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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. Ooooh, fun! Even from someone who doesn't like Star Wars. Gleob Kelon. ...ewww? I sound more like a Lord of the Rings creature. Which I guess is appropriate.
  2. All that Terry gameplay @S.C.G has been doing in Smash has finally manifested itself!
  3. Time matches tonight from 8pm. Yes, 8. Not a mistake. Shell of Red isn't around, so no need to dedicate half an hour to custom stages until he comes back. See you then.
  4. But Breaking is kinda awesome! It's not the stupidest sport at the Olympics. That would be Golf.
  5. Yeah, so I went with the trusty old Custom Challenge glitch, and now everything is unlocked. (Including the characters, thankfully, they're not tied to higher difficulties in single player) Remember, using a Maian body with a human head is cheating and everyone will shun you for it.
  6. @S.C.G if you're up for Perfect Dark, we are too. Just join whenever.
  7. The world's IT systems go on the fritz, and the baby is nowhere to be seen? Hmmm... Mighty suspicious there, to just not show up now.
  8. I actually don't particularly enjoy them either, but TMNT: Shredder's Revenge was incredible. It didn't feel as cheap as others (Probably thanks to the dodge manuever giving you reasonable invincibility frames), and the multiplayer being mad fun. That one's worth a try, but the Switch version doesn't have crossplay, otherwise I'd offer to tag along.
  9. Apparently, Manchester United can't sell any tickets because of this.
  10. Jammy git! There felt like a lot more Bob-ombs then usual this week.
  11. A ridiculous amount of businesses have had to stop functioning this morning. The Cybersecurity company, "Crowdstrike", which Microsoft uses has seem to rolled out a buggy update, and the Blue Screen of Death is now all over the place. TV channels are off-air, airports are at a standstill, even 911 isn't working in some US States. Pretty serious stuff. N-E still works though. BBC article here
  12. I mean, isn't Nintendo World Championships itself an America thing? Kinda impossible to not be with that title.
  13. What happens when you give someone too much power. When you're out "Final Boss"-ing the Final Boss.
  14. Artist's rendition of the absolute clustertruck of Vaati's Palace tonight.
  15. Oh! OH! You're gonna go there then? At least my choice existed before wasting a spot on the roster! You're just a cheap knock-off of a Mario & Luigi character!
  16. Seriously, @Ike? Baby Daisy? Do you have no sense of taste!?
  17. That's the problem, you know it's gonna be riddled with microtransactions, and with it being online only, it's completely useless for me.
  18. I was so excited when I saw that you could carry 15 items from the start. "Oh man! What if the strange sack gives you 25 now? What if it doubles it to 30!?" Nope, still gives you 20. Kinda lame going down 50 floors only to get 5 more items now...
  19. Player's Choice tonight at 8pm.
  20. Just waiting for that official Switch 2 date, can't go leaking it beforehand if you're gonna be a launch title! Is what I tell myself as I sob into my pillow at night.
  21. What @Cube said, but Map Stations also differ in that they don't tend to show you everything, except for the Prime games. And as for the traditional Map/Compass, the same thing applies, it's not immediately obvious where they are, so you have to do some exploring of the dungeon beforehand. Naturally, the open world Zelda's suck, so the dungeons there give you the map and compass immediately. Anyway, to actually answer your question, no, I don't feel like there are any gaps in my gaming history, at least not as far as entire genres go. If I've not played something, chances are because it looks incredibly unappealing to me. In absolutely no way does anything I've seen of Dark Souls or it's contemporaries look fun. So I don't play it. If I want my attack animations to last a million years, then I'll play with the Great Sword in MonHun, which I won't, because that weapon is boring. Of course, there are individual games I want to play, @Dcubed's currently tormenting me with stereoscopic 3D Baldur's Gate 3, and I hate it! EDIT: Forgot to quote @drahkon, but 2D Sonic is a fine example of a concept (high-speed platforming) being an awful fit for the dimensions it's limited to. Playing 2D Sonic at any sort of speed is an exercise in frustration. Those games are better when you're not going fast. (Try Sonic Mania, BTW, it's great) Ironically, I think the 3D games do that concept better, because you can actually see where you're going.
  22. Simply put, it's a place in a (usually open-world) game that the player interacts with to reveal some kind of map feature. Have you played BotW/TotK? Because that's exactly what the Sheikah Towers are. The only difference is that Zelda doesn't then litter the map with icons showing you where any "interesting" gameplay is, like Ubisoft games tend to do. It's not always a tower (Xenoblade X's probes comes to mind), but functionally, they're one and the same.
  23. Thanks for that. It is excellent. That said, this particular part hit real hard. Yeah, this is completely accurate, and is likely the main reason why I don't really dabble with drawing, or browsing DA anymore. Because if people with crazy good talent can't emerge from the deluge of AI art, what hope do I, a person of middling skill, have?
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