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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. No, definitely not a prequel, humans had never been to Andromeda in the ME universe. I guess it's set way after?
  2. Hm kinda looks like it's fits amongst the recent jump scare horror PC games... doesn't really look like Resident Evil. That said, nothing can be worse than the direction they went in for 6, so I'll wait and see.
  3. Pretty sure that's a baby sandworm (Shai-Hulud) and you should invest in armour-piercing weaponry asap.
  4. I'm glad they release the full version of that artwork ^ I honestly was surprised people were praising it so highly, looked like some (admittedly good) fanart to me, but the full resolution version is much better. Climbing though... one of those gaming tropes that you rarely actually enjoy doing :/ hope they have a suitable Nintendo approach that makes it fun
  5. If it was a weekend we might be able to use my office at work. 20 meg up and down, tonnes of power sockets. No sofas at the moment although we are buying some. Not really suitable to sleep at. My house could host an event if wanted. I have two TVs and could probably borrow a third from someone. I have a bunch of consoles, old and new, although not many games for the older ones. I have 50 meg cable but with below average upstream. I have parking for two more cars and a third on the street. I only really have space for 2-3 people to sleep though unless someone brought a tent. This is South Yorkshire btw. Those panels in the floor are for sockets right? Internet access is important too cos streaming. Reckon they might do a discount if its being used for charitable purposes?
  6. Shorty


    Just a fun match I had with Symettra
  7. I'd happily offer up my space but unfortunately, whoever told you it was a big place was lying Just like the meet, the best way to get a lot of people together is probably London.
  8. I think I might, might just start to screen myself from any further footage I'll just pay attention to release/localization news.
  9. Shorty


    Yeah I would've thought that was fairly obvious, as that's the time where it's populating your team anyway. Can be a good time to escape if you see three people pick Soldier 76 on a defense game :p Played a game last night with two really annoying Torbjörn users defending, kept putting the turrets in very good places, we couldn't get the payload half way. However, when it switched to our defense, our team was pissed, so three of us went Torbjörn in revenge they never even moved the payload off the starting block and I took out the whole team and got Torbjörn's "Raid Wipe" trophy
  10. Pre-ordering just gets you a different skin on the Gjallarhorn Still kinda interesting that everyone will have such a highly sought after weapon. Here's the full stream starting with the trailer.
  11. Yeah a list of fixtures and fittings comes as part of the contract from the solicitor. I got a detailed breakdown of everything, and some things were offered for sale or "left if wanted".
  12. Shorty


    Yeah, there's a surprising amount of stupid going around.... I played a defending team yesterday where 3 people picked Hanzo and wouldn't swap. The other two were, IIRC, Tracer and Widowmaker. I went Bastion. These guys weren't like, level 5. They were 15+. I mean, wtf. We lost in as little time as it is physically possible to lose in. Unsurprisingly. Despite that I absolutely adore the game. So much fun.
  13. I doubt bob meant visually realistic, more just representative of a sprawling, believable/habitable world. Once upon a time that might've described my perfect game, too. But these days, ain't nobody got time for that...
  14. What do you mean by open world? In what way do current Pokemon games not fit this schematic?
  15. Kinda weird that everyone will have a Gjally just for pre-ordering. Looks good though I like the idea of a raid that's at least partially outside. I probably won't play Destiny much between now and the release of this DLC, except maybe the odd ToO game. My first actual break from the title since it released
  16. I feel like a few people are missing the point of the thread :p I'ts not to list your favourite games, but to talk about what would make a perfect game for you. My perfect game would be Destiny if it had been made the way it was meant to be made. If it had 10x the budget and time put into it. I already sunk so much time into that game, had so much fun, so many amazing co-op online memories, and that's despite accepting that the game is flawed and couldn't meet its own ambitions. I can't imagine how good it would've been if it had the depth it was meant to. I can't imagine thinking SM3DW is better than Super Mario 64! The latter was just so huge, so deep, so involving, so well designed, so immersive. I had a truckload of fun playing through SM3DW. Once, with another person. I wouldn't play it alone and I wouldn't play it again.
  17. That's... it looks so terrible. And it costs money?? I want it
  18. Or if it turns out to be the first non-region-free title like P4A.
  19. Welsh coastal path is not far from @Cube and I did mention paying him a visit at some point :p And I wanted to go to Wales this summer anyway. I'll PM you about it!
  20. Absolutely brilliant sequel, if you haven't played it yet but were interested, you're in for a treat.
  21. If you backed it in the Kickstarter and thus contributed to its very existence, the one to get will be the one you already picked, since there's no changing your mind :p I'm confident the PS4 version will provide, at minimum, the same quality of experience.
  22. Regarding the port Source: http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/yooka-laylee-delayed-to-2017-playtonic-internally-handling-wii-u-and-pc-versions/0167997
  23. S-E are a lot bigger and know their products will sell no matter what, they can afford to fund localization before they know whether they've got a product that will definitely sell overseas, so their script writers probably work with their western counterparts from the get-go. Despite that, the process probably pushes the worldwide release back by a margin, whereas this approach keeps the Japanese release forward. People, even fans, should stop acting so unreasonably entitled. Nobody's out there planning ways to piss their audience off, it works out the way it has to, and the game will be here eventually....
  24. Hm, I don't think I had any particular expectation of it arriving much sooner than that. Localization for such script heavy games takes time. A date to look forward is better than not knowing, and it's only 8 months away I'll be far more disappointed in a few months when we hear about all the censorship >_>
  25. I'm perhaps the only huge BK fan here who's got more reserved reactions to what we've seen.... Some parts certainly look good, but other bits look a bit bland and generic to me. Perhaps they just need a bit of polish It still put a smile on my face and I'm sure I'll enjoy it nonetheless.
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