10 points to finalize the Pokédex entry. You get points for catching them but also defeating them, seeing them do a specific move, or evolving them. Doing more than this can reward you with money that you spend on upgrades, materials, and clothing. I was afraid of running out of Pokéballs but materials for crafting them are plenty and you can craft anywhere you want.
  25. This game is not for small kids. XD I just went through the first hour of the game and it is just text box after text box! Then we are finally let free in the first wild area and boy, I got attacked a lot. I then let my 4 y.o. son take the controller as he has been going on and on during the introduction "Is it my turn now? Can I play now?" (there was literally no real playing during that time) and he went straight into some angry Pokémon and almost got himself killed (or black out'ed).
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