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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. In my house ^_^ all moved n everything. Time to sleep for a month.
  2. Ace news, hoping for the best for you I feel bad that I got in my place first! Moving day tomorrow.
  3. You should also watch Ant-Man
  4. Super appreciated on the spoiler tags there since I haven't watched any of them yet! :p
  5. So I'm not alone in thinking Arrow nosedived off a cliff this season. /r/arrow hated it so much that they decided to talk about Daredevil instead, that post topped /r/bestof and in celebration they redesigned the subreddit to a Daredevil theme. I just can't stand what they've done to Oliver and Felicity. Some terrible decisions in the character direction. It was always a bit of a soap opera, but now it's a terrible soap opera where you hate everyone.
  6. Got my keys \o/
  7. Actually we know we have at least one member born in the 70s from their PSN ID
  8. Ha, they literally called up and said "we just need your authorisation to complete", that's probably the word I should've used. Am I daring to believe I'll actually have the keys in hand tomorrow ^_^
  9. Gave my authority to complete today
  10. So happy for you dude Five Guys is awesome.
  11. I love games that have an atmosphere, visually, musically, through writing, through acting or general quality of design, that draws you in, that feels like a whole world exists in there. Doesn't matter if it's a platformer, sci-fi RPG, fantasy action, FPS, I'm hooked on really great and in-depth world design. And I don't mean "the world map", I mean the existence of everything in the game, foreground to background, character to lore, items to interactions. On the flipside I love the occasional pick-up-and-play arcade games where high scores and self-improvement are the goal, or multiplayer minigame shinanigans. And I adore a well crafted co-op/teamwork game in almost any suit.
  12. Why can't I Hodor these feels? Amirite
  13. Trying not to get my hopes too high for this, but it could be something special. BK is one of my all time favourite games.
  14. In fairness there is far, far fewer than previous titles and at least there's more than one way to approach them now. They do still suck a bit though.
  15. If this works with Google cardboard (I think it does, looking at their spotlight app), I'll give it a try this evening
  16. I thought that was your exo's face! Well done getting tier 12. Annoying when you get insanely close, I can put about 7 too much int in and be 4 shy on strength but can't strike the balance.
  17. Sorry to hear that Cube, but don't mull over it at all, it happens. Move on and give it another shot all good experience. First couple of dates I had when I got back into it last year, I was bothered at first when they didn't go anywhere. But in hindsight I appreciated the chance they gave me to iron out the wrinkles in my dating game, expendable dates where you can say something daft or whatever, and next time you know you won't do that again.
  18. Dunno if this is even a legal possibility but, have you considered asking the current owner if you could move in now and pay them rent until you get in officially?
  19. What most guys on Tinder do is just swipe right on everyone and then pick from the matches. Not my method of choice but works for some YMMV.
  20. From this I'm mostly just surprised you didn't already own Virtue's Last Reward!
  21. Dunno about down where you are but in my area, basements are fairly common and would suit for those things? Although some have ceilings too low for a power cage.
  22. Yeah for me wanting a garage meant I had to move out of the nicer parts of the city :/ they add a fair bit to the value of the property. What do you want the garage for, anyway? Could building one be a possibility?
  23. Can't remember if I already said this or you already mentioned it, but on Zoopla you can save a search with all those criteria, draw an exact area of places you'd be happy to live and get immediate email updates when anything comes in that fits that. This is what I did and how I found every place I viewed, including the one I took. Rightmove can do exactly the same thing but doesn't have keywords, so you can tick a box for parking but you can't enter "garage".
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