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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. I like the XCOM angle. Shame Smith didn't come back, seems after a string of bad movies/decisions this should've been a no-brainer for him.
  2. Maybe the worst spam ever. I took out the bit that seems like a semi-googleable brand name so we can just...
  3. In case you missed it, the movie of the week is amazing
  4. Destiny is all about the co-op play. If you'd joined the clan and done raids, you probably would've had very a different experience. Also I don't know how long you stuck with it but the game really came into its own when they added the first raid and PvP events. Just look at the post figures on this forum, the Destiny thread has more than twice the number of posts of the next single game thread (GTA IV). It has nearly as many as the PS4 thread. It's been out over a year and we still get a whole team together every week to raid. That doesn't just happen for some average game (that you think is worth £10 with 3 significant pieces of DLC... really now).
  5. Deathjam said he couldn't do tomorrow - so I guess it's either Monday (I can do that) or subbing in place of DK or DJ depending on Milagi's availability.
  6. I can do today @Eddage
  7. Were they just as normal drops or something from completing the quests? So far everything I've had has been crap, keep getting helmets over and over around 295, no chest, no class item, no shaders :/
  8. I'm very much in the need of items suitable for bridging the gaps between 310ish and 320. I have a few 320 weapons ready and waiting to infuse into things, but since they're the only way to hit the damage cap, there's no sense in putting them into, for example, my 310 Black Spindle. What I'd really like is some more snipers, fusion rifles and primaries around 314-318.
  9. Why are we suddenly not doing normal parts of the raid? I don't know why we didn't finish the raid last week, or on Weds, or why we would want to skip to the end next week. I'd still like the chance at regular raid items 310-320. You need a trick sparrow, such as the one you get for completing the quest line. You'll know it's a trick sparrow because it will have the perk for destabilizing using R2. You can do flips with that, but much easier is to use the d-pad in mid-air to do a trick.
  10. I can't really believe anyone liked the first film, it was such an abomination to the comics, the cartoons, the movies, every iteration that came before it. This one at least looks a bit more fun....
  11. Always up for it still chasing those elusive 320 boots!
  12. We did the challenge, and then again on alts My drops were pretty good, but I'd really have liked some boots. I think 311 is still the highest pair of boots I have on any character I actually found the challenge mode on Golgy a lot of fun, lots of co-ordination and teamwork required. Not doing it the way they wanted us to (same as ever!) but defending other gaze holders from the orbs and thrall adds an extra dimension.
  13. Once let my tax expire by like 3 months. When I went to renew it they said it didn't have a valid MOT. On the way to get my MOT a police car pulled into traffic immediately behind me. Nothing happened though. I also failed that MOT....
  14. Ah yeah the space ought to have been yours but your post regarding the cinema was a bit inconclusive. Well if you're not free then alls well that ends well :p enjoy Spectre.
  15. Awesome Not gonna pop that spoiler but looking forward to catching up on this now. Shame this can't be tied into the CW's universe, it has the same utterly unapologetic goofy fun vibe.
  16. I only did two races but I did enjoy it. As a small, free extra it's certainly enjoyable. Could do with another course or two. Quite a few other things have dropped with this patch too - The things we expected: new exotics, Y1 exotics, weapon balancing - Titan melee range buff - emotes and sparrow upgrades from nightfall - 3oC triggers on crucible wins - infusable CE items - rep from nightfall and materials - etheric light trade in - icon fixes, some I've noticed: IB ghost isn't blue anymore, and hunter HM raid gear has lost its green bits Edit: - Cocoon makes a noise when it's worked! - slow sprint bug fixed (not the cooldown issue)
  17. Played two sparrow races, won two sparrow races. Should probably quit whilst I have that 100% success record :p
  18. The dual shock has certainly come a long way, it's not there yet though, IMO. The shape is no good, the material is too hard (making it less comfortable, more slippery and more prone to breaking). The sticks are probably still a smidge too short. They're improved vastly by big concave thumbstick protectors: With a pair of these on (the 4 dot ones, the others are useless) - you're golden.
  19. The three exotics you can only get from PoE are Dreg's Promise, Lord of Wolves and Queenbreaker's Bow, there's no year two version of these.
  20. Not actually run it in Year 2... have they added any Taken? In Year 1 you had to do some annoying bounties to get the three exclusive exotic weapons, which I think now just have a chance of appearing in the chests at the end.
  21. I've not touched PoE in Year 2 and see no reason to do so tbh.
  22. Challenge sounds a bit more difficult this week!
  23. Yeah I'm up for that
  24. So I had a think about this and I'm pretty sure that Dark Cloud made his account before this game came out :p and had a slightly evil looking Cloud Strife as an avatar.
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