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Everything posted by Dog-amoto

  1. I trust the Joker every time!
  2. Self employment FTW
  3. For those interested in the business side of things, Business Week has named it's Top 50 most innovative companies in the world, and Nintendo has made their first ever appearance on the list, ranking at number 7. Apple was first, Microsoft was 5th and Sony was 9th http://bwnt.businessweek.com/interactive_reports/innovative_companies/?chan=magazine+channel_special+report More info here http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/08_17/b4081070887317.htm?chan=magazine+channel_special+report Including a priceless image that I'm sure a lot of you have already seen
  4. In Bruges Fantastic from start to finish. Great dialogue and acting. Not laughed at a film so much in quite a while. Let down slightly by a slightly nonsensical part towards the end. If spoiler tags worked for me, then I'd post it, but they don't for some reason! 9/10
  5. On vibrate for me too. Ringtones annoy me, so I don't force them upon anybody else
  6. A clear winner...
  7. Even though I'm fairly shit at it, I like having the occasional bash at DIY. Spent most of Friday putting new floorboards down on the landing and stairs. Quite enjoy it once I get into it, but I have to have a major fire up my arse to help me get started though! Can't help thinking I'm turning into my dad though!! Doesn't that technically count as gaming?? :p We all know your real hobby is saying SHABBA!!
  8. Nice one Strider, it feels a lot better when you've passed the practical test though!! I feel fairly happy today, have been a bit worried recently as I've been quiet at work. But yesterday, managed to get two new customers who'd never driven before and they both want to do two hours a week, so that's good news. Only got the one lesson to do today, so am gonna nip into some local colleges and put some posters up to try and find more work
  9. Ha ha! That's awesome! Forever a classic!
  10. Didn't think he'd ever get offered another job on TV, so I was relieved to hear that he's turned up on a local station.
  11. Online multiplayer would be interesting!
  12. One for the lads, http://www.knickerpicker.com/dressing-room.asp This is the greatest website ever! Hours of fun!!
  13. Balls. My Xbox 360 is showing an error message and it'll cost £65 to get it repaired.
  14. If you have any direct debits, your new bank will also transfer those over
  15. I've been to Efteling when we went to Holland on a school trip. Was probably around 1992. My favourite ride, I think was called The Python. Has it changed much since then?
  16. Wonder if we'll get SMK this week? We got Super Metroid when Prime 3 was released
  17. One horse dead this year McKelvey. Think he was 20-1
  18. I doubt it mate. I hate Birmingham too, but I can't see a way out for us.
  19. I won £30 odd quid on this
  20. Fuck. Sooner we go down, the better. Problem is, we won't get rid of that useless ginger **** Megson as we're still paying off Sammy Lee
  21. You'll be dead... ...and I'll be home in time for cornflakes
  22. I'll be the only one to find this amusing then huh?
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