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Everything posted by Bogbas

  1. Hmm I think I stressed my head too much trying to figure out if I have read 3 books. But here: 1. The Unknown soldier (Väinö Linna) It's about Finnish continuation war. Which took place at the same time as WW2. The author served as a machinegunner and some of his experiences are in the book. 2. The hitchikers guide to the galaxy (Douglas Adams) The author's books always makes me laugh. 3. Brothers Grimm (book of fairy-tales) I grew up reading these stories. Somehow I don't think that limbs falling off and such would make a good kid's book nowadays.
  2. First you need to get out of sites that sell hardware. Try http://www.anandtech.com or http://www.tomshardware.com to get a clear picture of what's powerful right now. After you know what you want , google the product for reviews. And wait a few weeks, cpu price drops are imminent. Hmm AMD just bought ATI wonder what that will mean in the future of CPU's/GPU's
  3. Hmm I remember that this game fucked up my 200Mhz pentiums C:/ drive. Well have you tried to run it in compatibility mode for win98/95? Because I have worms 2 working in an xp pc. And the cd drives on that are f : and g: Go to the folder where it's installed and on the .exe right click --> (preferences? the last one on the list) --> compatibility --> choose win98/me or win95 from the drop down box.
  4. And M$ evil scheme to get you buying vista...
  5. What is the flux capitor used for? To go back time when the game hadn't fried your equipment? My next PC is only a little over the recommended specs... Oh well time to go budget I think...
  6. Well that isn't a fact unless chinese people can jump at escape velocity (11.2km/s) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Jump_Day
  7. I made this name by just arranging some vowels and consonants. I made it because I needed a name for C-E. Later on it was a small wtf?- moment when I realised that bog actually means something. And moria always reminds me of an italian mod that was on C-E (or my mind is playing tricks on me, just like it did with ford prefect and svt4him...)
  8. Videgames Motorcycles (too bad I can't afford a bigger bike right now. But next summer...) PC stuff
  9. Hmm you're being hacked or it's a virus. Disconnect it from the internet. How good are you with computers? And do you have one that isn't infected, to browse the web? Edit: Download a virus scanner from the web with the latest updates and run it on the pc. Also download ad-aware and run that also. If that helps, good but if my pc ever would get to that point it would be format/re-install.
  10. Yes it's fun to be able to speak in 2.5 languages. 0.5 being swedish... And my language has had grammar for a little less than 500 years. It was spoken before that, but not written. And one of the things that makes this language difficult to others to learn, is the fact that the spoken and written language differs pretty much.
  11. Oh right that was it. The moms mixed it into the water there and lots of babies died.
  12. Hmm... I remember that I boycott nestle for some reason. Have done it so long that I don't even know why. But it was a pretty good reason to boycott them.
  13. It was 12'C outside this morning. Might have to switch this t-shirt for something with longer sleeves soon. And it looks like it's going to rain.
  14. So I'm playing against dyson? But when? Are we supposed to find a time ourselves? If that's the case any day this week is fine after 8:30pm GMT. edit: So snaking is out of the question, but getting powerboosts from the actual corners is fine?
  15. Hey, I spent 12 months (362 days) in the service. What's six weeks compared to that? The basic training period was longer than that. Although this might be seen stupid as this country is not fighting any wars. But it's basically compulsorary for men here to do that (well there's a couple of options but I won't get into details). And women can go if they want to. And I have to say that it does every pro that blackfox listed. But the closest thing to any real 'action' for me would come if I went on to UN's peacekeeping forces.
  16. If it was lab methanol he wouldn't be posting in these forums. A table spoon of methanol causes blindness, and 1.5dl (coffee cup) would kill you. And the French are now making "vodka" as well. From grapes. They should just stick with the wines. Because proper vodka is made from potatoes or grain. Not from grapes.
  17. He already has at least one... (otherwise he couldn't post on this forum)
  18. I can cook... But I hate it. Because when I'm doing something I need to do it right. And for cooking to be right I need all sorts of stuff (spices, vegetables, etc). But when I start needing some of "the stuff" I realise I don't have any. So I have to compromise it and try to make something else out of it. And usually it turns out edible but not good. And maybe you could try to wok some vegetables for her?
  19. Is it ok today? As it might have been a temporary problem with your connection. And having a wireless connection for online games is a BAD thing. So anything can screw it up momentarily, microwave ovens, TV's, radios etc. Did it work fine before? And did you switch to wireless connection just a while ago?
  20. But this would kill them both: http://in.tech.yahoo.com/060708/139/65pz8.html And the problem with the blu ray drive not playing normal dvd's is easily solved. They just need to put another laser in the drive. I haven't really checked the ps3's specs but isn't it going to use blu ray discs? And if that's the case can't it play regular dvd's?
  21. I actually have some mp3's that have the letters and numbers in chinese. And some basic sentences. But I have no idea what they are saying as I don't have any translations of them. And I have nothing against americans. I just have something against people that won't learn a second language because they think that they can use english pretty much everywhere (And this doesn't go just for americans, I think that there are brits who think this way also). And they get pissed off in europe because someone doesn't understand them. Oh and for some reason we did learn the states of north america on geography lessons. And I think that we learned some of Australias history too . But now I only remember that the brits went over there and took over the land.
  22. Yes but can you do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pos7JWLn3iw&search=dimmu%20borgir%20drummer :p And to give my input: The bards guitar reeks of metal. And videogames + metal justs goes well with each other. I'm not so fond of indie music myself.
  23. I'd like to say blu-ray because it's generally better and more of a leap forward than HD-DVD. But Sony have managed to screw it up royally. So I'll say HD-DVD. Oh and the stuff that hollywood makes to make piracy harder is just making the life of an ordinary man/woman harder. The real pirates (that make some real money out of it) have equpiment that makes 1:1 copies of the original. So every copy protection thing stays intact.
  24. Actually didn't someone report of a "communism is funny " nintendo ad somewhere around usa at the time of the cube launch?
  25. I don't think that many of the countries names are called the same here as in England. For example: Suomi = Finland Saksa = Deutschland Ruotsi = Sweden Norja = Norway Englanti = England (the letter "d" is hardly ever used in the Finnish language) Japani = Japan (with the added "i" it's easier to pronounce in Finnish)
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