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Everything posted by Bogbas

  1. Precisely. That's why there's the 60Hz option. And to make myself clear, I meant that normal tv broadcasts are at 25fps and 30fps. Nothing to do with games. I guess I could've explained that better the first time, but I was busy playing css
  2. Yes it means the fps. The console can do more and probably does, but the tv won't show anything beyond it's refresh rate.
  3. It does have firewire, in digital camcorders it usually is referred as DV in/out. It says that it has the DV output on the canon site. It might not have DV in but that's only useful if you want to store the edited recordings on a tape.
  4. Well the MV900 is a newer model. And the 830 is a discontinued model. So I'd think that the MV900 would be better. But it can't record still images. But you said that you probably didn't need it to. Try to find some brochures on them and compare the specs there. Should be enough if you just want to record some videos on it.
  5. Well DV quality video takes ~200Mb/minute, so you'd only get 5 minutes of footage on an 1Gb SD card at the same quality. Dv tapes can hold 60 minutes of footage. Or 90 in long play mode, but this stretches the tapes so it's not generally a good idea to use it. The obvious disadvantage of the DV format is that you have to rewind/fast forward the tape. Whereas in SD cards you can pretty much jump to certain time at will. Also there are models that record straight to a dvd or a hard drive. Could be worth a look.
  6. Next week I will continue to watch where the friggin bastard channel abandoned the series. I mean why abandon a series in the middle of a season? And it was aired at 11:30pm ffs who watches tv at that time anyway?
  7. There is a knob that controls the bass volume in the subwoofer. Or at least there should be... And at least a year ago logitech's 2.1 systems outperformed the creative ones. Also if you're not too fond of the bass, you could try M-Audio's Studiopro 3. A bit pricey for just a 2.0 system, but it might suit your needs. And I would recommend that, if possible, you test-hear the speakers. It would be best if you could test all the options in one room, as the room acoustics can make the speakers sound very different. And if your subwoofer is currently close to a wall, I suggest that you move it further away from the wall. Because having a speaker near a wall generally boosts the bass pretty significantly.
  8. Actually the floppies are nowadays pretty much useless in modern computers. You can set them to boot from an USB memory stick or from a cd. Can't think of a reason to get one either. I abandoned my floppy drive three years ago and haven't needed one since.
  9. What kind of mobo is this? Mine came with a floppy that contained the sata drivers. Anyhow I guess that resorting to the floppy solution is your best bet. I haven't had to install an XP to a pc that required the drivers. All XP's that I have installed recently already have sp2, which I believe, contain a generic sata driver. If you search the web you might find a way to create an XP installation disk that contains the newest updates (SP2). I'm guessing your original XP cd only contains SP1?
  10. It should work fine. Or if you're planning on upgrading your pc, check that the new motherboard has firewire. Just realised I have 4 separate firewire slots...
  11. I think this game did "revolutionize" the fps genre. It was among the first fps games that had things like hitboxes and accuracy "cones". And have a stealth as an integral part of the game. IMO half-life didn't do as much to the fps genre as GE did. And I regret that I didn't get GE game back in 97. But I have PD so it's not all bad.
  12. I recently tried perfect dark on my n64, when I played it I was a bit surprised that it didn't feel "old". There were only a couple of things that separated it from current fps's. 1 the graphics, but it does look pretty awesome for an n64 game. 2. the lack of ragdolls. But it has many hilarious animations to make up for that. And I remember spending hours with friends trying to clear a level on 00 agent difficulty. Good times And then spending few more hours to unlock the cheats by completing a mission in a certain time.
  13. Basically it means that you have to have a previous copy of windows. E.g Windows XP. Other than that there's no difference. Or at least that was the case in win98 and XP.
  14. Just give me one valid reason to switch to vista. And no, dx10 isn't one of them. From 98 to XP made actually some sense as it's more stable and reliable. Vista however offers only some eye candy.
  15. Yes strength is, but what about quality? If the signal strength is too great (the antennae are too close to each other) it might cause saturation. And conzer16 already said how the channel can be changed. And also check that the pc is not in access point mode. There's usually an option on the utility program for the wireless adapter to that.
  16. So maybe the signal quality sucks? Try to change the router's wireless channel to something else.
  17. Bogbas


    I would recommned that you get some kind of firewire add- on for the laptop. For example my sony dv cam cuts down the video resolution when USB is used. And capturing from DV is easier as almost any video editing program can do that.
  18. Right, but make sure you have the connections username and password somewhere as the reset usually erases that too from the router. Which actually made me think about a different solution: you could set the ip manually. Network connections -> right click on the wireless connection -> properties -> double click on TCP/IP -> Set the IP address as, subnet mask as and gateway as The dns server
  19. Point your browser to When it asks for password, leave the field blank. This should get you into the setup page. Manual here: http://web.belkin.com/support/download/downloaddetails.asp?download=994〈=1 Edit: Check that dhcp is enabled and working. Although I'm notsure if the router lets you access the page from a wireless connection. If it doesn't plug the laptop to it with a cable
  20. Can you access the router's setup page? There might be a log that tells what happens. You probably can find out how to access the router's setup from the manual that came with it. edit: What router is it btw?
  21. How's the signal strength from your pc? If it's bad you should try to move the anttenna a bit.
  22. How is the other pc connected to the router? With a cable or is it wireless too?
  23. I got this: http://www.nexustek.nl/images/breeze500_big.jpg Quite basically it's the best case I've ever had. But it's not perfect 8/10. Inside: CPU Intel E6300 Seems to be fast enough. And apparently can be overclocked to fx-62 speeds (and beyond) with stock cooling. 8/10 Graphics Asus EAX1900XT ~140€ cheaper than an XTX though can be oc'd to the xtx speed. Also if it has 1.1ns memory chips it can be upgraded to be an XTX by flashing the card's bios. Haven't checked that yet. But the cooling system could be designed better. Currently it's pretty massive. 8/10 Motherboard Asus P5W DH deluxe, features: - LGA775 socket for Intel Core2 Duo, Core2 Extreme and next generation Multi-Core CPU - Intel 975X +Intel ICH7R - 1066/800MHz - Dual-channel DDR2 800/667/ 533 max 8GB - 2 x PCI-E x 16 / 2 x PCI-E x 1/ 3 x PCI - Support ATI CrossFire graphics cards - Intel Matrix Storage technology - Dual Gigabit LAN - Dolby Master Studio technology - ASUS EZ-Backup - ASUS Digital Home features Haven't had a problem with it yet. It has more features that I will (probably) ever use. 9/10 RAM 2Gb kingston valueRAM 533Mhz. Don't have the need for faster more expensive memory so this will do. 8/10 Hard drive 300Gb sata samsung or seagate (can't remember...) It works and have had no problems with either manufacturer previously. 8/10 +Generic DVD burner + keyboard they work, so 10/10 Overall nice and powerful system that I won't be upgrading in the next three years. 9/10
  24. When I first heard it I was like WTF? and couldn't stop laughing. Also machinasupremacys cover of " I turn to you" beats the Mel C original hands down. If you want to listen it, you can download it from their website. http://www.machinaesupremacy.com
  25. That's actually the best use of the cell so far. I mean that kind of processing power would be just wasted if used only for games.
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