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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. On Tinder, if you've tried to write a clever or witty description, it might not be working, try something really short and straightforward or remove it altogether. If you're 6' or taller, mention that :p This isn't what I did, but it's what most guys do: On Tinder, swipe right on everyone, don't be picky. Then choose between your matches.
  2. I love Mexican food so all sounds good to me And I don't have a problem with burritos either, but I mean cmon, the cliche of beans....
  3. That's outstanding. Don't really fancy a bag or plushy or any tat like that but reckon I'll grab the Steelbook
  4. Burritos before like 10 of us sleep in the same room? No thanks :p
  5. Too late. They did the smart thing and kept quiet about it, now it's out there, you can't stop it.
  6. The new feature looks pretty good, hope it's a success and not too much of a server strain, so it can go worldwide soon. Even though I got the game early, I never utilised the steps properly as I didn't understand how they worked. The only time I actually "tracked" a Pokemon I went out and nabbed a Kedabra from Pokevision and then @Dr\. bob made me feel so bad I smashed my phone to bits with a hammer. Really looking forward to a way to actively go after one
  7. Depends how many mates you've got. Loneliness is a terrible thing. And I didn't really mean people who go from one relationship to another, I meant people who consider themselves very lucky to be in that place at all, and terrified that they won't find it again.
  8. Speak for yourself o_o
  9. Some people would rather be in a crap relationship than be alone. Depends on your prospects.
  10. That's not quite it, it checks where you are at 0. Then it checks where you are again at 90 seconds. Measures the distance and works out the speed against the interval time. Gives you no progress if you were "moving" over about 10kph. So, even if you had no gps at the moment of one check, it shouldn't matter, as long as next time it checks in you haven't covered a distance in less time than you should have. If you did move too fast and it skipped several checkpoints, you could lose a lot of progress. And bad gps will also cost you if you are turning a lot of corners, or doubling back on yourself.
  11. @Supergrunch do eeeeet! I wouldn't mind going somewhere other than Five Guys, I don't know how much bigger/busier the Kings Cross one is but I feel like last time we got really lucky getting a big table. I can bring GameCube pads but don't have an adapter.
  12. It checks you every 90 seconds I think, then measures how far you've gone and how long it took you to move that far. So move too fast between checks, counts nothing. Walk zig zag, only counts the distance between two points.
  13. Uncle Bob, huh? ...okay... Congrats
  14. Doesn't really seem necessary at the moment but if this thread proves popular/difficult to follow then it can be done, or just make separate threads where suitable. I actually forgot to watch the opening ceremony but I absolutely loved the London Olympics, so looking forward to supporting GB again
  15. Right. I think I covered that :p
  16. So do you actually think they're made well, written well? Daring, groundbreaking, a testament to their source material? Are they clever, do they make you think, surprise you? Is it something that anyone could enjoy? Or do you appreciate a distinction between your really enjoying something (because it appeals well to your specific tastes) and actually being a quality creation.... At this rate no DC film is ever going to win an Oscar, is it? And it's easy to say "That's silly, why should it? It's a superhero film, they're just basic action movies", but I feel like that's just a cop-out. Since they're about the most expensive and most watched movies out there, they should be pushing the limits of quality. Instead they're the most interfered with productions, spoiled at every opportunity by investors and focus groups and franchisers. At this point it applies to Marvel too... I don't feel like a single superhero film has actually been an actual quality movie since The Dark Knight. And I've loved a lot of them, I just don't think they've ever been good enough.
  17. I was just poking fun. She's too cool for Disney Infinity.
  18. There's an excellent?? I've never had excellent.... If I was going to spend any money on this game, I think it would be on incense.
  19. I'm sure your rate was incredibly low anyway. They have recently been at a point where they could hardly get lower. You don't know what it'll be like in 6-12 months when it fluctuates on something this unpredictable so I imagine you're still better with fixed. My parents paid something like 11-14% once upon a time.
  20. The image being above the text of that tweet kills the joke a bit, and Lad Bible are basically pinching a joke I saw a couple of days prior. Since it rhymes with "review" you can do it with pretty much any video with the right number of syllables. Still, win for Rez there, hope it got him some more traffic
  21. Pretty confident they haven't really adjusted this rate... it's just random. They certainly didn't change it again in the last 24 hours. I do find them escaping more frequently though.
  22. Such awesome news, I was going to buy this for PC but I'd much rather play it on console.
  23. I'm going to be away the first week so will miss the first raid
  24. No they're really shit. Even when I like them I know they're shit.
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