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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. I'll come on at 10pm for that yeah
  2. Well, they're just regular html links so I would suggest the issue is on your end. What means do you do of opening in a new tab? Middle-click, ctrl+click etc?
  3. Pretty sure the same one on both consoles, @Fierce_LiNk is probably our local expert on such matters.
  4. Strange, I wonder what's caused them to abandon it. That said, most people have another solution for this now, like Chromecast or Smart-TV. If you love iPlayer through your Wii U something like the Roku Express might be good for your Christmas list
  5. That's a rather odd pair to choose between :p Both shows are probably King of their respective genres in my eyes. Just don't bother with the M. Night movie. Like, ever.
  6. Well I'd like to get slightly more than a bargain-bin price for it!
  7. Raid reminder! 19:45 - can everyone still make it? @Map @Eddage @Sheikah @DriftKaiser @Zell I'll be about a bit before that for weekly stuff.
  8. Thinking of putting mine on ebay... just don't care about it :/
  9. Even though I have a bunch of single player games I've hardly touched, I pre-ordered this :// Maybe I need to put some on ebay....
  10. No I watched one and then another two days later. Just find it really slow and boring, and constant really corny lines. I feel like the writers think they have these really deep dialogue scenes like Tarantino or something so they draw them out and fill up the whole episode with it, but in actuality they're ham fisted exposition. I'd rather he just start punching things.... Also just like in Jessica Jones I find the small characters and extras are seriously terrible actors.
  11. @Agent Gibbs unrelated but man you need to update that Now Playing it has said the same thing for a long time :p
  12. Eyasluna is fucking filthy. Every time I get killed by it I find myself raging at the stupidity of a multiplayer game centred around the RNG of lucky weapon drops :p
  13. Mida and Conspiracy Theory D are still great on trials (with a good Matador 64 roll edging it out). Vendor hand cannon palindrome is good too. Bear in mind it's LL dependent though. Competition is a mixed bag at the moment, one match has pros and one match has noobs. Watch out for the motherfucking Trespasser sidearm.
  14. I've got plans again for Sunday night and I'm not missing them again! I think with a little LL increase and a fresh start we'll kick that boss to the curb I'll be on tonight grinding strikes, or Archon's Forge if anyone else is about. If we don't do the monitors, we don't do it, there'll be other chances.
  15. And this raid is honestly very fun to do blind, there's nothing that is so contrived you can't work it out yourself given enough time (except the very difficult, optional puzzle that took internet geniuses several days collaboratively).
  16. Oh Y: The Last Man is awesome, enjoy.
  17. Going from what was originally said when the raid team was formed, we kind of have an agreement that the original team will get to the end together regardless of weekly reset. With that in mind, @DriftKaiser @Eddage @Map @Sheikah @Zell - all free to start tomorrow (Tuesday) from around 19:45? With an aim to continue on Sunday in the day if we need to. Not to interfere but it looks like you have 4/6 members ready/close for a second blind raid team.
  18. Seems like a good approach. Also sounds like women are just flinging themselves at you over there :p I'd take your time, be calm and cool and it you'll find something good soon enough. The process of the date itself gets better with experience, just think: you'll never point a soup lid at yourself (or a date!) again The hard part is usually finding people and getting started, and you seem to have that bit down.
  19. You might have something holding you back, like artifact? I think you need to bring everything up because there's a cap how high drops will be above your lowest level item. To counter that, items you need to fill that gap will be very likely to drop from skeleton key chests.
  20. There's a bit in 7 that while technically fits before Enies Lobby, I'm not sure I'd want to see it before that.
  21. Said it already but congratulations man, enjoy the honeymoon
  22. The new raid is really good, the best since VoG I think. The new social area and new patrol areas are also cool, and the enemies too. The story missions are fun if not groundbreaking, a couple are quite challenging. But, there's not a lot to it beyond that IMO, and the grind to reach raid levels is really annoying. Weapons... you've kinda seen it all before, not much new there. Worth every penny for the raid IMO but doubt it'll keep my attention for long. (The raid which we didn't quite manage despite literally playing all day yesterday. We weren't quite doing enough damage to the last boss)
  23. I'd like to start this morning too, although doubt you'll rouse people for an 8am start on a weekend :p
  24. Anyone watched enough of Luke Cage to tell me if the pacing picks up a bit? Two eps in and this thing is crawling along.....
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