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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. I believe they shut you down after a certain amount of inactivity on your homepage.
  2. That Crazy Frog thing is still going? That's one thing I don't miss being over here....
  3. I aww'd. - - -- - --- - -
  4. How is art not one of those types of subject?
  5. ...thats what I was going to say to you :/
  6. Way cool._________________________
  7. If they tried to please the core audience instead of the large audience, that would be bad business and they would lose money....
  8. Rather than starting a new thread, I figured I'd hijack this one because it has the same subject... can someone please help me out? I have 2 computers at the moment, one downstairs and one upstairs. The upstairs computer is connected via cat-5 to a regular router and then the phoneline (basic 1.5Mb DSL connection). The upstairs phone jack is the only one in the house on that phoneline. I'd like to connect the downstairs computer to the upstairs computer's internet connection wirelessly. Unfortunately I know nothing about wireless routers or wireless internet, so can someone explain the steps to me? I figure I'll need an ethernet card and a wireless router (duh) for the downstairs computer but what to do with them I have no idea.
  9. He's got you there buddy.
  10. By the way the 'c-word' is widely considered the harshest swearword. In the UK you can't even hold up a piece of card saying c**t (that's with the stars) on television after 9pm without it being pixellated.
  11. The best shows I have been to were AFI and System of a Down. The latter is a band I'm not even that fond of, but the show was amazing. Leeds Festival main stage 2003, big crowd, lots of energy
  12. I concur! Okay, from now on everyones only allowed to post a picture in myspace style. That is you're leaning out at a silly angle, putting on a face that looks spontaneous (even though you obviously know exactly when it will be taken) and take your picture in a bathroom mirror. Remember to leave the flash on so the contrast hides your acne.
  13. This will be the first year I won't have one....
  14. I told you all this wouldn't be worth the fuss :p
  15. What the heck is a 'thing'?? An avatar? A special function? A board? A title? A small kingdom to rule over? Fail for unspecificness.
  16. Not myself, but my g/f was in hospital after being attacked and her heart stopped seven times.
  17. I had Norton at one point on an old computer - it screwed everything up. Ever since I've been warning people to stay away from it at every opportunity.
  18. You can use the points for free games from time to time - I could've bought a couple of games over the last year or so but got all clingy and didn't want to waste my points. They're mostly titles like Pokemon, Mario and Donkey Konga that become available.
  19. Um... it could just be ironing out bugs, or updating hardware? Might not be a rehaul or anything....
  20. It was just a joke kids I use Windows faithfully - so why would I be wishing on that turn of events? :p
  21. What are you making the program with? Does it have page setup options when printing?
  22. And the way to lose your entire "zomg my band is s0 cool and underground!!1" followers.
  23. Great list and good humourous comments for each. Don't think Master Chief deserved a spot though, perhaps the aforementioned Guybrush Threepwood instead.
  24. Ah Svt, good luck in everything. You're one of the few people who I remember from when I first joined - I even remember your sig, and I think only you, Jav and Jim had sigs that I can still remember. I believe it contained "and then he opened his arms and died for me" - a little too religious for my tastes - but it showed your sincerity and unwavering morals. Of course from time to time you would be given the lockinator king title, as you denied us access to such great threads as "Am I the only female?!" - but in the end it only helped add to the memories. Personally, I'll probably never leave until I don't remember a single remaining face from when I first joined. Admittedly that date is drawing closer and closer - but for nostalgia's sake I'll be clingy a little longer. Thanks for being a great admin have fun in life and come back and see us from time to time.
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