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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. I did not see that coming. Whenever Matt LeBlanc has been in interviews etc in the last ten years I've always thought he seemed really stoic and dull....
  2. I dunno, I didn't finish Uncharted 3, I just got bored 2/3 of the way through. I might wait til I can borrow Uncharted 4 from someone or it's a bargain. I might change my mind if it's a bit more critically acclaimed like 2 was.
  3. I will do going forward, but hopefully it won't be as much of a problem on this server
  4. https://www.facebook.com/NEurope/ is N-E's official Facebook page. The others are referring to a little secret group they set up though, I believe it exists just to complain when they get database errors :p
  5. I'm getting XCOM 2 tomorrow. Now if that was a multiplatform title like its predecessor I'd have something to shout about in this thread.... But I don't think there's anything on PS4 I can't wait for 'til Persona 5.
  6. I think I might be losing interest in gaming because almost none of those games are appealing to me :/ The only thing I'll definitely get is Dark Souls III.
  7. After today's update, your evil overlords are now me
  8. The game's a bit quiet now. Bungie's fault. God knows what they're playing at over there. No new PvE content released or even announced for nearly five months. And PvP events are being fucked up by stupid decisions. (Rift was still a stupid decision whether you had fun with it or not). Weapon balance is still a real mess, they keep breaking everything we love. Every time they try and balance it you just end up with one or two weapons that break the mold so everyone uses them. Then their solution is to blanket nerf that entire weapon class. Not surprising that numbers have dropped off the way they have, but still disappointing. I wonder if The Division will fill a gap ahead of Destiny 2.
  9. Played Broforce at EGX, it was a lot of fun.
  10. If you're not in a great rush, Xiaomi make the best budget headphones and their main earbuds have volume control. However, most sellers in the UK are not legit, I think http://www.mi.com/en/headphones3/ is their official store but you'd have to pay for and wait for delivery from China. Otherwise you're in pretty safe hands for budget in-ear headphones with Sennheiser. Obviously you're limited to audio quality by the size of the driver but if you're ok with that... The MM 30i don't claim noise cancelling but probably are probably the product that superseded yours.
  11. @dazzybee you should get it on the Vita because the Vita has folders
  12. Literally the same minute that Eurogamer's review came out
  13. Tinder date last Thurs. Went very well. Seeing each other again Saturday. Trying to be cool.
  14. Nothing new just yet but got plenty in the pipeline!
  15. If you're here using "new.n-europe.com", that means the old domain still isn't working for you, which is why some smileys etc won't work. Essentially when they start working again, you can stop using "new." :p
  16. If you're reading this, your DNS is up to date and you're viewing N-Europe in its new home. It's Europe-centric this time, and a bit more expensive, so hopefully it'll be faster than ever. It'll be a while (hopefully no more than 72 hours) before everyone's up to date and getting the new site, so things might be a little quieter than usual for a bit. Thanks for sticking around, and sorry for the downtime! Update: So, we had to change again. The previous host, as speedy as they were, had an archaic limitation on database size and weren't willing to make any allowances. In fact they couldn't give me a time estimate but told me that "pretty soon" they'd disable then delete the entire database... So, now we've changed hosts again. This time it's not the most powerful of machines, but it's a dedicated server so I have a lot more control. Sorry & Thanks again!
  17. Nah man you had more than one decent game I think everyone else who was in that fireteam has been playing the game every week for 17 months so... kinda to be expected. IB Rift is a lot more fun with the clan :p Felt kinda bad for the team that quit out down to one player...
  18. Well, Helldivers is a great fun title which will only benefit from having a new influx of players. But... I'm not really into it now.
  19. I use ad-free time, it's only $1.99/mo, still working for me too.
  20. There's no one size fits all answer to that mate. Only you know how things really are between the two of you. That said, I'd always err on the side of caution, more time to think it over, don't rush anything. And don't try and repair any bridges by text unless she's especially receptive to that, arrange to meet up instead.
  21. Barbara's role is thankfully toned down a lot soon.
  22. The last Turtles game I bought was my biggest gaming purchase regret of the last decade. Korra was also a big letdown, so I won't get my hopes up....
  23. I'm not around Friday, can't commit to Saturday, probably be around Sunday.
  24. @Eddage I'm in, not around Thursday or Friday though.
  25. I didn't get a chance to play at all... strange to have such small windows. Thurs it was on before I got home, Friday I was out, Saturday I was asleep before it started :/
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