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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Shorty

    Destiny 2

    I want to be optimistic. Destiny was probably the best gaming experience I've had in my life. For the first year I probably played it nearly every single day. Did so much with the N-E clan, there was so much in there to keep you playing. After a while patterns began to emerge of artificial difficulty/elongation, but even as far as the last raid it was pretty amazing. The first time we went into Vault of Glass.... That said, Destiny 2 needs to be so much bigger, and it needs really changing. The story needs to be infinitely better, not just the story itself but the way it's delivered. Nothing in D1 came close to Bungie's storytelling in the likes of Halo 3 etc., nor did their setpieces. I remember a mission available during the beta, The Last Array, that felt epic, music came in at the right moment and you had to fight a wave of (then) difficult enemies. It was great, a struggle, and an awesome visual. But... outside of raids there wasn't much more that captured that feel. They also need to iron out everything crap about D1, like the vault system. That was abandoned a long time ago anyway.
  2. So can you get the bad ending, then go back and get everything you need, and do it again, easily enough without losing anything? Is it worth the effort or just watch a video online instead or something?
  3. That's a shame. I feel like it's often overlooked because it was a big commercial success and very popular among schoolkids etc... but I think it's still a pretty good story. I'd be curious to know how far you both got?
  4. What LL are you? I'm sure we could get you through Normal mode.
  5. Why aren't you interested in Naruto? I think you'd like it if you like One Piece. The pacing is nowhere near as bad and it has an ending.
  6. My Switch crashed playing Zelda yesterday Basically the system UI functions stopped working. I was taking captures and not getting notifications, but I didn't think too much of it. Then, I reached something in Zelda that required me to use the system keyboard and the game just froze completely. I couldn't get it to sleep or anything, only able to shut down by holding power.
  7. Resist your compulsions, stop reading it every week :p
  8. That's good to hear. Funny thing is, the original ME was a mess too. We seemed to give Bioware a bit more of a pass for it in the past but... that game played really janky. Bugs with face models, funny running animations, clunky controls, messy combat, broken physics on abilities... and yet I still absolutely loved it.
  9. Bit too late to mention this now but for future reference, it showed a discount price of £20 or something until you logged in with a Plus account.
  10. I think he hangs out at stables progressively closer to the forest the more you visit him.
  11. From what I understand he wasn't mistreated by his fellow main cast, that's a common misconception online. It was mostly the production staff, none of whom will be involved in this movie. I hope he'd like to put all that behind him and not let them stop him being proud of the role he played.
  12. Was confused for a sec there because Tommy's actor is called Jason, he got hench because he does MMA :p The new film is out tomorrow! I've heard it's part Breakfast Club and part super goofy fun that captures the original tone. But, as usual no actual feedback at this point. I'm not expecting much but... anyone going to see it right away? I'll probably go a few weeks in on Meerkat movies, as long as its not like a 10%-er on RT.
  13. Speaking of Lynels wtf is up with them. Some of them have utterly insane attacks. Met one in the South West recently with a huge club that could take 12 or so hearts in one swing and I have 38 armour. They do way more than any proper boss I've met so far. One of these things could've taken over Hyrule by itself. I could just make my way to the end of the game now but I'm determined to find the last fairy fountain. It'll probably turn out to be inside Death Mountain or the Castle, the only places I haven't been. Actually... I bet it's in DM, as a callback to OoT. Damn.
  14. Idk if you're serious but it's more like a game change back-er :p old raid and lighthouse reward primaries used to have elements.
  15. I bought a Pro controller so fortunately haven't had an issue since :p Doesn't occur while playing Snipperclips and leaning in close to the screen, nor while connected to the tablet. So, I'll wait and let other people test-drive Nintendo UK's repair process Good thing is it sounds like it's a cheap fix. Even looks like something you could do yourself pretty easily...
  16. Finally got around to seeing this. Liked it. It made for a very good movie. I liked the depth to each section, like the family at the farm, they had a backstory, individual personalities etc.. Action and acting all top notch. I'm a bit tired of super psycho badguys though. Why does every antagonist have to be a psychopathic feel-nothing murderer? It made a lot of the movie feel "gritty for the sake of being gritty".
  17. Nabbed it for a tenner. Not sure when I'll get chance to fit it in :p but got it anyway.
  18. Eh, Automato, Automatoe.
  19. It's pretty clear to me that this game was rushed out the door before history and things like that were added. It's part of the reason I think the sequel could be incredible. They made a complete experience, but didn't have the time or budget to fill it to the brim. I think this is really apparent in certain parts of the map that go nowhere. Such as the plains in the far north. Or yesterday, I saw a spot on the map and I'm still looking for the last Great Fairy. I thought she might be there. If you want to check this place out, it's called Tobio's Hollow. The area looks like something should be there, but what do you get instead, some balloons to pop for a Korok seed. There's basically nothing important to do in Faron. There's a village in the south east that has zero purpose. Most of the houses have nothing to interact with at all. People have quests with rewards that don't match the required effort. I feel like the world was crafted to contain many things that were cut. Many of the ruins were probably originally huts with some character or lore inside them. Many empty paths and cliffsides probably had encounters or puzzles. The dungeons probably had more varieties of enemies planned. I really feel like there's a lot of evidence that this is the case. Unfortunately, like the Switch itself, they had a deadline to hit and did their absolute best. To clarify, I absolutely adore this game but I've definitely had this slight niggling feeling more than once.
  20. The novelty to me is "Forces", having two Sonics from different games... which was fun in generations but is generally fourth-wall breaking, putting it in a war-ridden universe suddenly. I'd rather it was just Sonic and good level design that follows the aesthetics from the mega-drive era. It bugs me when the world looks like it's inhabited by humans.... I think my big issue with Sonic actually, is I grew up reading Sonic the Comic, which did such fantastic things to build a great Sonic universe/canon, which pales in comparison to anything the games have done.
  21. Turn it off at the mains, UK plugs ground the device so leave it plugged in. Hoover along the vents or use a hoover attachment with the plastic brush on the end. If you do open it up, can of compressed air or microfibre cloth. Best bet is just to keep the area around it clean by dusting the shelves or whatever every couple of days. If the area its in is clean, it won't draw as much dust in through the fans.
  22. Just as a warning, don't use your hoover extension or anything, they can cause a lot of static and fry circuitboards. Same with the static in a duster. Also, don't you void your warranty by taking that part off the original PS4?
  23. There's a couple of letdowns with Iron Fist, namely the fight choreography not being that exciting, especially with the lead as Julius pointed out. Seems a bit harsh to say but, maybe the actor just didn't git gud enough. But the main issue I have is that it's just not that gripping. Daredevil was full of epic, wow moments (a lot of the best shows lately are) and other contenders at least have smart, thoughtful dialog, but this is just kinda plodding along. It's enjoyable, but I'm a long way from being desperate to get straight to the next episode. At least it's nowhere near as boring or slow as Luke Cage though.
  24. Hate to say I told you soooo... ♪ Yeah this was inevitable.
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