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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Yeah, the update is mainly bringing weapon balance, cosmetic improvements, the vault space increase is a huge bonus. New additions to the PvE campaign are lackluster though. The main thing I will take away from this update is having better loot to aim for each weekend in Trials of Osiris.
  2. Yep be good to get a date down now! Put it in yo calendars people. And fill out the spreadsheet! Don't want to see the spreadsheet empty and then a couple of weeks before the event saying "oh, I can't do that date..."
  3. Yeah it's shorter than lots of missions and very easy :/ I don't mind them using existing areas if they don't have a creative team available to make maps, but surely you can put in more difficult waves of enemies. You're overestimating the new content... in terms of missions etc there's about 1.5 hours of new stuff.
  4. That's why when I was looking at houses, the first thing I would do if I was interested was find out the postcode and put it into Virgin's website. That said, taking on an existing BT line and having it leased out to another provider is a long way from dealing with actual BT services. Their customer service is just horrendous and their engineer callout charges are an absolute ripoff.
  5. (and skipped all the uncool ones)
  6. The Who - My Generation Jimi Hendrix - Foxey Lady David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust Sex Pistols - God Save the Queen The Kinks - Waterloo Sunset Muse - Feeling Good The Smiths - The Boy with the Thorn in His SIde We Are Scientists - The Great Escape Al Green - Let's Stay Together PS: Bit early in the afternoon to be drunk.
  7. Which of these two things would be worse? 1. Say something, get shot down. 2. Say nothing, she meets someone else or you just finish this class and never see each other again and wonder forever what might've been.
  8. I'll never use BT. Ever. Nothing but problems.
  9. Much more interested in it now I like the look of the Inception-esque visuals, magic on a huge scale with a big budget, should be good!
  10. Welp, the new content won't take you long to do. PoE 41 and Challenge of Elders were fun but not at all difficult (if we think back to how hard top level PoE bosses were when that launched). Not played any crucible yet.
  11. Well, that image is great and very informative.
  12. I honestly can't remember, specifically. It was N64-Europe at the time, and I think a friend mentioned the site to me. I would probably have been looking for news on the upcoming "Project Dolphin". Well over half my life ago, hard to believe really.
  13. Nice summary of what's coming tomorrow https://www.bungie.net/en/pub/AprilUpdate Although it's not gonna feel that substantial, it'll be nice just to have something new again. Main thing I'm looking forward to is new ways to hit the light cap. Some keen eyed guardians claim you can spot a couple of secret new exotics in the vault space image
  14. Happy birthday! Multi-layered relevance cake image:
  15. Aw yiss. I'll be there
  16. For anyone else lazy and uneducated: it's a book.
  17. Good day Finally managed to get ahold of the estate agent, found out there's no upwards chain, the vendors are moving into a house which is empty. Although it's not moving along as quickly as I'd like, I could be moved within a month or so at this rate. Spurred me on to start looking more seriously at motorbikes, found one I really want and I'm going to look at it it in the morning!
  18. So am I the only one totally confused by this.
  19. That's freakin' sick. Nice job. Same image I used in my last signature
  20. Woah there dude. Now admittedly I don't know anything about flipnote so I'm not sure what that login info is used for, but I can't imagine it's a good idea for you to just post your password here for anyone in the world to see. Presumably anyone could log in and change your password so you lose access yourself. PM it to someone if you think you can trust them.
  21. Spotted that name in the last post column, blast from the past! Thanks for stopping by probably see you again in another six years ;p
  22. Oh dear god, watched that whole trailer til the last 10 seconds, didn't really crack a smile. Then wasn't sure if I was meant to laugh or cry at the end.
  23. Hi Penguinburger, I've moved your thread to the Nintendo discussion because I think it will reach right people easier, hope you find what you're after.
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