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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. So today they have lowered the scan refresh rate from every 5 seconds to every 10 (it was originally every second). Anyone wondering why they were seeing much less on a train or bus today? This is why.
  2. Shame Vita cards are just as/more expensive as ever or you could just set up a new account. For now I'll probably keep my eye on it. Wonder if they'd release an official statement about it before doing it.
  3. You can't download Vita games as far as I know, it's not a piracy tool. But yeah, hadn't thought about this.
  4. 4/5 in Empire is good. IGN not liking it is basically irrelevant. I think I'll probably enjoy it
  5. Serebii's site's not ugly, it's retro! You get to feel like you're actually back in 1998 while you play Pokemon Red. And really, who uses mobile phones to visit websites anyway? Fuck those guys. We mock out of love
  6. The old title isn't in the moderator log, suggestions?
  7. You never know. To get Pikachu I turned on the forward facing camera and made rude hand gestures. Might be an iOS only feature.
  8. You mean you have 1-3 footprints or all on 3? Surely the 3 footprints is server side? Got a Squirtle today took 3 raspberries and 3 great balls but he's mine
  9. Oh you're right, I have definitely read it somewhere, I believe it was Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome.
  10. There's more info in the link that Ashley posted in the first post. There's also another pic in there, his full name and some insight into who he was. Worth reading
  11. Awesome haha Wear your team colours though... don't wanna divide the meet. Who else is Mystic??
  12. Ditto the above
  13. The Vita has been cracked open to play homebrew and emulators. I wonder if this will bump up system sales :p
  14. I see what you're saying, I should ban @ReZourceman
  15. Not sure mate. I'll ask my 9 year old niece
  16. Urr I really wanted this game until I saw Z-Moves, what is this cheesy crap :x They look like power rangers
  17. I don't even know what to say That picture in the original post embodied him perfectly in my mind, his enthusiasm and love for Nintendo games seemed unmatched but his attitude so agreeable. Often people just stop posting here and I tend to assume that they've just gotten too busy or left us behind, but sometimes I do wonder if the reason is actually much worse. Rest in Peace, Chris. I hope N-Europe was a source of enjoyment in your life.
  18. A few people chatting about it in the Netflix thread http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=33435&page=5 Nearly finished it, enjoyed it a lot! Also won a lot of points showing it to the girl I'm seeing who's big on classic sci-fi, horror and Stephen King :p
  19. Have they stated a reason for taking away battery save mode? It was handy, stopped my device getting too warm and seemed to conserve a little battery when running alongside Spotify. And lowered the capture rate? How about you fix the things that are broken before you start straying into nerf territory. I wonder if this will get any traction in the media. Normally when devs start to mess up a game you love, complaining about it feels like shouting at a wall. But PoGo is a lot bigger....
  20. Well, I would really recommend not doing it it corrupted my save on the original card. Maybe all my saves....
  21. This is a trailer that came out at E3 and I don't think it was used in a TV commercial, so sorry to blur the line but to keep it on topic, at the very least it is re-using the music posted above. I have to post it because it must be one of my most rewatched trailers of all time. We hadn't had a new Zelda for some time and I was sold by every facet of this game immediately. Watching this brings back dem feels, dat anticipation.
  22. Why don't you have Overwatch man?? Rejoin the N-E Destiny clan on there until RoI comes out :D

  23. Oh that's a shame. Just found the L+R easter egg last night though so that's pretty cool Can anyone tell me, if I put a second memory card in my 3DS can I redownload a VC game and effectively have a second save on Pokemon?
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