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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Ok cool! Full team then assuming Drift is in, Zell gets home 8ish.
  2. 1) What's your dream job? On the realistic spectrum, it would be pretty rad if this website generated enough money to live on, think what you could do with it then.... Would be so cool to have people at E3 with N-E tshirts on doing videos that thousands of people watch. And then we could do a Eurogamer and have our own conference. I'd happily just be the head of web development for that! I also wouldn't mind tinkering in the world of youtube professionalism. There's a lot of money to be made there, but a lot of stress too. That said I recently found a lot of enjoyment in video editing. 2) What are you actually doing? I build websites for a company, the one that hosts this site, you can find a link if you nosy around I've built websites for some pretty big clients, including one of the most famous classical musicians in the world. There's a lot of potential for this company to grow and grow and for me to be in the middle of that, which is pretty great. 3) Did you ever envision yourself in what you're doing now? Not really. In my life up until work, I was aiming to be in the air force, then a writer after that. When I was a cadet though I was put off the former life a little. And ironically all the reading I did at uni killed my passion for books, which is the fuel you need to be a good writer.... I built websites as a hobby. I rebuilt N-E, I made other gaming and band related websites. When I finished Uni I realised if I wanted to keep living self-sufficiently, I needed a job, and I needed it sooner than I'd be able to get something degree-related. So I improved my portfolio site a bit and sought work related to my skills.
  3. That's a good costume! Thought it would be recognised anywhere! Yeah he wouldn't put facepaint on! Miserable git :p Pretty proud of the rank pins made of paper fasteners, and comms badges made out of polystyrene pizza bases and gold/silver sharpies though! Also I was the only one who had a collar and properly sewed* my tops together. * girlfriend sewed with sewing machine
  4. Yes, raid plz.
  5. I don't think I'm either really. My mood fluctuates a lot. I don't shy away from being hopeful for fear of disappointment, but I don't always expect things to work out either. I'm just a mist.
  6. Oh yeah, I confused him with someone with a much cooler username.
  7. Shorty


    I see you've played Overwatch with me before
  8. Yeah we were just talking about how it was all your fault.
  9. @Agent Gibbs? I could do tomorrow if we can't get a sixth today.
  10. We couldn't find a sixth player for alt raid, but the main raid went smoothly. Weirdly we struggled a few times on the Siege Engine....
  11. Yep count me in
  12. Just one thing to consider to counter your point (because I am very much for the merge), they would merge in date order, there'd only be about 3 tech threads on the front page of gen right now (which I think is actually very unusual and only because one person bumped all three a few days ago) and literally one game. The whole point of having a topic specific board like "tech" is because you have so many threads on a subject they need their own place. When you're talking about 2 or 3 threads... there are other topics more popular than that, such as TV shows or movies. At this point what makes a tech thread any more intrusive than any other?
  13. That rings zero bells. No this is the opposite of the problem. We all need to be socially inept shut-ins like when we were teenagers.
  14. Yeah definitely. I see people post things on Fb and it makes me sad that they didn't post it in the related thread on here, that's been happening for years. Nicer mobile friendly forum software with a social login might be able to help with that. People leave forums all the time and always have, the problem is the lack of balance - there's no newbies. I think this board is probably a bit intimidating to young newbs.
  15. I've said a lot behind the scenes that I think it's the general age of users that's caused an issue. When I started gen chit chat was full of a lot of childish but fun threads like "rate the last person's signature" or "hot people thread", as well as games etc.. Now I think we've gotten older as a population, we're out at jobs, we're less interested in silly threads. And the young people, they're more attracted to twitch chat and snapchat and youtube etc. Things that they can log into using an app and post instantly to without selecting a topic first. Actual question I was thinking of asking anyway, and has basically been given the nod by staff: What would people think if we merged creative, tech and forum games all back in here? I think they're all pretty quiet and the big threads would stay afloat.
  16. Your solicitors, they will chase their solicitors, who will chase them.
  17. Are you waiting or calling and nagging? They will leave you at the bottom of the pile if you don't get in touch.
  18. Is anyone watching it? The finale of season 4 was really disliked, even by fans, I never even got round to watching it even though I enjoyed the show a lot for a fairly long time. I really felt it went downhill with too much focus on the extended team, and Felicity becoming really unreasonable. It doesn't seem that infeasible to expect that the writers will have made some improvements after the negative feedback. Remember to use spoiler tags!
  19. I don't think Choze is complaining, just thinking it's been announced wrong. Edit: What bob said.
  20. It might be common but it's outdated.... You shouldn't stick with old tech because there's more of it! New Androids use USB C, and future devices should to. It transmits data faster, charges faster, is just as cheap and is still a standardised input.
  21. I'm going as Picard, embracing the bald! @Dan_Dare is going as Riker and another of our mates as Data :p
  22. I think they're wired to reduce latency. They look ugly af to me though, just your typical 3rd party madcatz crap your mate made you use.
  23. I imagine they've done the best they can. It's not like they have people sitting around thinking "how slowly can we release information?" More likely, they really didn't feel ready to talk about the Switch at all yet but were pressured into it by the constant feed of "just announce it already!" The older I get the more aware I am of how business and industry works, and how many steps (licensing, red tape, approvals) there are to go through before you can talk about your product. Then people constantly complain as if the company has made the literal choice to do things in a way that doesn't appeal to the public, just because they're incompetent or something.
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