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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. My Dad's been taken into hospital because his MS has relapsed and it's much worse than usual. He can't eat properly, he's lost a lot of weight, and he keeps forgetting where he is and exhibiting other signs of dementia I don't know what to do. They're doing tests but it seems like results/action is taking them ages, there's no neurologist on their permanent staff and he needs steroids but they're not getting him any until they know more. He's so far away as well and I'm at work all the time, only getting updates off my Sister. Don't really know why I'm talking about this here, but don't really have anyone else to talk to about it.
  2. Optical illusion
  3. Just made a change, try again?
  4. You're all way too optimistic.
  5. Well why don't you??
  6. Overwatch, plenty of us playing it at the moment. A few people are currently playing Uncharted 4 I believe. It's not as buzzing at the moment as it has been. Destiny was huge for a while, the biggest multiplayer experience I've had and all with N-E players. It'll be reasonably big again when the next DLC lands in September and massive next year for Destiny 2 In terms of non-teammate multiplayer, for the likes of Bloodborne (which you should definitely get) it's essential.
  7. It could be good, Spider-Man 2 is very highly regarded as just being a very fun game. It wasn't deep or particularly well made but the web-swinging alone just made it something special. Ultimate Spider-Man came out not long after and had a similar playstyle but was largely ignored. Most games since then have done a Sonic-esque cycle of raising hopes and then hugely under-delivering. But, this certainly looks good
  8. Shorty


    Awesome match from last week with @Daft and @Sheikah. I don't do anything particularly special in this video, in fact I don't even play that well, but I really enjoyed this game anyway, both teams were decent and evenly matched. I died a lot and thought it was over more than once, only for us to claw it back at overtime again.
  9. Never played the Zelda Oracle games ^_^ seems like a good time to jump in. Think I bought SMT IV already but if not... I'll get that too. I'll never get around to downloading/playing any of these
  10. I feel like both games tried to expand the formula by the wrong means. One decided that sheer scale was the thing people loved and leaned into boosting that aspect, and the latter jumped up the complexity and "collect-fest" angle to create the illusion of depth. Not that either game was bad, by any means, but no, they didn't hold a candle to BK. Hopefully though Yooka is a child of a more introspective time for developers (which I certainly feel that we're in) where they're free of overhead interference and able to appreciate the core of what makes good things... good.
  11. I don't care about how this weighs on the current argument but man, I feel sorry for you on this. Banjo Kazooie is one of the greatest games of all time. I couldn't get an N64 at launch, I didn't get one for over two years after release actually. When I could finally have one, after a price drop and at Christmas, Banjo Kazooie - a game I had played a lot at my friend's house - was my only must have title. Before SM64, Goldeneye or anything like that, I wanted Banjo Kazooie. The music, atmosphere, humour, charm, size, variety of worlds, general fun and quality of gameplay/controls and intelligence of it all... did I mention the music? There are very few equals out there. The generation's best developers (after Nintendo) at their absolute peak. I encourage you to hunt down this game if you have a means of playing it (Xbox 360?) then you might understand what we're all excited about except nando.
  12. Pretty sure I've done all those moments already, bit easier than last year's!
  13. You're mad mate, it's definitely Saturday.
  14. I can't believe I'll get to play this, Persona 5 and Mass Effect Andromeda next year. It's gonna be one hell of a year for gaming Anyone got a link to a video that doesn't give away too much? Don't want to see that opening sequence (that was already pretty much ruined by its thumbnail/description) for example, but maybe just a glimpse here and there at how it plays.
  15. I watched the trailer but don't really want to spoil anything beyond that. That said, does the footage shown give any hint at any civilization/life in the world we've seen? So far I've seen ruins and dungeons, cliffs and forests, life in the sense of animals... but no towns, huts or people. Edit: I just read about there being towns and them being interconnected to the world. But just wondered if there's a hint of anything so far, roads, NPCs, etc.. For me Zelda's biggest weakness has always been how uninhabited (and often uninhabitable) the overworld feels. Skyloft, Termina, Kakariko Village, OoT and TP's Hyrule Castle Town... they all hinted at something brilliant but never got there.
  16. Is it? I thought people just wanted Resi to return to its roots a bit. It fell off the deep end when it took the Resi 4 formula to an extreme, but personally I still want to remain attached to Resident Evil. Otherwise it may as well be another horror franchise altogether.
  17. For some reason I thought you had a PS4 already and assumed you just never played it! Get Bloodborne and Resogun
  18. Agreed! So many games that don't need this treatment and have had it, and this is one that could benefit so much from it. I can imagine the sheer scale of it though is too much of a risk.
  19. I wouldn't worry about that! It's healthy to debate this. No point in the thread if we all just nodded and agreed. I think some people will be glad to know that amongst those voting out, there are some level headed people doing it for reasons they have thought through. I'm voting in. Also, I expect we will stay in, if only for the same reason I never expected Scotland to vote for their independence: because I just don't see enough people wanting to shake it up and enter the unknown. However if we do end up out, I hope the majority of people are voting because of the reasons you have listed, and not because they think there's too many brown people. We might disagree but it's good to read nonetheless. Compared to many of the banal arguments that take place in other corners of these boards, this one's actually palatable.
  20. The footage people are talking about, for anyone else who missed it!
  21. Tbf I watched most of the show in one go (season 2-5) and have lost track of individual seasons :p but personally I feel like general quality of dialogue has dropped way off this time, and many scenes serve just to drag a point out further and further.
  22. This is a long list of things to dislike about the EU, but absolutely zero evidence that things will be better once out....
  23. It's definitely the weakest season, some of the dialogue has been really bad, like Tyrion telling Varys to punch him in the face, which didn't belong in Game of Thrones at all. This week's joke scene was probably one of the first scenes I've ever thought was objectively bad start to finish. I like Arya though, so I liked what they did with her arc
  24. Anyone want to talk about the episode who hasn't read the books?
  25. That's what I (partly) disagree with though. Resi was not just a PT/Amnesia style horror game, the market is saturated with those at the moment. It was the just right blend of survival/action/puzzle.
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