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Everything posted by Bogbas

  1. I'm drtunk and I can get some smirnoff vodka. WHEEEE!!! this forum's fun XD
  2. Get some new paste. But don't get anything too cheap. And if you're wondering how to put it, there are some helpful installation animations on zalman's site http://www.zalman.co.kr
  3. http://www.ehomeupgrade.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2915 watch the linux Xgl/Compiz vid, Vista's aero seems outdated now...
  4. Well enabling the DNS and dhcp made the xbox360 get the ips from your PC. Then your PC acts as a gateway for the 360. And do put the firewall back on, as it's very bad to not use one... In the settings there should be something like trusted zone or similar. Just set the Xbox360's IP there or make the interface (this is better as the DHCP assigned ip to the 360 can change) to which it's connected to trusted. This should allow the xbox360 to connect to live with the firewall on. And you're probably right about the DS thing. edit: Getting a router is not so bad a thing. It helps to protect your computer from attacks (if it has NAT) and you don't have to have the PC on if you want to connect to live. And if you get a WLAN router that is compatible with the DS you can connect that also without the PC. Still having software firewall is a good thing as if something actually gets in to your PC e.g a malicious program, the software firewall can prevent it from connecting to the outside internet. But you'd have to get one that has an ADSL modem in it also.
  5. Is internet connection sharing enabled? You should enable that on the connection your computer uses to connect to the internet. The easiest way to do this is using the wizard that stev2604 mentioned. What's your firewall?
  6. Do dell use restoration disks? Because usually that's easier to use than a manual format/re-install. It basically formats the PC and installs the operating system with all the drivers. Then again if you have changed something major in the computer (mainly motherboard or video card) that won't probably work too well.
  7. If you experience further problems on the 6800 card, you should check this page: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=59391 Hope you're comfortable with a soldering iron Honestly if the black screen happens just RMA the card. But as this happened on the old card as well, I'm pretty sure that it's a software problem.
  8. Ok so reinstalling everything won't affect the games you have on steam, If you want to be sure try to login to steam on a different PC and see if you can download the game off steam. (If everything's normal that should be possible.) That's kind of the principle of steam. You can play your games on any computer anywhere on the world. You could try a less dramatic option that is re-installing steam.
  9. Try checking the game fragmentation on the hard drive and rename/delete(make backup) the config.cfg file in Steam\SteamApps\'your steam login name'\counter-strike source\cstrike\cfg edit: You have to set all the settings back after this. (nick, graphics settings, audio etc...) You also might want to rename/delete your autoexec if you have one.
  10. Well who could tell, the quality of the picture is kind of crap... But this thread made me realise that I should've paid more attention in the chemistry class... And I'm against smoking of any kind.
  11. How would that be possible? :horse: I believe it should be hydrogenDIoxide H2O
  12. Techically yes. They both separate the red green and blue. But I think it's slightly better than a scart RGB as it has three separate wires for each color. In the RGB scart cable there's also three separate wires for the colors but they are all in the same thick cable. And the scart RGB uses composite for sync. Then again digital component cable is very different.
  13. What kind of cabbage soup is that anyway? There's no meat (that I can recognise) But it seems you had too little water on it or boiled it too much.
  14. I would second that. I have one and it's been good so far. And has tremendous value for money if overclocked.
  15. Well actually after seeing a few episodes of britains worst drivers I would be a bit paranoid in traffic there Sorry to hear about your car(s), hope it goes better from now on. and for what it's worth: It would be harder to back into things (or fiddle around with the stereo) with a motorcycle
  16. As far as I know?
  17. Have you changed the memory(RAM) as well? That wasn't on the list of the first post...
  18. Can't you transfer the songs to a pc and then transfer them back after it has the new battery. And why would you lose the songs if you change the battey?
  19. If it has the correct output voltage (it would be stupid if it didn't....) it'll work. But if the battery itself is built cheaply it doesn't have a protection circuit and might blow up. Which usually means nasty burns if it blows up in your pocket. Can't you get an official new battery for it?
  20. Probably not if they can't see it. But this brings something to mind. I read somewhere that if the building has, for example, cable tv, it's possible to see from the distribution room if someone is using a tv using an oscilloscope and/or multimeter. But it said also that it can also detect movement in the room which has the cable. While living things do cause some changes in the electromagnetic field I'm not so sure if that can be used to detect movement... The best way to avoid being caught is to only open the door to people you know are coming to visit.
  21. Here one has to physically remove the RF-unit from the tv if one doesn't want to pay tv license. Even if the TV is used solely for gaming. The law is like if there's a device that can receive a broadcasted signal, you are required to pay the fee.
  22. Thanks, could've hosted it myself but it was working fine at first so I didn't bother
  23. And here I thought that the PS3 was a rip off *image removed It's freakin 61.31€ for a screw. That's 41.3£ for you brits.
  24. Operation flashpoint: Red Hammer (Die you resistance/US scum. Now you shall witness the true power of the red army!) And also some FDF mod- single missions. CSS and Enemy territory as well. On the DS: New super mario bros and sometimes animal crossing:ww
  25. Hmm I'd say MGS (twin snakes and the PC one). The game itself feels more like an interactive action movie than a game. And Baldur's gate as well. Never got to finishing that game though... But I'm getting back to it in a month or so. The worst way to tell a story goes to Half life (2). But I'm feeling that some of you might think otherwise...
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