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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. Having enough time for 5 GPs is certainly a new one!
  2. This is where I fall, by the way. We really don't want to actually have to be called "Europe", you know, it just got fixed!
  3. You'd be surprised. With how the item boxes work there, a lot of improvisation is needed to keep up.
  4. Tomorrow evening is normally the day we set aside for NSO multiplayer, so that works too.
  5. Sooooo, you're voting Tory then?
  6. Man, I have been waiting for that to go on sale for bloody ages!
  7. What am I supposed to do with that!? 12 games on Wuhu Town? Nah, we're going with this instead. Summer Games Done Quick is currently ongoing, so let's speedrun the N-Europe Get Together tonight! These are the 12 shortest tracks in the game (thanks to @BowserBasher for getting that info), and we're playing them with the Mushrooms Only setup. See you at 8pm! (Lobby opens at 7:45)
  8. Oh boy, it sure is! Especially with Kirby!
  9. Then you don't get to complain about anything.
  10. Threads over. You're not getting better than that. Journalists, hire this man. Please hire him, take him away from us so we don't have to deal with his puns!
  11. Right, who's up for Four Swords? I'm thinking that either 6pm and/or 9pm (UK Time) will be best for me, due to Mario Kart at 8. I can do both, I'm flexible. Gonna shout out @darksnowman, @Jonnas, @Nicktendo, and @Ashley. I'd shout BowserBasher, but I don't need to, he'll notice, and I can just tell S.C.G over voice chat later. If any of those times work for you, let me know, and we can figure things out from there.
  12. Intriguing. Especially the alerts thingy. Would save me the hassle of having to look back to see who is actually interested. That reminds me, need to head to the GBA NSO app and tell everyone I'm up for Four Swords tonight.
  13. I just got a pop-up for that, and immediately came here to make that same joke. But yeah, very swish update, thanks for the hard work, you guys!
  14. Unless that game is Undertale, then we totally can!
  15. Welp, it was nice while it lasted. Maybe we'll get a proper Crazy Taxi in another 20 years...
  16. Agreed. Glad I tried it on Dcubed's Switch before committing. Far too confusing to play.
  17. There we go, balance is restored. Ace Attorney's brilliant! Especially the third game.
  18. Never did find a Seregios called Steve... But yeah, Stories is a lovely little RPG, and it's remarkable how natural Monster Hunter translates to it. It doesn't lose that gameplay style. It may be turn-based, but it still revolves around learning the attack patterns of monsters, as well as the grind to improve equipment. It just works. I'm amazed the series is getting more of a second chance now after the 3DS version flopping flat on it's face, but it deserves it. The sequel's great too, even if it is very much "more of the same" with a few minor new mechanics. Although 2 player co-op quests are a lot of fun! Anyway, important question, please tell me you used "Brachy Blow", more people need to see that attack. Right up there in my "side-splitting laughter" moments alongside Phantom Uragaan.
  19. It was a good match with a spectacular 1-on-1 finale. Yeah, I was flailing about randomly, because I completely lost track of you there, only for the trampoline to give you away. Very good effort! Made me really work for that win.
  20. One more update for this week. We got a bottle, so up Mt. Crenel we went! Turns out that because we have the Cane of *very unfortunate name*, we could actually get to the dungeon there without the Grip Ring, a pleasant surprise, because I forgot about the built in shortcut there. So, dungeon spelunking go! ARGHHHHHHH! Looked like we might need the shield after all... But still, might as well try all the items we have... Turns out bombs flip them over! Phew! But I had a brain wave! The Cane of *Very unfortunate name*! I never thought about that before, but it makes perfect sense! Eventually though, we needed a second key, but maybe the chests here would come up trumps? Bugger... Can't even get close to that dungeon... Oh well, bit of a bust for now. Let's try Temple of Droplets. It had the White Sword straight away! Score! Still need one more upgrade to double our Links, but more damage is nice. *Insert bus analogy here* Well, that was much better! Even with early lantern and the appropriate Boss Key, we can't actually finish this dungeon, because of the neat twist with how the boss is reached. But can't complain with that result. With double Links, it's off to the swamp, no Pegasus Boots or Bow, but Roc's Cape let's us bypass quite a bit, which was great, because I remembered that there's three well hidden one-time rupees underwater. Well, that's where the Bow was in this randomiser! Typical... Still, more of the swamp opened up with that. But sooner or later, the Roc's Cape wasn't enough to reach the end... Or so I thought... There's one bit where deep water is directly connected to the swamp, and on the seam of that connection, the game treats that as solid ground, which means that we could jump from it! So we don't need the Pegasus Boots for swamp exploration at all! Nice! The water element was there, finally got one! Anyway, turns out that you can jump anytime you're in the swamp. I figured that out right at the end... Would've made our life a lot easier. Still, we can get to the Palace of Winds because of that. Lots of decent stuff there, nothing huge, but more Kinstones and keys. And the Fire Element was there! Speed upgrade for Mole Mitts as well. Anyway, time for more Kinstone fusing... Well then... That was fortuitous. None of it was immeidately useful for progress, but the third element was there. We're getting quite close to the final dungeon, especially with the 31 figurines we currently have. (The Power Bracelets were a trap, because @Dcubed likes that recurring option in Zelda randomisers. Thankfully, we already have those) Anyway, our current roadblocks. The Three Sword - Obviously, we need this to eventually get the Four Sword to beat Vaati, but getting the Three Sword will let us go to the Cemetary area. We have a lot of keys for that now, so a possible hoard of items there. The Pegasus Boots - OK, so we didn't need it for the Swamp, but there's a lot of hidden Minish stumps that can only be uncovered with these. This will also get us to the key for the cemetary gate. The Grip Ring - Still haven't found it, but it's not a huge deal for Mt. Crenel with the Cane of *very unfortunate name*. We do need it for the library and Veil Falls though, so still a big block. It's quite remarkable how quickly we got three elements, I thought we'd have Dark Hyrule Castle open via figurines, but it could be either way now. The Four Sword is looking to be the last block here.
  21. OK, bit of weirdness of me not showing up on other people's friend list. Had to reset.
  22. Damn it, @BowserBasher! You're not a sword! Go away! So, probably against my better judgement, @Dcubed has egged me on to play a randomiser of The Minish Cap. I've mentioned this before, but Zelda games are generally great for randomisers. (Not BotW though, that would be miserable) You're given the cap itself at the start, and the goal is to get the things needed to start and complete the last dungeon in order to deliver extreme stabbity justice to Vaati. Now I can't precisely remember what I actually need to get through Dark Hyrule Castle, but it'll probably need most of the items like Bombs, and the Bow, etc. I'm pretty certain the shield and ocarina aren't needed though. To even start Dark Hyrule Castle, we would need the 4 elements that are normally given at the end of dungeons, or the randomiser offers another way... Note the 6/35 in the bottom left. This refers to the number of figurines we've found so far. Yes, Dcubed has shuffled 70 of them into the item pool. Why? Mixture of a neat idea, and the fact he wants us to suffer. See, this setting he used is cool in that, if we find 35 of them, then Dark Hyrule Castle will open up automatically, and we won't need the elements at all! I think we have 12 currently. We will defo need the Four Sword, the bow, as well as the Cane of *very unfortunate name*, because you need them to beat Vaati. It was a rough start though, because the item pool does include Kinstone pieces, and Dcubed, being the evil git he is, turned off the ability to have them randomly drop from enemies and grass! So we spent about 2 hours with this. Completely utterly useless! It has made Green Kinstones, the usual lame colour of kinstones, real MVPs in a randomiser, because well, they open up a lot more things, and being a randomiser, they could lead to anything! Thankfully, it started to snowball once we finally found a green one, leading to stuff like the sword, and the mole mitts pretty early. Ironically, the sword barely opened up anything we couldn't do with the Lantern (Which we found first) already, but it's nice to have because it's the main method of attack. Speaking of getting things way too early! Awwwwww yeeaaaaahhh! Quite a few shenanigans we did with this, including breaking apart the first dungeon. Pool of water blocking the way? Just jump over it! We couldn't complete it proper because we don't have the boss key, so there's still 2 items there we can't reach, but yeah. Even easier dungeon with the Roc's Cape and Lantern to bypass stuff. We found the Bomb bag and the Gust jar in there as well, pretty great haul! We still have a couple of big leads. With bombs, we can now explore some of the south west portion of Hyrule, as well as go into the Temple of Droplets (Having the Lantern already might mean we can get decently far without a key by sequence breaking, maybe, we'll have to see), but there are a few big roadblocks in our way. A bigger wallet - This is a consistent one in every Zelda randomiser from OoT onwards, it's not been so bad in this one, because the shops have been pretty lame this time, but it does pain me to constantly find big rupees in chests and throw them away, because we can only hold 100... What a bargain! The Two Sword - We have a sword, but that doesn't open as much as you'd think. Sure, it's convenient, but powering it up so we can make copies of Link will help solve a lot of puzzles. We're gonna need the Four Sword anyway, so the sooner we find those four other upgrades, the better. Pegasus Boots and the Bow - Can't explore the swamp fully until we get these. The Roc's Cape is great, but it can only help us cheese so much. We have a quiver upgrade, and the speed upgrade for arrows, but no bow... Typical Zelda randomiser... The Grip Ring - Kinda forgot this was a thing. We can't climb stuff until we get this! It dawned on us when we found the three library books, turned into a Minish, and realised we couldn't even climb them. Mt. Crenel is mostly blocked off until we get this. A bottle - Can't even get up Mt. Crenel without this. Not to mention all the fireplaces in Hyrule Town! Some more hearts would be nice as well. 4 hearts and no bottle is kinda dicey in some areas. Anyway, some humourous moments include. Finding the bottle of dog food. "Alright! If we just feed the dog that, we get to keep the bottle. Only to realise that the bottle you get from that counts as a seperate item, and therefore, was randomised as well. It was a Kinstone Piece... The disappointment was palpable. That scroll behind the shop counter? We got to it! What was it? It was the Peril Beam, the one completely useless sword technique in the game! No wonder it wasn't on sale... We forgot the Jabba Nut was a thing. We went to the elder in Minish Village, and he said "Go get the nut". What the hell is he talking about? And then we realised we can't understand the Minish! Thankfully, that doesn't affect Minish everywhere else due to it not being programmed that way. That said, we don't need it now that we have bombs, but still funny. I couldn't do the Cuccoo minigame because we needed to cross the river. Even with Roc's Cape, it took me a few attempts to throw it over though, that timing is really tight! There's an underground section which requires bombs. We didn't ever think that it was actually gated behind having an upgraded bomb bag. You need 12! We got jammy though, and a block we blew up dropped bombs! Right, that's all for now.
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