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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Reminder that you can run back to the far side of the boss room after spawning him, with your back to the wall, and he won't move towards you, just hammer him with void snipers, tether and Weapons of Light. I'd join you but my thirst for Destiny loot has finally dried up... for now.
  2. Which bit am I answering?? :p Saw her again last night, had a BBQ and beer. Swapped Scyther for Pinsir, not a euphemism. So I guess you could say it's already pretty serious.
  3. Btw if you're looking at this right now and thinking "perfect, I've always wanted a DS4 wireless dongle, how soon can I depart with my $25?", then you should know that a <£1 bluetooth dongle does the job fine with some free third party software.
  4. Can you post a pic of all your Nintendo handhelds? Edit: @Ike
  5. Try not to feel unsafe. Robbers like this are all about opportunity and sneakiness. They don't want to be caught, they don't want to be seen, they don't want a fight, and they won't come back now that they've already got away with it. Just keep your stuff somewhere safe, be glad you had money kept aside and enjoy the holiday Shit happens, I got my wallet stolen in Italy and I was mostly gutted that the wallet itself was lost, and I was dumb and kept all my cards in the one place, at least you had the foresight to separate yours up.
  6. It's cheaper but finite, the most you can put in a PS4 right now is 2TB, there are no bigger 2.5" HDDs that fit. I prefer not changing disks, I don't like the clutter or hassle and I would have a fully digital game catalogue if I could, but at the moment I don't think the price point supports it. I remember when there was a big promotion and competition for Uncharted 4, pre-order to be entered to win prizes. But that was only for digital pre-orders, which had a price point of £60 (currently in a "sale" at £50). All that effort and marketing for a promotion and the price made it ridiculous. It's £26.85 now on shopto.
  7. I appreciate the... suggestions. Kind of. But there's no way you can really understand how things are. I regret bringing it up here, I thought I was saying something positive but evidently I've given the wrong impression. It doesn't need to be called something for it to be something. I'm happy for the first time in years.
  8. Since all videos are being taken down, the controller has slightly revised greys and you can see a part of the light bar through the touch pad, which is pretty cool because it means you can actually see your own colour.... Wonder if it has a better battery life and more durable analogue sticks.
  9. I must've given the wrong impression! Things are good right now. We're not just fwb, we're definitely exclusive, we spend a lot of time together, text pretty much every day, we talk about serious personal things. We might not have stuck the girlfriend/boyfriend label on it right now, but that's not a problem to me. I think if I suggested it, she'd go for it, but I've gotten this far by holding back, so I'm happy to carry on that way.
  10. No word of the RRP going up here that I can see. CDKeys, £35.90, get 5% off by liking their facebook page making it £34.10 http://www.cdkeys.com/playstation-network-psn/playstation-plus/playstation-plus-365-day-subscription
  11. I logged into my MS account for the first time in years to remind myself of some of my favourite downloadable 360 games. It was, frankly, the king of such games, so you're spoilt for choice. On the other hand, Bastion is amazing and you are completely wrong, which reminds me that you never like anything good.... If you have someone to play local multiplayer with: Castle Crashers or Dungeon Defenders. Otherwise: Braid Super Meat Boy Limbo (check if this is free? it was on Xbox One for a while) Dust: An Elysian Tail Plants vs Zombies (better on a tablet - not the freemium version - or PC, but still awesome) N+ Bionic Commando Rearmed
  12. I did want things to move forward, but I didn't want to take any risks by being the one to instigate that change. I know it sounds chickenshit but... we met through Tinder, which isn't your typical place for starting a serious relationship - I honestly think holding back has gotten me this far, past me would've fucked it up.
  13. I don't see how that makes it "fair" :p it's ridiculous. It should be cheaper than the disk rrp since you don't get physical media, can't resell it, don't get any physical extras with it, have to download it slowly, takes up more precious disk space. And the rrp should come down anyway. Steam charging lower prices for games brought down the cost of PC games overall and indefinitely. Sales are irrelevant because they never apply to anything new.
  14. So weird what they've done with the USB ports.
  15. Interesting, I've been hearing a lot of people who loved the first absolutely slating the beta for the second, saying they've basically ruined a lot of great things about the first one, including making Titans much rarer and weaker.
  16. So I'm only just discovering The Americans on Amazon Prime Video. Really enjoying it so far, much better than I was expecting. Anyone watched/watching?
  17. It really was, wasn't it? Utterly dross from pretty much the moment they first rescued Rukia, or maybe after the Vaizard arc, when they went to Huerco Mundo. No idea what the writer was on for the last couple of arcs or why the fans gave it a pass for any reason. It was literally a case of: Introduce powerful enemy Good guy levels up enough to beat them They come back with some previously hidden ridiculous, world-breaking ability with no explanation for how they could have such power Good guy beats them again anyway/possibly reveals yet another new ability But wait! They're still not really dead and fight back one more time. Repeat 2-3 more times then resolve fight. Continue. Tripe. It's kind of a shame because if you go back to the beginning, it had lots of mystery, a little heart, nice ideas and a cool style. Then it became just a formulaic list of DBZ-like fights but with no substance. The anime was killed by filler arcs that made Naruto's look good.
  18. Somehow I'm still seeing that same girl I met on Tinder in January. I'm starting to think something (more) serious could come out of this after all....
  19. Sony's online prices on new releases though... NMS is £50. For an indie game that would've probably been 1200 MS points on Xbox 360 10 years ago. I can never go disk-less on console until that stops being the norm.
  20. Depends on how much of a cash-grab it is. ME1 at least needs a heap of work to remaster in an ideal fashion, loading times and combat clunkiness spring to mind, the latter of which would need real finesse. But they might just scale up the visuals and framerate Anyway I imagine you're right because if nothing else, it's not even confirmed, just a possibility.
  21. Just working out would be good for me, or cooking for myself more. But I'm incredibly lazy and depressed, I can't find the motivation to do anything anymore. I always have such grand aspirations but when the time comes to do it I feel tired and weak and make excuses and then just... don't. I'm probably undereating which isn't helping.... Starting to think that getting rid of my games consoles might be the only way to make a real change in my life.
  22. It's realistic looking, but I can't help but think if someone really had one of these what's stopping them taking loads of pics, a video of it booting up etc. For me PS4 really needs a USB port on the back, can't stand the headphone dongle constantly being there.
  23. I thought it was absolutely amazing. I'm surprised by people calling it unoriginal, I feel like you're maybe missing the point there. It's a callback to childhood of the 80s, to classic sci-fi. It's meant to be derivative but at the same time deliver something modern and episodic. It's an homage to Stephen King and puts new twists on the old Cold War conspiracy theories. Even if you think it's been done before, the truth is it hasn't for a very long time, certainly not the way other themes are revisited ad infinitum (detective stories, powers/abilities, mafias etc). The acting, characters and visuals are all top notch and I love watching anything set before the Internet and smart phones. Can't wait for more. Using spoiler tags, what did people assume the ending meant?
  24. Can only find 6/9 achievements
  25. They just vanished! Such a shame several you guys often skip out one of the best bits which is going back to Zell's for GameCube etc bants Speaking of which thanks once again to @Zell for keeping us organised and putting several of us up over the weekend.
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