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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. By the sounds of things, some people's notifications look very different to others... might be why there are complaints. Mine are just dark grey/black text on a white/very light background but @Zell is saying that he has white text on a grey background, almost unreadable, despite never making any changes to his system theme? What do everyone else's look like? Edit: scratch that Zell's just bad at describing things.
  2. There's never an opening quite as good as that, but there is something to look forward to in that regard later on
  3. For programming, what is your aim? Unless you're looking to use the pi to program a device with a specific, pi-related function, I would just use your computer since it'll probably be much faster.
  4. The next episode, starting the Arlong Park arc, is where I think it hits it stride and basically never stops (well, with the exception of filler arcs, but some of those are actually good, in fact there were some I didn't realise were filler). I remember once catching a random episode on TV (with the old, awful dubbing and censorship) and thinking it was really dumb. That was such a mistake as it lead to me putting it off for years. So glad I gave it another try. Yeah it's wacky but I wouldn't say childish, not really. It's silly and you feel like the mangaka is embracing crazy ideas he had as a kid and turning them into something deep and still fun. The story builds and builds and folds in on itself but it never feels stupidly out-there like Naruto and Bleach did towards their respective ends. It also really, really messes with your emotions at times. You're in for a hell of a ride (But yeah expect the pacing to *really* stretch things out in some arcs, as well as super long intros, OPs and "previously on"s :p) PS episode 272 best episode.
  5. That's a mild understatement given I watched episode 723 and even I feel very behind :p Are you new to the series, or rewatching?
  6. Personally I don't think the change in aspect ratio and the jump to higher definition was that great for One Piece. Seemed to me that scaling up eventually cost them a lot and the actual drawing quality suffered for a long time as a result. It's better these days but there were some really, really weak patches. Speaking of the One Piece anime, I'm back to watching it reiterating like I do every 6 months that there's no way I could watch this show week by week, the pacing is just atrocious. I find myself fast-forwarding through. There's only so much I can put up with "I'm keep telling you x! And I told you y!" (cut away and return to this three episodes later). Still awesome beneath this though.
  7. OK, perspective is important here. PS4 Pro launches November 10. Assuming you mean calendar months, you're giving a period of roughly 1.6 months to judge it on but we'll categorise it as the last two for comparison, especially since sales will accelerate towards Christmas. So November to December window 2015: PS4 sold 8 million units (record sales for the period) Wii U sold 1.5 million units (best since launch year) Xbox One sold 4.6 million units (roughly even with 2014) 3DS 2.7 million (way down from 2014) I'm using vgchartz year-on-year charts The PS4 Pro being a bit of a luxury purchase even for gamers, you think 3-4 million would be a below-average result? I would've thought 1-2 million and that would be a good result for them at the launch price since PS4 Pro sales are only supplementary to their market share without fracturing a userbase the way PS3/PS4, Xbox 360/Xbox One or Wii/Wii U did. If you can't agree on what will be "good" there certainly won't be any way to accept whether or not it's a success when the time rolls around. Although I struggle to see why it matters that much anyway. As long as they're not selling at a loss, (factoring in all R&D) why does it have to fit a definite measure of success to make sense? It should still be a worthwhile measure for the industry just to take this leap and try it.
  8. It works both ways. If you think it will sell well, state a figure or a comparison that you expect it to achieve.
  9. Some people just hate change :p I think the notifications look much nicer and more modern, you'll get used to them and quickly forget what they used to be like. Heck, as long as they don't do an Xbox and slow the OS down by 20% every time they update, they can do what they want. Very happy with the new Quick Menu although wish you could put power below customise (can you hide customise?)
  10. I don't have my TV cable box hooked up and don't have a license. I only watch netflix and catch-up TV. I can watch other standard channels online on catch-up without a license. iPlayer has now changed to be under the TV license umbrella.
  11. Where do I put my Fifas??
  12. It's actually the possessive form of which as well as who, so yeah it's fine.
  13. You top a lot of them I notice is that why you pointed it out haha. Pretty proud of the longest kill spree by 5 though! Pretty surprised that presumably only two of us have ever survived a full 15 minute crucible game without dying :p and one is @Jimbob!
  14. For an app, it's been announced way too early. Also instead of auto running there should've been swipe to start and stop. You could still play one-handed but you could go backwards or stop to see something. (Apologies if this has been said already, just thought of it)
  15. It may not play at native 4k but it will produce visuals in the living room in a way that you won't be able to do on a 1080p TV or with a normal PS4, and at a more reasonable price point than a 4k capable PC. The sales figures will answer this quite succinctly....
  16. This came along quickly Anyone picked it up? @Blade ! I want it but right now can't justify it, might put it on my Christmas list! Launch trailer
  17. Well since they wanted £25mil from the BBC which they didn't get, then Ch 4 jumped in and bought a 3 year deal, Bake Off can probably afford to lure those guys away... Edit: welp, I stand corrected.
  18. Bake Off has gone to Channel 4 Well at least I won't need a TV license to watch it on demand next year....
  19. Congrats Ramar everything's coming up Milhouse.
  20. Well don't hype yourself based on nothing :p There's no precedent for this, just because you saw something good last year doesn't mean you'll get the same twice in a row. At least 4.00 drops today.
  21. Shorty


    Had my existential/mortality crisis in my early twenties, mostly over it now, try not to think about it, probably won't come in this thread again....
  22. Giving Gotham Season 2 another go (hated Barbara so much I couldn't really stomach it) and it's really good! They really build an awesome Batman-esque atmosphere, creates a gritty comic-book world better than most. Did just have to laugh at an episode though where five cops died, but Jim only felt bad about one of them because she had a name and a speaking role. That cop even got a funeral scene whilst presumably the other four were shipped off to the incinerator in cardboard boxes. Wonder if there's a TV Trope for that....
  23. Probably because you buy good Android devices. I own a Nexus 7 and it's an amazing piece of kit, don't have a problem with it. Convinced my Mum to get a Nexus 4 and later a 5X. All still running swimmingly. But so many friends and family have issues with their mid or low budget Android devices and whenever I go to fix them, it's always a new looking version of the OS with a different menu etc, and often support for their device is outdated or simply non-existent. The 3GS was 7 years ago, from the 5 onwards I think you'll find iPhones are infinitely more futureproof as hardware capability has begun to plateau against software requirements.
  24. Not sure but all notifications can be turned off. I turned them all off except party/game invites a long time ago....
  25. Honestly this is why I hate Android. Fractured device base, third party OS interference, lack of support for specific issues. Sometimes when you have a problem, you're just fucked because some update to the OS has changed things beyond your control. My friend's phone has only about 200MB worth of apps, pictures and other manageable data. She's removed most apps to try and save space, but it still won't let her download and install any more. She's managed to move two or three to the SD card (audible and a couple of similar apps). 5GB+ of the onboard storage is taken up by misc system data. The rest is the OS. It can't be browsed or cleared. You can't even fit on the software needed if you want to root the phone to fix the problem manually. Pretty much her only option is to wipe the phone. I know iPhones are overpriced and too trendy, that a lot of people gravitate towards them for the wrongs reasons. That many things they do in their OS are well behind Android. But this kind of crap just doesn't happen with them....
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