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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. If you do get a PS3, please also check out Bioshock and Braid!
  2. End of the life cycle shmend of the shmife schmycle. Just means bargains are afoot. Wish you lived up this way, I'd just lend you an entire generation of amazing games you almost missed.
  3. I think more like a whole new game but on the same engine and under a different team to save monies. Not many risks or leaps forward being made. The Arkham Origins of the Borderlands series.
  4. Set between the two games, this cash-in "Pre-Sequel" is set on the moon-base you could see in the second game, has a new HUD bar for O2 which expires over time and can be used to fight. And you can play as Claptrap.
  5. Yeah part of me wished I'd kept my dex build, at least until the first encounter with the Pursuer. Wanted to beat him there instead of later, but wasn't used to playing a very low strength build who has to dodge a lot :p
  6. Started my NG+, respecced to a sorcerer type. Anyone got any suggestions of which spells to use when enemies get close? I have Soul Spear and Great Soul Arrow which are great but don't have many uses, and seem to go over mobs' heads when they get too close. Great Soul Sword is good but a bit slow even with 50 ATN. Soul Geyser is awesome, took most of the first boss' health in two hits. Not sure how long I'll keep playing now, mind. As much as I enjoyed it, I don't seem to have time anymore for playing a game more than once!
  7. It's in uncanny valley a bit isn't it :p I can imagine in 20 years people will look back and say "look at this crap we used to think was the pinnacle of realism" Not that it doesn't look gorgeous. Unfortunately, it's still baseball...
  8. That would bug me so much. I want to put my name down if Hogge says no but I'd always be looking at that dead LED :p
  9. I loved Sonic R too Got it on the PC. Best/worst soundtrack of all time.
  10. My colleague was saying pretty much the opposite to me yesterday, that he finds it really well made, has been hammering it on BF4 for 10 hour sessions and seen no sign of wear. Also that his nephew literally had the thing in his mouth and still didn't dent it. On the other hand I went into Argos a week after release and their display unit was in tatters. Maybe an early batch had a defect in the strength of certain parts?
  11. Did you solve this? You can probably appreciate that nobody here is going to want to recommend anything which could "fry or damage" your drive in case they might be wrong. On the other hand, either drive can be connected to a standard PC PSU with no problems so... If you want to be sure/have sensitive data, buy a laptop size caddy, they are super cheap
  12. not shedding man tears here, honest It's amazing what science can do. Now if only we could invent some kind of camera which could fit two people in side by side without having to move the camera left to right. Some kind of "landscape" mode? Just being crazy here.
  13. Wireless? Discover the wonder of powerline adapters...
  14. But... this ran significantly longer than it should have :p
  15. I think I missed the Drangleic sword. Maybe it was in one of those chests I destroyed thinking it was a Mimic I've been using a +10 Longsword for a while, with a Fire Red Rust Twinblade, Dark Black Katana, Dark Knight Halberd as backups, Hunter's Black Bow and elec/poison arrows, magic sword spell helps too. I have focused on high DEX and ADP, my RT attack with the sword in two hands can knock back almost anyone and then repeated thrust attacks just finish them off. It's awesome. I'll tell you how many deaths when I get home
  16. I remember reading somewhere that when asked why their online strategy wasn't up to scratch with the 360/PS3, they said that none of their higher-ups had ever used a 360 or PS3. On the other side of the coin, we've got Shuhei Yoshida saying the Wii U is awesome and he owns two. That's just a degree of maturity and openness which is needed to compete. Nintendo needs to look at what everyone else is doing right and not be afraid to say "yep, we've got to do that" as opposed to "we have to do it the Nintendo way". Sometimes the original approach is needed, but other times there's a right way and a wrong way. You don't look at someone parking their car and say "that's not original enough" and park it sideways instead. Also, presumably they need a huge increase in the size of several of their teams, so that they can start producing more of what everyone has been clamouring after for years (Metroid, Fzero), and not have everything take forever to be released worldwide (TVii etc).
  17. Happy Birthday yo!
  18. Yknow what it reminds me of? That bit where they git rid of Poochy from Itchy & Scratchy on The Simpsons. It was so ham-fisted, I felt like I could actually see the hands of the producers messing with the show. That's why it didn't bother me so much, it practically broke the fourth wall with how forced and out-of-place it was.
  19. I just jumped in wearing the cat's ring. I don't remember it being mandatory though...
  20. I'm not saying we know everything, I'm saying the things they have to reveal aren't going to make for a complete Nintendo Direct feature the way Smash Bros can.
  21. I'm not sure there's so much to say about Mario Kart. It is what it is. You can reveal characters and courses etc but racers don't play completely differently the way Smash characters do. Ultimately the Mario Kart experience is going to feel the same either way, and any differences or new features they may (but probably won't) add, will not have much to expand upon in video form anyway.
  22. Fake it til you make it! Good luck.
  23. Fair enough, but really it looks exactly like a classic Cinquecento, which is what the modern 500 supermini is based on.
  24. This is getting some great feedback, especially stating that it's very fast. The folks on the XBMC forum are waiting to get their hands on it to see if they can install the android XBMC app. If they can, I'd be much more interested (since my media is mostly on a NAS). On the other hand I already have enough controllers littering my living room...
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