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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. I don't really value a game based on how much work was put into it, only how much I enjoyed it!
  2. Wow, do you really think so? I haven't played TP since it launched but I remember mainly being concerned at how completely empty and dead the overworld was. I would say Wind Waker and Majoras Mask both feel far more content rich than TP. And then something like Super Mario 64 which just oozed content, replayability, depth, secrets... outstrips it even further.
  3. That guy was insane. I did not play well against him. I tend to think of my role as being the one who prevents us all just getting pinned in a corner or being too defensive. I'll almost always rush (aggression level depending on their skill) if not to attack then at least to distract them/mix up their radar. But it just wasn't suitable for that guy who could pick me up while titan skating through a small gap. I have a video of that game from my perspective too but it's not pretty.
  4. My ninja edit skills failed me :p I dunno if I want it to be serious It's still early days, I don't think I should be overthinking it.
  5. I wouldn't say it was really two and a half years later that Playstation caught up. I mean, they had friend notifications on the PS3 in 2006. So they were doing it ten years ago (don't mention friend codes, don't mention friend codes). There was a hiatus on PS4 because of the friend list size increase.
  6. I know you guys are right. But I'm probably just going to ignore your advice, keep quiet and hope it goes on as long as possible.
  7. And people are talking about notifications??
  8. Just so you know, they're not completely region free. You can't have more than one account on the device at once, which means you can't mix and match downloadable games from two different regions without having two different memory cards. You're ok with retail purchases, but online passes and DLC may be tied to a region. But no, it doesn't matter what version of the device you get.
  9. I know you're having a joke but I literally don't even know how to approach things like exclusivity. Like I said, my previous relationships have been serious from the get-go, there was no questions. Everything I know about casual relationships I learned from sitcoms. Well, I do know what I'll do. I'll just leave things exactly as they are until she says something or finishes it :p
  10. Oh yeah, everyone loves that reminder. Actually, she's five years younger than me so even if you were serious, I can't play that card :p
  11. Sorry to hear it didn't work out @stuwii, but as you alluded to, sometimes we cling onto things for the wrong reasons! Take what you've learned and apply it next time
  12. There was a time when full-width made a lot of sense, I'm not certain what changed but it doesn't appeal to me anymore, either. Perhaps the average monitor these days makes the height suitable enough in the first place, and the width a bit too much.
  13. I am in such a weird place. This Netflix and chill stuff is normal for some people I guess, but for me it's strange. My relationships in the past have been in at the deep end from the start. In those instances, was seriously invested from the first moment that things were happening and the feeling was reciprocated. So... my feelings made sense, and I knew how I was meant to act in between getting together. But... when you're not really "dating", I'm not even sure the right way to say "bye" This is the ultimate taking it slowly fling. We have a really great time, and then don't really contact each other at all for a week, and then it's just to arrange getting together. I can't gauge her interest in me any further, I second guess anything that seems like a dropped hint. She is ace. Really intelligent, very funny, has this outpour of enthusiasm for various subjects that I find incredibly attractive. Edit: Removed debbie-downer ending I'd rather say that I'm generally having an awesome time when I see her, and I'm in a much better place for having done this, no matter where it goes.
  14. Well done Blade it's lbs with an "L"
  15. What are they going to do when the Flash movie itself comes along...? Wish they would get over these ridiculous hangups, especially in a fictional universe currently basing much of its stories on multiple parallel universes. Typical stupid producer decisions based on nothing. It would make more sense to establish the characters more to drum up interest in them!
  16. 1. We still get people landing on our forum with search terms that lead them to that thread 2. Had to manually disable advertising in that thread because it was against terms and conditions #mildlyinteresting
  17. Magnus! Don't pick on the new guy :p I remember when N-E's average age was about 13.
  18. I didn't get much chance to play it, and now it's done right? I don't think I can get it based on what I played.
  19. That's just nuts! I enjoyed 5 a lot playing co-op with @jayseven. Completing it on the harder difficulties and finding/unlocking everything was a blast. I don't think I ever once played it single player though, it was a mess and had some really weak sections. Resi 4 however I thought was consistently excellent from start to finish.
  20. Get with the times Gibbs its not called Morpheus anymore :p Anyway, I think these will drop in price over time, like when brand new types of TV come out, remember how expensive 3D TVs and 4k TVs were? They're all available competitively priced now. Also if it does succeed, I think we'll be laughing in a few years about how hilariously bulky the first few mainstream models were. Future VR will probably look like a pair of sleek sports sunglasses, switch flawlessly from VR to transparent mode so you don't feel like a plonker when someone walks in on you using it.
  21. MadDog - I remember you posted a thread when you had not been here long - look at me being a total dick Despite my er... bluntness... you stuck around. Mate, it's been an absolute privilege to have you as a member of N-Europe. This is true of a lot of people here... I'm proud to have grown up alongside all you guys, sharing our interests and frustrations etc, and honoured that you continue to visit and chat with us. Scott, if there's anything we can do for you, say it.
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