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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Unsurprisingly you don't have much idea of how these sites work :p That is the point yes, but girls get 1000x the interest that guys get, it's relatively unlikely that they message first. A girl using a dating site has to sift through a constant stream of (often awful) messages, cross referencing non-creeps and similar interests. A guy has to send out a million opening messages, trying to strike the balance between original enough to stand out and non-lame enough to save face, and hope vainly for a response.
  2. The girl I'm seeing now messaged me first on Tinder, quite the rarity but it can work out
  3. Just paid my deposit, I now have zero moneys. This is terrifying, never in my life have I had no savings or anything.
  4. Did the whole atrocious last level of Uncharted 3, when I got to the final cut scene I realised I'd already finished it after all :p
  5. I'll try and finish it whilst U4 patch downloads :p
  6. @Daft what are your thoughts on this? Looking for a deciding vote :p
  7. Pff, I'm sure you know that positivity is welcome really, @Serebii. Spill! Ha, I may have raised your expectations.... I'm just really happy with where things are. They haven't moved on much, but I just feel better about it. A little while ago I was thinking about going on other dates, now I've put that totally out of my head. I was worried that I might stop seeing her when I move house because it's further away, but she's reassured me that won't be the case. It's good! It's easy, stress free, and seeing her makes me happy! Can't complain about that.
  8. Good call a diet should never be something you "do", it should be something you change. I've been a bit lazy the last 6 months but still happy that I took 4 inches off my waist and went from medium to small shirts. I didn't follow some fad I just permanently cut out some things and am more thoughtful about what I eat. When I move house, the weights are going to live in the garage and with the house move process itself out of the way, I'll have no more stress/excuses stopping me from getting back into it.
  9. Picking this up on my way home tonight, yay for Tesco clubcard boost.... Quick question, should I dust off the PS3 and finish Uncharted 3 before I play this? (Probably just set it to easy and rush through) Wasn't a huge fan, gave up on it half way through and don't really remember the story anyway.
  10. Ticked one off my Want Face list.
  11. Yeah that's a good rate but I imagine in 5 years your broker will come back and offer you a new fixed deal better than the variable rate, unless something seriously changes in the market in 5 years. Fingers crossed your purchase makes some headway soon
  12. No no, then onto remortgage into another fixed deal I just set up alerts on Zoopla and rightmove. Zoopla was best because it allowed you to save and set alerts for keywords ("garage", in my case).
  13. You didn't play the Extreme remake sponsored by Monster energy drinks? Scrub.
  14. I dunno why people don't like it. There's only one shot in that trailer I don't like which is when someone stabs two people at once, they bounce away completely unrealistically, hope that shot is tidied up before the end. The music did well bridging the present with the past. The stunts looked ace. The leap of faith at the end gives me chills.
  15. I want to post an update on my relationship status but doing so following a post about a public toilet just doesn't sit right with me.
  16. Don't even know what to say. The strength he showed after sharing his prognosis was unparalleled. Rest in Peace MadDog. Scott. You will be missed.
  17. Barbeques, t-shirts, beer gardens, sitting outside to eat/read/work, riding on dry country lanes with max visibility... what's not to love?
  18. Yeah, I might be blowing it out of proportion. I'll know later today when the solicitors get back to me and tell me if the bank account statements I've sent them for my end of things are suitable. They're just looking for some red flags I guess, inexplicable deposits, anything that looks like shifting money-laundering, trickling money in from suspicious sources etc.. It might be nothing for you but, I would suggest when you have a solicitor sorted you know all this stuff well in advance.
  19. Yeah for starters the solicitors need this letter. Funny how you have got that sorted already buy my solicitors have only told me now, weeks later. Any lump sums that just arrive in a savings account need to be explained via another statement from the funds' source. Both my parents are going to need to provide statements. But it's very complicated (isn't it always?) For example my dad was expecting a lump sum from his pension, but he didn't get it when he expected, so he borrowed some money from my grandma... then sent it to me... then got the lump sum... then paid my grandma back!! How is this going to look on paper?? What you do and don't need to satisfy these regulations is probably dependent on a per-solicitor basis and how thoroughly they dot their i's and cross their t's.
  20. My stress levels are going through the roof.... 13 days from completion I'm waiting for the Help to Buy ISA closing letter so I can get that sorted. And yesterday I get a letter from my solicitors with the closing balance, £200 more than expected, and they decide at this 11th hour to tell me that I need to provide proof of funds (anti-money laundering, cracking a nut with a sledgehammer typical Tory bureaucracy BULLSHIT) for several months (I move my money around in a lot of savings accounts to get the best interest rates) for myself and anyone providing part of the deposit as a gift (both my parents, separately). Having mild panic attack
  21. Megabump Trailer Thought I was going to hate it but... um, as someone who loved the lore behind the early AC games, I think it looks good.
  22. Chilling stuff. Kinda reminds me of this, a bit less creepy: https://www.lightningmaps.org/
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